THE LOOKING GLASS Kidnappers Movie Something Special' I' or thOM who enjoy truly fine films. "The Little Kidnappers," currently at the McDonald, in something special. starring two little Scotch Canadian boys, the film Ih a warm-hearted narrative of their experience* in their atern grand father's houae. The movie gets its title from the fact that the boys keep a •mall baby for two days, after finding It in the wood*. It ia in thin eplaode that the film reache* it* high point for charm. The boya, Davie, age !i, and Harry, age 8. uae the baby a* a substitute for the dog they want and can’t have. A *amp|e of their dialogue about the baby Ik: Davie: Harry, what are you going to call the baby? Harry: I think I will name it Kdward. Davie: (thinking): Kdward'* a fine name, but I like Rover. Set in Vuui Scotia in the early year* of this century, the story I* unfolded In that somber and at ark mood uhlch the Kngllsh have mastered ao well. Fine performance* are given by every member of the cant, but they are somewhat overshadow ed by the two boy*. A!»o worthy Of .special note is the background music, which sets the mood of each character for the audience. Paired with "The Little Kid nappers” is one of the year's fun niest Westerns, "Vera Cruz," in Superncope. an economy sized Cinemascope. Starring fiary Cooper and Hurt Lancaster, the cast and story of the film take them selves quite seriously as they amide through the plot utter ing word* of one or two sylla tdes in a monotone. Filmed in Mexico, the movie deals with the struggle of the Mexican people to throw out their French Emporer Maximil ian and act up a government of their own. Into this menu rides the Americana (Lancaater, Coop er and crew» who are in the country to aell their services to the highest bidder. Htarting out with the forces of "Max.'' the motley crew then! changes to the side of the Mexi cans. Cooper undergoes a strug gle with his conscience (it wins) and Lancaatar dies with all his ghaming white teeth intact. Two beauties, Denise Darcel and Sarita Montiel, are in the movie also. Darcel portrays a; crooked countess and Montiel M[>eiHlH her time trying to con vince Cooper that he should like hot. But, “Vera Cru/.” Just does n’t have* It, from the first “Howdy!" to the final gunshot, the picture isn't convincing, i l.aneaster’s t«*eth In Huper scope are even less appealing than on a small screen, and in the end. Cooper strides Into the Campus Calendar 8:00 Heart Hop Vote Cheekrm RU 1 Noon f’.K. Grads 110 SU 8inf 111 8U I Theater Staff 112 SU Psl Chi 113 SU 12:30 Phi Chi Theta 315 SU 4:00 Apple Polish Party Dadsrm SU I Pi Delta Phi 110 SU Newman Cl 315 SU 4 :30 Y Skipworth 333 SU 5:30 Pi Lambda Theta 112 SU 6:30 Daughters of Nile Bnqt Ballrm SU . 7:00 Air Com Sqd 113 SU IVCF 334 SU 7:30 Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI 8:00 OSEA 110 SU setting son over the fallen bod ies of at least 50 revolutionar ies. The picture does have two things to its credit, however. One is its haunting theme by the same name which is played with great effect through the movie and the second is the beautiful Mexican coutryside. Although Cooper and Lancas ter have both made some very good movies, this isn’t one. Marriage, Family Fellowship Open A new fellowship In the field of marriage and the family will be offered at the University next fall. President O. Meredith Wilson made the announcement recently. ’Stock Market* NEW YORK (AP)—A rally in the stock market dwindled Mon day and died when late profit taking hit the aircrafts. The market was headed to ward the old all-time high estab lished in 1929, as measured by the Associated Press average of 60 stocks, when it stumbled, backed down from its best, and closed barely steady. The AP average remained un changed at $157.20, only 50 cents away from the Sept. 3, 1929, all time high. Heavy buying in the aircrafts was apparent at the opening, and they were joined by the motors to pace the advance. Volume amounted to 3,610,000 shares. That compares with 3, 370,000 shares traded in Friday's strong market, when the AP av erage was up $1.20. Wilson, who is administrator of the E. C. Brown trust for social hygiene education, said that the fellowship will be open to graduate students who are working for their doctor’s de gree in the field of marriage and family living. Preference will be given to candidates who are planning to do research in marriage and the ' family at the secondary or col lege level. The degree may be taken In a ! combination with a degree in j sociology. One fellowship will be present ' ed each year both at the Uni versity and at Oregon State col lege. It will carry a maximum stipend of up to $2000. Applicants should have a mas ter’s degree or the equivalent. Applications should be mailed to the director of the E. C. Brown trust, Education Center bldg., Portland, Ore. Deadline for ap I plications has been set for May 1, Patronize Emerald Advertisers Don’t be Timid... on Valentine’s Day... say “I Love You” by TELEGRAM! Shrinking violet or conquering Casanova — you’re sure to make a hit with a Valen tine Telegram! A telegram says‘‘you’re my special Valentine.” And it makes you someone special, too! And remember, Telegrams are so handy for any occasion! For birthdays, anniversaries, to cinch a date or extend an invitation. 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