President Reveals Plan For Federal School Aid By I IKK MAN ll. ALI-EN WASHINGTON many stores. Coffee companies said the carload wholesale price was f*8 cents a pound, but a down trend was expected. Young Child Di^s From Rifle Wound CORVALLIS (AP)-Brendy Bliss, 2, died in a hospital Tues day from a bullet fired accident ally from her step-father's rifle. She was sleeping between two sisters in an upstairs bed when the bullet tore through the ceil ing and floor below her and pierced her neck. The stepfather, Daniel Zandof ski, said he was cleaning a big game rifle in the living room, 25 miles west of Corvallis, when the gun fired accidentally Monday night. Yeggs Wreck Tavern, Store YVHEELER (APi —V a n d a 1 8 broke into five business estab lishments early Tuesday, took about $150 cash and did their best to wreck the places. They smashed light fixtures and pottery, overturned refrig erators and other appliances in a hardware store, threw knives into walls, broke bottles, wreck ed furniture, smeared pie on the walls and left beer taps running in a. tavern. They got $50 in cash from one inn, and $100 from a tavern. It could not meet Immediate needs. Senate Republican Leader Knowlarul of California aaid the outline had been viewed favor ably by top OOP legislators. He said he was pleased that the plan continues the principle of U>ch1 responsibility for schools. Sen. Hill (D-Alai said on the | other hand that none of the fiscal approaches recommended by Ki senhower "promise to bring Im mediate construction of school buildings, as would outright grants" contemplated by bills previously Introduced. Three Categories The Elsenhower plan Is aimed at assisting school districts in three categories: 1. Those which are able to Is sue building bonds but which cannot market them at reason able Interest rates. 2. Those which have Issued all the bonds they are legally per mitted but which still have some money available. 3. Those which are flat broke. For the first group the Presi dent's plan would do this: $7.10 .Million The federal government would appropriate 750 million dollara over a period of three years to help states buy bonds which could not be sold at an interest rate of less than 3‘i per cent. The federal government would buy from 50 to 80 per cent of a state's total bonds, depending on the state's per capita income. The federal funds would be re payable in, 30 years. To help schools in the second category, states would set up school building authorities which would erect schools and rent them to local school districts. The federal government would Join on a 50-50 bun in to provide enough to make annual payments on bonds issued by st^te authori ties to build the schools. Kents Pay Bonds Kents from local districts would be expected tr, pay off the bonds in 30 years. The buildings would then become the property I of the local districts. The President called for an appropriation sufficient to allow the states to build six billion dollars’ worth of new schools in three years. Direct Grants Districts in the third category would he eligible for direct fed eral grants on a matching basis from a 200-million dollar fund to be expended over three years. This money would be allotted to states according to per capita in come, with no state getting less than 40 per cent or more than 60 per cent of the total it plans to use to aid such districts. In addition, Eisenhower pro posed that 20 million dollars be 1 appropriated to aid states ad minister the costs of school im-; provement studies, with no state to receive less than $25,00*1 a year for three years. Norway to Offer Summer Session Student* who are thinking of of studying abroad this summer and are interested in Norway should consider the summer ses-1 sions to be held at the University [ of Oslo from July 2 through Au gust 13. Courses are offered in the fields of humanities, social stu Police Bullet Fells Mon After Chose MEDFORD (AP) —Police bul lets flew here Monday night, one of them finally felling an Ash land man after a chase through downtown Medford. The man, John Arthur Sho walter, alias John Arthur Dane, 31, was reported in good condi tion at a hospital Tuesday with a wound in one leg. Police said they had spotted a car stolen from Ashland. They were watching it when a man and a woman got into it at 10:20 p.m. Police gave chase. The fleeing car crashed into} the Palomino room, a cocktail lounge at the Jackson hotel, i knocked out a glass brick wall and wound up near the bar, but: no one was hurt. The driver. Showalter, walked ; away. Police chased him three j blocks, firing four bullets before one halted him. SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. DAILY & SUNDAYS 13th at High St. TILL 11:00 £ Dial 4-1342 dies, and on the education sys tem of Norway. Three graduate seminars in Norwegian educa tion, literature, social and politi cal problems are also offered. Two new courses in physical edu cation in Scandinavia with spe cial emphasis on Norway will be featured. Six semester credits may be earned in the six weeks course. The program is approved for veterans under the P.L. 346 and P.L.. 550 by the United States Veterans Administration. A limited number of scholar ships are available for excep tional students. Housing and transportation are guaranteed with each admission. Applica tions should be filed by March 5. Further information about the sessions may be secured from the Oslo summer school admissions office. St. Olaf college, North field, Minn. STUDENTS GRADUATING IN MATH, ENGINEERING AND THE SCIENCES Interested in the rapidly growing field of scientific computing. THE RAN D CORPORATION is funding its Numerical Analysis De partment. Graduates who show apti tude will be trained in the use of our IBM 701, 704, and other automatic, high speed computers. RAND is a growing research organization with established reputation; excellent work ing conditions, and liberal employee benefits. Contact our personnel office. Inter views will be arranged on campus or at our Santa Monica Office. THE RAN D CORPORATION 1700 Main Street Santa Monica, California Attn.; Personnel Office He Needs Experience, Too! "Experience Is The Best Teacher" Now! Learn Advertising TRAINING SESSIONS! Mr. Jack Weber, a former newspaper advertising man ager now studying for a master's degree instructs Emerald ad staffers every Saturday at 1 o'clock. Talking over results of your account work speeds up learning. 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