Facts and figures from the Washington series: Dean Par sons getting his usual mixture of applause and boos when he came onto the floor . .. Jim Loscutoff celebrating his birthday Friday with 27 points against the Huskies ... Washington, the first visiting school besides OSC to bring yell leaders . . . State legislature good addition to not-so-large crowd Friday. Washington’s power off the board with their tips into backcourt instead of grabbing ball under basket .. . Loscutoff's temper held in check despite the roughing he got under the basket... the miserable shooting by both teams, especially Friday’s first 10 minutes when both squads got four for 21 from the field ... the fine floor play of two unheralded re serves, Richi Costi of Oregon and Don Sunitsch of the Husk ies ... Ross Looks Good The terribly inconsistent refereeing, with A1 Lightner do ing his usual lousy job and newcomer Mel Ross strictly a bush leaguer as an official . .. Friday’s halftime entertainers good at taking bows as well as performing on their unicvcles ... Parsons’ ape-like stance at the free throw line ... the usual fine floor game turned in by Jerry Ross, who got his ankle sprained with 25 seconds left Saturday .. . Washington’s 6’ 3” Bob Bryan shoving ball into basket from top just like the big boys in warmup drills ... the slow ness of Garl Nelson, the Huskies’ 7’ sophomore center ... Loscutoff apologizing to the kids for not winning as he signed autographs Friday ... the ganging up on Parsons by Oregon’s big boys in Friday’s second half which cut him to eight points after 18 scored in the first period ... Ditto in Friday’s first half when the former Eugene ace was held to only one field goal, an easy layin .. . Washington's fabulous luck in saving balls from going out of bounds .. . The Oregon zone defense which couldn't seem to hold down Washington’s scoring from out front.. . Phil McHugh's black eye Saturday from some scrambles in Friday’s game ... Loscutoff Tops Parsons Oregon shooting foul shots Saturday morning after miss ing 17 free throws Friday . . . Ducks lucky to win. since they missed 21 Saturday to tie the school record ... Washington’s deadliness from the free throw line Friday missing only six out of 24 chances . .. Loscutoff out-rebounding Parsons both nights as well as out-scoring him .. . Ross’ good rebounding against the big Washington team despite giving away a lot in height... No national anthem played before Saturday’s game, probably left great impression on the visiting dads .,. Doyle Perkins’ fine jump shot Saturday night getting more field goals than Parsons ... Perkins carrying ball for a couple of steps after getting it from OB, officials never calling it ... Guard and play-maker Jerry Johnson sitting out the series for Washington although he came down to Eugene with the team ... The resemblance of Parsons to Oregon Frosh Center Ifal Duffy . . . likewise with Washington’s Jim Coshow and OSC’s Jay Dean, both in looks and movements ... Perkins, Coshow, Johnson and Mike Monroe are all from Roosevelt high school in Seattle . .. Bryan, Ron Olsen and Ron Patnoe all come from Bremerton .. . Washington Freshman Coach Bill Morris three time all-Northern Division in 1942-43-44 . . , Huskies Play Tennis Farsons and Patnoe both married . . . Perkins, Olsen and Johnson all tennis players, Perkins being half of XD’s doubles champions last spring ... Huskies to be Northwest’s biggest title threat for PCC race next year since they have only two seniors, Johnson and Parsons ... Loscutoff giving usual 40 minute performances both nights with ‘five minutes extra overtime Friday ... Oregon yell leaders tried out a suggestion by Alex Byler, assistant coach, in using just a short “rah” instead of the full name after each player had been announced before the game. It worked pretty well and the student spirit was good this weekend. While we’re on the subject, our apologies to Alex for the Emerald not spelling his name right under his Letter to the Editor in Friday’s paper. Tuchardt-Led Frosh Take Twin Victories By Jack Wilson Emerald Sporti Writer