Regulars Get Holiday Before Idaho Invasion Oregon's "Big Hive” of basnet ball got mi extra days vacation Tuesday an the remainder of C o a <• h Bill Borcher'e Webfoot hoops ters worked In preparation for this weekend's Northern Di vision banket hall aerlea with the Idaho Vundals In McArthur Court. Jim Loscutoff, Howard Page, Phil McHugh, Max Anderson and Jerry Jtoss sat out the week’s first two rehearsals af ter Boreher released them be cause of their ’work In the rough conference series split with Washington last •week end Ko«a had x-rayn taken of bia ankle Tuesday and results should Im known today. It la feared by Trainer Bob Officer that the in jury incurred in the last 25 sec onds of Saturday's game might turn out a fracture, but the ver satile Duck star was not on crutches Tuesday. Hay Bell will; replace Boss In the starting line- 1 up against Idaho this weekend. The Wehfoots will la* out to ' make a clean sweep of this year's play with the Vandals Friday and Saturday. Oregon dropped the Moscow five, 82-59 and 41-40, on Its Inland Em pire tour earlier In conference play, lint the Vundals almost tripped the Duck* in the sec- , ond contest with a stall. Probable starters for Coach1 Harlan Hodges' unit will be 6’2" 1 Harlan Melton and 5T1” Jay Buhlcr at forwards. 6'4V Jim Bather at center and fl' Bob Ka lash and 6' Bill Bauscher at guards. .Melton tops the squad in scoring, boasting a season av erage near 15 points. Kubler and Bauscher are the other leuding contributors, rating with Melton in the Nl) top ten. Idaho has dropped 13 and won five over season's play. Hodges has used his starting quintet the Vandals, Cougars Invade Duck Pool For Saturday Pair Oregon's swimming team is getting ready for its busiest weekend of the season this week as Coach John Borchardt's aqua men practice for meets against Idaho and Washington State here Friday and Saturday. The swimmers hope to get back on the victory trail in the Northern Division dual meets with the two Palouse hills schools after dropping a 52-32 match with Oregon State last Satur day. It was the first time in 16 years that an OSC swimming team had beaten one from Ore gon. Both the Cougar and Vandal teams are in the rebuilding pro cess this season and the Ducks will be favored to take both matches to be held at the men’s pool. WSC will swim against Oregon State Friday and Idaho will be at Corvallis Saturday in the exchange of foes with the Ducks. Borchardt will be counting on the abilities of a half dozen top performers to pick up points for the Oregon swimming team in the pair of meets. Yogi Matsu shima will be Oregon’s hope in the free-style events as will Bud Hedinger in the short-distance swims and diver Pete Tyerman will lead the Webfoot team off the board. The Idaho match on Friday is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m., wl'ile the Oregon team tangles with WSC at 2 p.m. on Saturday. ing the first Oregon game. Niim bet one Nutmtitute Don Monson played a little In the second Web foot encounter. Monson, Hauseher and Melton are three-year letter men, the only seniors on the club. Ilialges came to Idaho thin whole way in several tilts, includ year from Murray Stale In Kentucky, where throe of hi* team* In *lx year* were raft'd among the nation’* top 20. The Oregon Frosh will meet Portland Air Force base in Fri day night b preliminary and Dahl F'enne company on Saturday. M KBK(K)T FORWARD Jerry Itoss will probably br out of action thin weekend when Coach Kill Boroher’s Dock* take on the Idaho Vandals at .Mae Court. An ankle iniury In the clotting seconds of .Saturday’s Washington game will sideline the speedy ace. DonsTopNation AfterLongClimb By Associated Press The San Francisco Dons, who i want to prove they’re the best college basketball team in the nation, already have done a pret ty good Job of convincing the sports writers and broadcasters. That was seen Tuesday when ' San Francisco was voted the No. 1 team by a big margin in the ninth weekly Associated Press ranking poll. The Dons were named first by 68 of 126 voters and polled a total of 1,107 points. Kentucky Falls Kentucky, the leader ever since the second week of this season’s poll, dropped to second place with only 19 first place votes and 867 points. The top place in the ranking wasn’t enough to satisfy Coach Phil Woolpert and the Dons. USF “wants to really prove it’s the best in the nation," Woolpert said. And it’s willing to try that in either the NCAA or the Na tional Invitation Tournament, with the NCAA getting first call. Lost Only One In vanning 16 of 17 games so far, San Francisco has beaten George Washington, ranked sixth this week; UCLA, 8th, and Oregon State, 18th, and has lost only to UCLA. The rest of its regular schedule is against Cali fornia Basketball Assn, teams, none of which have troubled the Dons so far. The top 10 teams with first place votes and seasons records through Saturday's games in par entheses, points on 10, 9, 8, etc., basis: 1. San Francisco (68, 16-1) 1,107 2. Kentucky (19, 14-2) . 867 3. LaSalle (3, 16-4) . 638 4. Duquesne (12-3) . 614 5. Utah (3, 17-2) . 559 6. George Wash. (9, 15-3) .. 398 7. N. C. State (18-4) . 389 8. UCLA (1, 14-4) . 330 9 Marquette (6, 16-1) . 319 10. Illinois (11-3) . 198 The Second Ten: 11. Maryland (14-3) . 197 12. Minnesota (1, 11-5) . 146 13. Alabama (3, 13-3) . 137 14. Missouri (12-3) . 132 15 Iowa (1, 11-4) ... 106 16. Dayton (2, 16-3) . 103 17. Cincinnati (4, 17-3) . 95 18. Oregon State (1, 14-6) .. 68 19. Villanova (12-4) . 65 20. Vanderbilt (4, 11-3) . 62 GIANT WATER SLIDE CAMPFIRE NIGHTS WED. & THURS. Winter SWIAA Schedule Mon. & Tues. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations Wed. & Thur. — 7 to 10 — Campfire Nights Picnic around our B-ft. island fireplace in our spacious lounge. Bring your own wieners I trimmings. We furnish fire 4 sticks. We sell nothing but swimming. Fri. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 2 to 6, 7 to 11 Sun. — 1 to 6 Benton Lane Pool Hiway 99 West, 4 Miles North of Junction City Phone £-2836 Strange Case of __\i.fli THE jFdOLHARbY SKIER y f ■ HERE was once a young fellow who decided skiing was as easy as driving a car on snow-covered roads. So one day he stepped into his new skis atop a slope, and pushed off. His friends were aghast! Such confidence! He knew little or nothing about the rules of skiing—how to turn—how to stop— f how to use his poles and edges. What happened? That’s right. He ran smack into a large tree. Everybody on the slope said he should learn the rules of skiing before taking such chances. But nobody mentioned that neither he— nor most of them—knew or practiced the rules of winter driving. Doesn’t that seem awfully foolish—and childish—when you think of the terrible) death toll from winter traffic accidents? Just in case, here are the six rules* of winter driving. *THE SIX RULES OF WINTER DRIVING 1. Accept your responsibility. 2. Got the "fool" of tho road. 3. Koop tho windshield dear. 4. Use tire chains and good tires. 5. Pump your brakes. 6. Follow at a safe distance. An official public servico message prepared by The Advertising Council in cooperation with the National Safety Council. SAFE DRIVING ✓ IS A MARK OF MATURITY Oregon Daily Emerald