Three Finalists AWAITING THE FATE of being tubbed during the Heart Hop Friday night are “King of Hearts" finalists looking at pictures of last year’s king. The three are, left to right: Gary Alden, Martin Brandenfels and Dave Talbot. SU Board Undecided On Commercial Concert Whether the Student Union board should sponsor a special event presented by a commercial organization was the prominent question before the board at the Wednesday meeting. The proposal which brought about this question was the re j quest of the Hammond Organ So ] ciety of Eugene that the SU Board sponsor a concert by Or ganist Ethel Smith. The concert i would be hold in Mac court. The i society wished the sponsorship ! of the board as it could not ob I tain rental services without it. s The Organ Society would pay all 1 expenses of the concert and the only contribution of the board j would be that of its sponsorship. The proceeds of the concert would go as scholarships to or | gan students within the Eugene I area. University students would be admitted free tef the concert. The board decided to investi i gate further before giving its final decision. The board voted to sponsor five dances to be held for high uary AJden Gary Alden, a member of Campbell Club, is the only soph omore who is a finalist for the King of Hearts. Gary is being sponsored by Kappa Alpha The ta. Secondary education is Gary’s major and he enjoys all types of sports. He also likes classical mu sic. Gary works at KWAX as a staff announcer and he is a Bennett Contest Closes April 25 Closing date for entries in the Bennett Prize essay contest has been set for April 25. A first prize of $30 and a second award of $10 will be presented to persons writing the top two es says. Essays should be on the general subject of “The Role of Education in a Free Society” or “Economic Security: Whose Responsibility in a Free Society?” Papers should be turned in at the history depart ment main office, 209 Common wealth. The Bennett Prize committee, which will pick the top essays, is made up of: Robert Smith, assist ant professor of history; Howard Dean, assistant professor of po litical science; Roland Bartel, in structor in English; and Marshall Wattles, assistant professor of economics. member of the Air Force rifle team. He sang in the winning quartet in last weekend’s Bar bershop Quartet contest. Dave Talbot Dave Talbot, a Sigma Alpha Epsilon junior, is sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi. Dave’s major is recreation an" he likes all types of outdoor sports. Dave is scholarship chairman for his fraternity and he is also a member of the track team. Martin Brandenfels Martin Brandenfels, who is ' sponsored by Kappa Kappa Gam ma, is a Phi Delta Theta junior. Martin’s major is pre-law and he lists outdoor sports, flying and eating among his hobbies. Last year Martin was sales 1 manager of the Oregana and a member of Skull and Dagger. Bob Biggs to Talk At Friday Meeting Slides on the state of Kashmir will be shown at a Cosmopolitan Club meeting Friday at Ply mouth House, 13th and Ferry streets. “My Impressions About Kash mir” is topic for the address, which will be given by Bob Biggs. The meeting will be held at 8 p.m., and dancing and re freshments will be featured af terwards. Patronize Emerald Advertisers that you try. our delicious Special Ham and Egg Platter Hashed brown potatoes Boston baked beans Toast and jelly • HOME MADE SOUP_ on, • HOME MADE CHILI _ on, • HOME MADE BOSTON BAKED BEANS-Side _25c Ford s Drive-In 1769 FRANKLIN BLVD. I school student* during the high i school basketball tournament > March 14-10. It will uls