Big Paul Tuchardt unspectac ularly averaged 20 5 points-per game to lead his Oregon Duck ling mates to two decisive vic tories Friday and Saturday nights. The Frosh handed Marion Motors of Salem a 08-50 licking for their first win in six starts, | then turned in a 67-56 decision over Clark JC's stubborn Pen guins. Tuchardt made it look easy as : he checked in with nine field goals both nights and finished with totals of 19 and 22. The wins gave Frosh a 4-5 record. Frosh 68, Marion 50 The Ducklings had no trouble breaking through the Marion Mo tors defense in the first half and they piled up a respectable 43-25 intermission lead. Coach Don Kirsch cleared the bench in the second half and the reserves battled on even terms with the visitors, both teams adding 25. It was Bob Ayre, reserve guard from Marshfield, who provided the spark for the early Frosh scoring drive. Ayre potted four one-handers from the top of the key, while Hal Duffy and Tuc hardt were hitting on hooks and tip-ins, and the Ducklings had climbed from a 10-10 tie to a commanding 33-14 advantage. When the Marion five started to moye again, they could do no Duck Paddlers Fall to Beavers In Dual Meet Oregon's swimming team lost a dual meet with Oregon State for the'first time In 16 years Sat urday as the revived Beaver aquatic team downed the Ducks, 52-32, in the men's gym at Cor vallis. This was the first time Oregon State had fielded a swimming team in varsity competition for several years but Beaver Coach Art Koski started a rebuilding program last year with a fresh man team. OSC won the opening event, the 300-yard medley re lay, and was ahead to stay. Two new meet records were set and one was tied in the meet which saw neither team able to sweep a single event. Oregon's Bud Hedinger tied the 50-yard free style mark with a time of 24.8 seconds for the distance. Oregon State’s Chuck Neale set a new mark in the 200-yard in dividual medley and Beaver Ar len McDonald broke the old 200 yard backstroke standard. Next action for the Webfoot swimmers is next Saturday when they host Washington State’s Cougar plungers. Results: 500-yard medley relay—Won by Oregon State (Jack Palmer, Larry Heck and Roy Ones.-). Time 3:15.9. 220-vard free style—Dick Slawson, OSC ; Harry Fuller, Oregon; Yogi .Matsushima, Oregon. Time 2:26.7. 50-yard free style Hud Hedinger, Ore gon; Oness, OSC; Jerry Froebe, Oregon. Time 24.8. (Ties meet record). 200-yard _ individual medley Chuck Seale, OSC ; Hob Hayes, Oregon; Palmer. OSC. Time 2:31. (New meet record; old mark 2:32.8.) Diving Erie Jones. OSC; Pete Tyer man, Oregon ; Jerry Lawson, OSC. Points, 234.6, 100 yard free style — Oness, OSC; Froebe, Oregon; Hedinger, Oregon. Time 200-yard backstroke Arlen McDonald, OSC; I*rank Wilson, OSC; Jim F.ngland, Oregon. Time 2:34.7. (New meet record; old mark 2 :35.2.) 200-yard breast stroke Bob Coyner, OSC; Beider Smith, OSC; Hays, Oregon. Time 2:47.5. * 440-vard freestyle Slawson. OSC; Mat sushima, Oregon; Doug Bennion, OSC. Time 5 :38.7. 400-yard free style relay W’on by Ore gon fPliil Lewis. Froebe, Hedinger and Lewis). Time 3:58.2. more than keep the margin below 25 points. Following Tuchardt's 19 for the Frosh were Ayre with 13 and Kasor with 10. Bill Turley and Wee Malcolm both got 11 for Marion Motors. Frosh 67, Clark 56 Midway in the second half Ka sor tied up what had looked like a lost ballgame with a jump shot. Then the Frosh went ahead on Tuchardt's hook and were never behind again. The first half was touch and go all the way, but Clark was leading 32-24 as the second chap ter got started. The Penguins pushed out to a 42-27 advantage before four minutes had gone by. But Ayre. whose performance the night before earned him a starting berth, hit the first Frosh field goal at 16:20, and Tuchardt got seven quick points to trim the Clark lead to 10. After Tuchardt put the Duck lings ahead, Ayre added a buffer with two free tosses, and Did dock swished a Jumper. Fletcher Frazier, free-wheeling Penguin center who was held to only four field goals, sank a free throw, and Ken Boydston hit two from