56tli Year oj Publication PiEGGLD VOL. I.VI UNIVERSITY OF OKKOON, EUGENE, FKIIMY, KKHKI AKY 4. 1955 NO. Vi Viva Papa' To Begin Today Panhellenic Suggests Greek Week Changes By Sally Ryan EmaraM Ahochk Editor Panhellenic Thursday night accepted Greek Week but with reservations which would change the purpose of the week anti most of Ita events. Three officers of Panhellenic, ' President Carol Wenner, Secre-! tary Janet Flatland and Treas urer Olivia Tharaldsen, will meet with three representatives from Inter-fraternity council to work out final plans and details for the week, which will be presented to a Joint meeting of the two Greek organizations for their final ac ceptance or rejection. Considered IFC Plans Under consideration were the preliminary plans for Greek Week, as outlined by the IFC Greek Week committee. Vigorous objections were made to the purpose of Gre<-k Week as stated In the outline. A motion made by Dorothy Kopp, senior in English. to reword the stated purpose passed without dissent. Strongest objections were made to the clause “to elevate the Greek houses and put them a little apart from the rest of the campus in something besides the once a year elections and rush ing.” Discussion centered around keeping the week as simple as possible. Final decision was to make the ‘‘week’’ one £