Movie Reviews ... ...for nil film* showing at Kii thi'iitrrM UiIh w<<-knderson, rally board chairman, said. This cheer, which was used some years ago, was revived last Saturday by mem bers of several fraternities who organized a section and were led by Jim Light. Light will lead the entire men’s side again at both week end games in this colorful yell. Pom-poms will be passed out j just before the varsity game be i gins, and will be collected again before the last half is over. _ Canoe Fete Needs Technical Director A student is needed as stage manager and technical director for for the program committed-, of the Canoe Fete, according to Janet Wick and Jackie Dens more Jackson, committee co chaifmen. Petitions should be turned in at the ASUO petition box on the third floor of the Student Union by Thursday, Feb. 17.