outside to end the last Clark scoring drive. An Oregon stall drew several fouls from over-eager Penguins, and Lowell Slick finished the FO FT PF TP acorlng by dropping In a charity tons after the horn. Scoring: Ptoah (61; Waiiaka, ( l>uff,, Ic Tuclunlt, c llnttniff, it Kasor, u Slick, k Ayre. x Swan. I Tenney, x i'tm. I I lelhon, x William*. I I>til< lock x i.indtand, x Twnlwrll. x Totals Marion Motors (SO) Turley. ( Drown, I Paltei Min. c Malcolm, x Miller, x Chanda. c Kay. f Duller, I I'atlon, x Totals Froah (67) Wanaka, I Farts. I Tuchardt, c-( Kasor. x Ay re. x Swan, I I lolly. r lla*tiuxv x Slick, x Williams, I llelbon, x Tenney, x Didilock. « Totals Ctark JC (S6) Nil sen. I Dill.. I France, c Doydstou. x Coo Iter, x Davis. I llitrden. ( Miller, x .1 •I 1 4 2 ft I (I It I I) I I) 0 SO S 7 I > 2 lu 4 1 l 2 0 it J 0 T o PG FT S I I 4 5 0 1 2 4 0 72 IS 61 PK TP II 2 9 II 0 4 5 1 0 so FO FT PF TP J 0 i« 14 0 'I o 3 0 0 0 2 27 IS 21 67 FO FT 0 I PF TP S I 6 IS 17 1 5 2 2 19 II 17 S6 Totals Oregon Grapplers Tripped by OSC Over 600 Dad’s day fan* turned out to watch Oregon State’s var sity wrestlers ramble over an inexperienced Duck grappling team by a 23-3 margin Saturday afternoon. Gary Mel-aln and Art Keith, 08("» two Pacific Coast cham pions, led the Beavers to their fifth straight victory. It rep resented the second straight defeat for the Ducks and gives them a 2-3-1 record in their first year in Northern Division competition. In the first match McLain de cisioned Roy Schlesser of the Ducks by a 8-6 score. McLain scored first when Schlesser missed a takedown and McLain went around to take the advan tage. Front that point on it was an even match, but McLain main tained the edge. Melvin Lehman scored the Staters’ only five point win when he toppled Oregon’s Darrell Klampe to the mat in 1:25 of the first period in the 130 lb. division. When Orville Swindler of the Beavers reversed his position in the last round of the 137 lb. class he won a 2-0 victory over Oregon’s Bob Williams. In the 147 lb. class PCC champ Keith went ahead in the third round on two reversals and a takedown to outmaneuver Dave Newland, Oregon's sophomore strongman, by a 7-2 verdict. In the next weight Ron Hicks managed to keep ahead of Ro land Wilson to take a 9-8 de cision, and in the 167 lb. brack et OSC’s Bud Geinger held John Woyat on the mat for a 4-2 win. Oregon scored its only points of the match when Ken Kesey Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jack Wilson. Staff: Jerry Claussen, Don Lovett,- Jerry Olson, Paul John son, Larry Schwartz, Paul Keefe and Chuck Mitchelmore. tossed a round Ijm Taucher of the Beavers and was on top alt through the match for a 9-2 de cision. Taucher weighed In 20 pounds lighter than hta big op ponent. In the final content OSCs Jim Schuster escaped from Dick Bar ker in the third round to take a 3-0 decision. Frosh Defeat OSC Matmen Oregon's freshman wrestling team defeated the Oregon State Rooks by a decisive 26-7 verdict at Mc Arthur court Saturdny. The victory gave the Frosh their fifth win against one loss in dual team competition. Ray Green started the compe tition fast when he pinned Vance Brown in twenty-nine seconds of the first period of the 123 pound weight class. This fall was quick ly followed by another one, scor ed by the Rooks' Bob Kennedy over Jack Cooke in 1:18 of the first round of„ the 130 pound match. In the 137 pound bracket. Jack McBrien got a fall over Bruce Schmitz in twenty-six seconds of the third round after building up a brilliant 18-6 lead. Howard Timmons, Jay Dear ing and Don Dexter of Oregon decisioned their opponents, and George Krupicka managed a draw with Ray Fisher of the Rooks to give the Frosh a 21-7 lead going into the final match. The last match featured heavyweights Don Jesmer of the Rooks and A1 Denham of the Frosh. Jesmer completely dom inated the first round and gained an easy 4-0 lead, but the aggres sive Denham quickly turned the tables and flattened Jesmer’s shoulders in thirteen seconds of the second round. This gave the Frosh its final 26-7 victory over the Rooks.