Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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omen /?
on the y^ampuA
Emerald Women's Page /
Sally Jo Groig end Marcia Maunoy,
Co-# difort
Campus Briefs
0 W1IN eommittee chairmen
will meet today at noon in the
Student Union. Main item of
bu*lne«H will be a dtacuaaion of
aervlce committee poaitlona. The
committee# of aollcltationa, pub
licity. promotion, apeakera, fiie
aldea, apecial event#, carnival and
auction are the one* to be filled.
Petition* are due Thuraday at
8 p.m.
0 I’hl Theta I'psllon will meet
today at 6:15 p.m. at McArthur
court for a ahort buaineaa meet
Ing before the concert. Mem
ber# are requested to be in uni
form at the meeting. Any mem
ber who ia unable to uaher at
the concert should find a aub
0 All men student* Interested
In a Men'# Literaly Honorary ate
invited to attend a meeting In the
Student Union tonight at 6:45.
0 Alpha l*hi Omega, men’*
aervlce honorary, will meet today
at 4 p.m. near the main desk in
the Student Union.
• There Mill be a meeting of
the aki club tonight at 6:30 In
the Student Union.
6 Ik'M'rel < liih util meet at .fa< k
Ford ham's home, 2589 Aider,
Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
'Prelude to Spring'
Is Style Theme
"Prelude to Spring" will be the
theme of the style show to be pre
sented by the YWCA at their an
nual breakfast Saturday morning,
Feb. 19. from 10 to 11:30 a.ra. in
Getlinger hall.
Town and Travel is sponsoring
the style show, with members of
the Y modeling the spring outfits.
Tickets will be sold by Y repre
sentatives at all women's living
organizations. Admission is 50
S U Currents
Panel to Discuss
Formosan Peace
“Formosa Pattern for Peace*,"
will be the topic of a discussion to
be held today at 4 p. nf. in room
318 of the Student Union under
the auspices of the YMOA.
A recent film of Formosa will
be shown and coffee will be served.
Movie Committee Meets
A movie committee meeting will
be held tonight at 6:45 p.m. in
room 302, SU, to complete the
coming attractions board, an
nounced JoAnne Rogers, chair- '
'Causerie Francaise'
Is Held at'Side' Today
A “Causerie Francaise’’ will be
held today at the College Sk*e
Inn at 4 p.m. This is an opportu- j
Pity for French students to ;
speak together while having cof
First and second year French 1
students are especially urged to j
attend to give them practice in
French conversation. This will
be a weekly occurrence.
Eileen Lindblad
To Lead Panel
A pre-season round-up of Mum
mer nervier opportunities will be
gin Sunday at 6:15 p.m. at Wesley
foundation, 1236 Kincaid. Meet
ing will be a Joint get-together of :
«arripun religious groups, and the
Purpose of the meeting will be
to present a picture of the kinds
of summer projects available to
students under the sponsorship of
denominational groups, the Y's,
,thc American Friends service
committee, and Other non-donomi
nat ional groups.
A panel composed of students
who have participated in such pro
jects will be the main faaturc of
the program. Each panel member
will tell briefly about his special
project. Eileen Lindblad, execu
tive director of the YWCA, will be
panel moderator.
WJlton Hartsler. AKSC field
representative, will be present at
the meeting to talk to interested
students. He will also be on camp
us Monday and Tuesday for inter
views. Appointments may be made
by calling YWCA.
Students attending the Sunday
| meeting have been invited to a
5:30 p.m. supper by Wesley foun-"
dation. Reservations for supper
should be made by Friday.
Joan Havland Resigns
As Carson Counselor
Joan Havland, senior in edu
cation, recently resigned her po
sition as counselor on Carson 5
because of ill health.
Carson's new counselor is Sally
Ryan, junior in journalism.
An internal switch has been
made in the dormitory whereby
Mary Constant has moved from
third to fifth floor to fill the
vacancy left by Miss Havland.
ejections continue to be the
center, of intercut at living or
ganization* on campus an nix
mote houses held elections Mon
day night. *
At Delta Delta Delta
Jan Klatland was elected pres
ident of the Tri Delta for the
coming year, with Jo Zehnder
vice-president. Sarah Smith is
the new recording secretary:
Kathy Reilly, house manager;
Beth Rahe, treasurer; Betty
Frey, social chairman, and Judy
Carlson, rush chairman.
At Delta Upsilon
Newly-elected DU president is
Jim Martin. Other officers in
clude Dave Chambers, vice-pres
ident; Jim Greene, recording
secretary; Bob Burnett, corres
ponding secretary- Murray Jen
sen. house manager, and Robert
Wadman, social chairman.
At Pi Kappa Phi
New house officers of the Pi
Kap's are Richard Bach, presi
dent; Pete Maffej, house man
ager; Greg Ripke, secretary;
Ron Mount, treasurer, and Rich
ard Swennes, social chairman.
At Phi Gamma Delta
Dale Underwood is the newly
elected president of the Fiji's.
Lee Rogers is vice-president; Don
Georgeson, treasurer; Ben Lloyd,
secretary; Jim Dielschneider.
sergeant-at-arms, and Dan-ell
Best, social chairman.
At Sigma Chi
The Sigma Chi’s elected Kent
Dorwin as president for the com
ing year at elections Monday
night. Tom Stamper is vice-pres
ident. Other officei-s include
Keith Barker, house manager;
Ad Staff
Office staff: Shirley Permenter.
Pat Cushnie, Francis Achee.
Selling; Lee Peters, Bob Noland,
Jack Rodlch, Dick Koe.
Layout: Pat Case, Jody Klalire.
Laura Morris.
French Cuff
Everybody's favorite casual...
trim and tailored in the
haberdash manner. In
glowing aniline
Featured in 8
Spring Colors:
wild honey
oyster buff
• navy
Get Your Extra Discount in S & H Green Stamps
, Burke Rice, assistant house man
ager; Mitch Hammerstad, re
cording secretary; Don Smith,
i corresponding secretary; Bob'
Walberg, pledge trainer, and Mill
Mainwarirtg, associate editor. !
At Theta Chi
George Johnson will serve as ■
president of the Theta Chi house
this next year, with Jim Davis
assisting him as vice-president.
Emerson Hamilton is recording
secretary; Chuck Carlbom. mar
shal; Barry Ott, social chairman;
Nick Collins, house manager:
Dennis Olsen, corresponding sec
retary, and Bob Prall, rush chair
! — 4__^^,
Flu, Rain Causes
Delayed Aquacade
The Amphibian aquacade,
scheduled for Feb. 16, 17 and 18,
has been postponed to spring
term, it was announced Wednes
day by Olivia Tharaldson. presi
dent of the women's swimming
Reason for the postponement
is the large number of swimmers
in the infirmary or in bed with
the flu, "We’re also expecting
greater all-campus interest in a
water show during spring term
than might be shown during the
rainy months," Miss Tharald*>n
said. Newly scheduled dates for
the water show are April 27, 28
and 29.
Patronize F. me raid Advertisers
You're Slick asy Whistle
in this Perky Spring Cotton
Nothing makes a gal look as feminine as a flower pretty
spring cotton. You'll love the way you look in this one—
a crisp cotton plaid, with tucked dandy front and tiny
empire waist. Choose yours in gay red and charcoal or
soft brown and blue. Sixe 10 to 18,_$T0.95
Guaranteed j
Budget Dresses
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