Campus Calendar 9:00 Hostess Vote Terrace SU Noon German Tbl 110 SU Italian Tbl 111 SU Econ Lunch 112 SU 3:30 Econ Seminar 110 SU 4:00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU 9:30 Barbershop Quartet Ballroom SU Patronize Enterahl Advertisers DANCING! 1 Friday Nights — Beginning Feb. 4 Music by the Dick Dorr Four Admission $1 including tax LEONE PURNELL DANCE STUDIO 24 W. 7th Costumes Keynote YW-YAA Fun Fest Groups of costumed students will keynote the tenth annual International Fun Fest Saturday, which is jointly sponsored by the YWCA and YMCA. Each year these organizations invite foreign college students throughout the state to the Fun Fest — the only event of its kind on the West Coast. To accom pany the cosmopolitan atmos phere these students often wear native costumes typical of their respective homelands. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Car Service Weekdays Only Wost 6th, Near Blair Phono 5-9601 PILUSO'S Dads ... hear the Now at Piluso's. With them "THE DREAMERS" T V and Recording Stars Bring Dad in for a real Smorgasbord Dinner Open from 5:30 to 9:00 — Every Day Except Monday 1258 Kincaid Phone 5-7332 'rinc^ tyour ^t)ad it ink' to id or cl 6 ft or a Steak inner enjoy T-Bone Steak Platter Includes Hash Browns, Boston Baked Beans, Sliced Tomatoes, Buttered Toast_ • HOME MADE SOUP______20c • HOME MADE CHIU __30c • HOME MADE BOSTON BAKED BEANS-Side „25c Ford s Drive-In 1769 FRANKLIN BLVD. In keeping with Dad’s day the occasion gives the foreign stu dents an opportunity to invite their foster dads and parents to a festival where they can dem onstrate their native fashions and meet the dads and students of other countries. Students from out-of-town will register ut Gerlinger Hall be ginning at 2 p.m. All individuals have been encouraged to meet the students during the tea in the Gerlinger alumni lounge fol lowing registration. Panel Discussion An hour-long panel discussion led by Bob Briggs will be held be fore the dinner at 5 p.m.*The din ner, attendance by tickets only, will feature an array of selected Scandinavian foods. Directly following the Oregon basketball game will be a social hour featuring international en tertainment. Tentative entertain ment for the evening will consist of Charlie Oyama, from Hawaii: Julia Jensen, from Norway, and a campus quartet. “Miniature U.N ” Kathryn Holloway and Klton Engstrom, co-chairmen of the af fair, describe the event as a mini ature meeting of the United Na tions. “Around the World" will be the Fun Fest theme. Tickets for the dinner will be sold at the Student Union main desk and the YWCA and YMCA offices, in Gerlinger Hall and the Student Union, respectively. Rally Board Spots Open Positions on the 1955-56 ral ly board will be filled by petition within the next two weeks, ac cording to .Betty Anderson, rally board chairman. Open spots on the board in clude publicity chairman, special events chairman, secretary-treas urer, and rally chairman. Petitions must be turned in by Feb. 15, according to Miss An derson. Standard ASUO petition blanks should be used in apply ing, and should be turned in to Miss Anderson at Kappa Kappa Gamma or the ASUO petition box on the third floor of the Student Union. Although it is not required, petitioners are requested to in dicate which position on the board they want. Chorus Tryouts Next Wednesday Chorus tryouts for the Uni versity theater musical "Kiss Me Kate” will be conducted by M. D. Risinger, assistant professor of music, next Wednesday night. All students on campus inter- ! ested in singing should attend the tryouts, which will be held at 1 7:30 p.m. in the music school auditorium. AWS Exec Council Revises Constitution Members of the executive coun cil of the Assodateft Women Stu dents Thursday night approved n revision of the AWS constitution which is to be presented to wom en students for final vote at elec tions Thursday, Feb. 24. Janet Wick. AWS president, presided at the meeting of the council which Includes the mem bers of the AWS cabinet and the presidents of Mortar Boat'd,, I'hi Thetn Upsllon, Kwama, YWCA. WRA and heads of houses. Major changes in the constitu tion concern the providing for an AWS activity board to assist the office of student affairs in co ordinating women's activities nnd keeping a record of individual Portland State to Have No Campus SALEM (API The House Education committee Thursday wrote into a Senate-passed bill an amendment forbidding future expansion of Portland State col lege into a campus-type institu tion. The committee unanimously approved the bill after approving the amendment, proposed by Rep. Wayne R. Giesy, Monroe. The Senate bill would give Portland State college authority to grant degrees, but no date is fixed. The college now is an ex tension center of the State Di vision of Higher Education. The House probably will con sider the bill next Monday or Tuesday. NOHTH.END— 7)meiriil^e (// must HWY K v* n c. ’ Three Features Number 1 "THE IRON GLOVE" Technicolor — Drama Number 2 "Singin' in the Corn" with Judy Canova Number 3 "PECOS RIVER" A Western lOoioni Amu SAiOKuAY; "BICYCLE THIEF" And "CAESAR & CLEOPATRA" STARTS SUNDAY: "PICKWICK PAPERS" with Nigel Patrick end James Haytsr And "SPICE OF LIFE" :"Mad, med, mad! A saucy French satire meant for people with a great big sense of humorl" ...NY. Post. "Noel, Noel is to France what Charlie Chaplin is to the U. S. The comedian has scripted a fantasy about boring people that he and Molierc have known. The mixture of slapstick and satire is very effective and the pace is very fast." . . . Variety. Starts Saturday, Feb. 5 Bad day AT BLACK ROCBC ! 111! Ml Ml —II MMIII I —* M-O-MNCTUBE III Mil mWT HjlFFlil . I ANNi DEAN WALTER JOHN I FRANCIS - JAGGER ■ BRENNAN - ERiCSON ENDS TONITE: "SIGN OF THE PAGAN" with Jeff Chandler and Jack Palance participation, nml the addition t Panhellenic, co-ed co-op count (j and AWH activities board p«, dentil to the executive council. Since too organization has i„.. tome a member of the national organization of AWH, an Inter collegiate AWH representative is named In the constitutloji tin ;i member of the AWH cabinet The tinmen of the offices of sergeant at-arms and reporter will be changed In the constitution to historian nnd editor, respectively. The complete text of the re. vised constitution must be print ed at least twice In the Emerald before the balloting, Feb 2* Miss Wick also announced a meeting of the senior members of the council far approval of the slate of AWH u£fleers Thursday. Feb. 9 at 0:3(1 In the Student Union. Weekday Show 7:00 SUNDAY SHOW 5 00 RHONE 5-73S4 STARTS TODAY Ssrbsr* Sunwytlc Rontld R*g«n "CATTLE QUEEN OF MONTANA" TECHNICOLOR Robert Ryan—Greer Garson "HER 12 MEN" Ends Sun. S*iow Siam AT 6 30 panotomcc W-trD-E SHOW AT 5:30 SUNDAY j, Mark TWAIN s SfoiW&a HohniaolOK R»lM*d Ihiu UNfllO ARIIS1S co>?R [7h r?«1 ^♦ i:a tty color cobp of Hii '» Released thru United Artists i (V2860 WIUAMHU 4.4IS2 ^3 imliB mVE-IN THEATR