56th Year of Publication \OI . I.VI IMVKICNITV <>!•' OKKOON, KUOKNE, TI'KMIIAV, FKBKCAKY 8, 1955 NO. 77 Cease-fire Effort Made in Formosa UNITED NATIONS, N Y.(API - UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold Ik maintaining contact with Ited China’* Prem ier Chou Kn-Lal in connection with effort* to get a ceaae-fire in Formosa strait. Ho far no re sult of that contact has become apparent. lieporta were current at UN headquarters Monday that the secretary general who was in Peiping for conferences with Chou on American prisoners a month ago, had received a reply from Peiping to a second mes sage sent by Hammarskjold last week relative to a cease-fire. A UN source said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of a reply. He said all he could say was that contact is being maintained. He did not state just what Hammarskjold hopes to achieve by keeping the contact with Peiping. Debate Invite .Made Hammarskjold sent a brief message to Chou last Monday immediately after the Security council issued an Invitation to Chou to send a representative here for a debate on a New Zea land proposal for a cease-fire. The Hammarskjold message merely gave the record of the council action. Ike Seeks Federal Aid for Education WASHINGTON (APi-Presi dent Eisenhower wilb send a spe cial message to Congress Tues day on school aid -construction and education problems general ly Announcing this Monday, the White House said that the mes sage would be presented to the lawmakers at noon. The President ia expected to recommend a specific program of federal aid in construction of schools. Chou rejected the bid from the Security council. Then it wan disclosed that Hammarskjold had aent a second and (slightly more personal mi-Misage to Chou before the rejection was received here. This was (said to have re flected some of the point* made In the debate in the council. Chou** Itrply Unknown The latest reply from Chou— ; if such exist* would be to that (second message from Hammar ekjold. No one among several delegation* in the UN professed to have heard of the reply. The Security council president for February, Victor Andre* Be launde, Peru, continuerd confer- j ences with fellow members of the council concerning another meet ing. The delegate* are trying to deride their next step before a meeting is called. Unless someone comes up with j a good idea that the others will ; approve, the chances of a council meeting within the next few days are dim. Reid Is Candidate For King of Hearts Bob Reid, sponsored by Sigma Chi and Delta Gamma, is the sixth candidate for King of Hearts. Reid has been left off the list of competitors in previ ous stories. Other contestants include Bud Hinkson, sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega; Gary Al den, Kappa Alpha Theta; Martin Brandenfels, Kappa Kappa Gam ma; Bill Shepard, Delta Upsilon, and Dave Talbot, Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Tickets for the Heart Hop are j on sale all this week at the Co-op and all the women's living organ izations, according to Frances Achee, ticket chairman. Tickets cost 75 cents a couple for the girl-ask-boy affair. Girls will be allowed to vote for King of Hearts when they buy their tick et. The winner will be announced during intermission of the bas ketball game Friday night. The Heart Hop will be held immediately after the game, at Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Gamma. Cam pus clothes are in order and re freshments will be served at each of the houses. Nixon Emphasizes Red Threat in Cuban Talks HAVANA. Cuba.