Concordia Choir To Sing Saturday The Concordia choir.from Con cordia college. Moorhead, Minn., will present a choral program Saturday at 8:15 p.m. in the Eu gene high school auditorium. Tickets for the conceit, which is sponsored locally by the Luth eran Student association on cam pus. are Si. They may be obtained from any Lutheran student or at Luther house. 1376 Alder. S1ng> A Cappeila Singing a cappeila, the choir under the direction of Paul J. Christiansen, head of the music department at Concordia college, will present musical selections ranging from 16th century clas sics down through the Bach era to the contemporary masters. Several works by the director's father, well-known choral com poser F. Melius Christiansen, will be sung. National Acclaim The 65-voice choral group has won international as well as na tional acclaim. The choir toured Norway in 1949. winning much praise from musicians and lay men alike. At one time they were asked to give a command per formance for the crown prince and princess of Norway. Nationally the choir has re ceived much praise from music critics of well-known newspapers. When the singing group was in Portland in 1951. Hilmar Gron dahl of the Portland Oregonian wrote. “It is choral singing of the kind the Concordia choir did Fri day night that makes men say there is no music so gloiious as that of a fine a cappeila choir.”: X. Y. Times Praise In 1953 the New York Times £aid. “The Concordia choir gave the impression of remarkable vir tuosity. In the blend of tone, in attacks, and releases, in range from fortissimo to an almost in audible softness, in rhythmic and dynamic transitions, in fact, ini all matters technical, it is a crack choir. Director Christiansen is a com poser of choral and orchestral works in his own right. A gradu ate of the Eastman school of miw • **♦ the perfect Give your portrait—* most affectionate Valentine gift there is! And it’s easy to give—a phone call now, for your appoint* inent...a brief, pleasant sit* ting at our studio . . . and, on February 1-t—delighted thank? from your Valentine! Please Phone 4-3432 For an Early Appointment THE FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid ON the Campus music and St. Olaf college, he has studied at Oberlin conserva tory. Since 1937 he has been head of the Concordia college music department and choir director. He is well known for his an nual choral school conducted each summer in Minnesota and as a guest conductor at music festiv als and choral workshops. The Concordia choir is present ly on a tour of the West Coast and Canada. FAI L J. CHRISTIANSEN Cflmpwr-Director Buddhist Statue Shown at Museum This month’s Art Museum of1 the month is a standing statue of; Sho-Kwannon, a Japanese Bud dhist figure created by anony mous sculptors of the 14th cen tury. Presented to the University of Oregon in 1936 by the Society for International Cultural Rela tions of Japan, the statue is of carved Hinoki wood, and its over all height is 33 '■< inches. The height of the figure itself is 20>_> inches, and the lotus pedestal is 9L» inches. The statue is said to have come from a temple near Kyoto, Japan. Ad Staff Layout: Evelyn Nelson, Laura Morr is. Jack Radich, Lee Peters, Pat Case. Salesmen: Bob Knowland, Jack Radich, Lee Peters, Marcia Brooks. Gordon Ross, Evelyn Nelson, Jackie Royes. Office: Nancy Shaw, Beverly Mackey, Marilyn Fulbright, Sal ly Jo Guinn. Radio Honorary To Present KWAX Kappa Kho Onilct'on, Univer sity radio honorary, will present the radio KWAX open house Saturday. As a special event of Dad's weekend all students are invited to attend at 9:30 a.m. Saturday on Villard hall's third floor. KWAX personnel will present two features during the open house. The first will be a radio play production aa it goes on the air. The other is a television production being especially en acted for the enjoyment of the audience. I/O Rifle Team to Fire Saturday in Corvallis Oregon's rifle team will be among six western schools par ticipating in an informal shoot ing contest Saturday in Corvallis. The host Beavers. Portland uni versity, Washington State, Cali fornia and Washington will have . ten-man teams entered. CLASSIFIEDS Attention married students. You j enn now have Public Liability and Property Damage Auto In surance for $15.20 per six months renewal. Save 1 3 on other coverages. Get the facts.! Call or see Jerry Brown. May flower Agent, 902 Oak Si. 4-9444. Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Hi Fi Items: University 4409. 600 cps. tweeter, $15. T-35 Electro-Voice tweeter, $25. Astatic EA-2 pre-amp equal izer. $10. University 4405 Hi pass Filter $2.50. Pilot T601 FM tuner, $15. Phone 4-0514. 2-4 For Sale 17” Corona Console Model TV' in good condition Beautiful mahogany cabinet with large speaker $89.95 Phone 3-3981 after 5. 2-4 Attention Married Students: Ex cellent child care — lowest rates. Kiddy Park Nursery. Phone 3-1725. $25-30 per month. 2-7 SHAKES. Fries and Burgers. For quicker deliveries, call before 7:30. THE HUT. Phone 4-6319. 2-4 j Tall Blonde Caucasian boy. Very sociable fellow. Needs date Feb. 12. Phone 5-0984, ask for “Weep.” 2-4 Want to buy: Pair of culottes, good condition. Call 3-4125 aft er 5:30. 2-4 Septic tanks, drain lines, sewer lines installed and repaired. 6-4027. 2-4 Four-door ’35 Dodge. Good con dition, $45. Phone 4-9022. 2-4 Attractive bachelor apts. Near campus. Phone 4-1527. l-24tf you zbucU if Bring your dads out for a S real treat Special Dinners and Banquets Menu for Every Occasion Out of the Traffic Congestion where there's Plenty of Room to Park! NEW LYNWOOD 79$ Pacific Highway North Phone 5-9064 U.S. Says Red China Is "Flouting U. N" WASHINGTON (AIM The United StHteH Thursday night do plored Red China's rejection of a bid to United Nations cease-fire talks as u "further flouting" of the UN. A State Department spokes man, Press Officer Henry Suy dam, announced that the United Stules will consult with other Campus Briefs 0 Dorothy Alice Yergen, fora Acklnn, Janet Kneeland, Marilyn Moore. Georgia Olsen, William Freake, David E. Tang, Howard Gerrick. Koji Fubui, Homer Som mers, Robert Kemmever, Gary West and John Engle Ihlo were confined to the infirmary Thurs doy for medical attention, ac cording to hospital records. 0 Light suppers will again served this Sunday at the YW CA from 5:30 to 0:30 p.m. for a small charge. £ There will be a meeting of all Emerald ad salesmen Satur day ufternoon at 1 p.m. at the Emerald office, according to Donna Runberg. business man ager. members of the UN Security Council about a council meeting to consider the Red Chinese turn down. Suydnm made this statement; "We have seen ho far only un official reports of Chou Rn-Lai’s reply to the secretary general of the United Nations in response to the invitation extended to the Chinese Communists. "All those who sincerely work for peace regret this abrupt re jection of an Invitation to come to the Security Council to con sider the cessation of hostilities along the offshore islands. They regret also this further flouting i of the United Nations which is so similar to previous Chinese Communist actions in Korea and at Geneva. "It is for the Security Council, which is constantly striving for i peace, to consider this rejection and we shall be consulting with other members toward a further meeting.” kkntickv mm rsntiot LEXINGTON, Ky. (AIM - Righting to hold Its national top rating, Kentucky smashed Flori da. 87-83. In a Southeastern Con ference basketball clash h e r c Thursday night. Don't Let Your Dad Miss It The chance to hear an internationally famous choir The CONCORDIA CHOIR Paul J. Christianson — director SAT., 815 P.M. - EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Students - $1.00 Adults - $1.25 See the story in this issue. Welcome Dads! ITS GOOD TO HAVE YOU ON CAMPUS DROP IN AND SEE US UNIVERSITY JEWELRY Mr. Brown 849 EAST 13th AVENUE d Welcome ) Dads! Your weekend on the campus with son or daughter will not be complete without a visit to The SIDE For that "Old Campus" atmosphere! Try our delicious home made soup and a T-Bone steak to make it a real event College Side Inn NEXT TO THE CAMPUS - 889 East 13th Ave.