American Drama Called Imitative' “The most familiar contentions regarding American drama are that it is to imitative and devoid of native themes, and, that when it is not sufficiently imitative of the best European traditions, it is somehow awkward and inartis tic," said Frederick J. Hunter, assistant professor of speech, in the browsing room lecture last night in the Student Union. In the lecture which was on “The Patriotic Dialogue in Early American Theater," Hunter said that “the dialogue written in the cause of American independence I Deetz to Back Milk Control Bill PORTLAND (AP)—A bill to replace the old milk control law repealed by the voters last No vember will be introduced in the Oregon legislature. One of its sponsors may be Rep. Elmer Deetz, the Canby “gallon jug” farmer who sponsored the repeal initiative. The new measure has been drafted by the Grade A Produc ers association, Harry Lane of Stafford, a spokesman for the organization, disclosed Wednes day. He explained that unlike the I old law, the new bill" provides only for minimum prices to dairymen. It would not control wholesale or retail prices as the former law did. Lane, Rogers to Support Lane indicated that Deetz, a Republican, and Rep. Joe Rogers, Independence Democrat, will co sponsor the measure. Under the bill the governor would appoint a milk marketing .administrator who would zone the state into marketing areas. Elections would be held in each of these so that producers could decide whether they wanted to come under the law. Ten per cent of the producers also could petition for an elec tion to determine whether mar ket or distributor pools would be set up in their area. Minimum Price to Be Fixed The administrator would fix minimum producers prices after a hearing to determine produc tion costs, feed supplies and other factors affecting the mar ket. Pricing and quota provi sions would be similar to those of federal milk marketing orders. The new bill also contains a provision aimed at the problem of interstate milk. It would empower the administrator to hold joint hearings with agen cies of adjoining states or with the US Department of Agricul ture. Stocks Show Loss After Steady Gain NEW YORK,(AP)—The stock market backed down Wednesday after a steady advance of more than two weeks. Gains were to between 1 and 2 points while losses extended to between 1 and 3 points. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks declined 70 cents at $156.10 with the industrial com ponent off $1.30 and rails down 70 cents. Utilities remained un changed. There were 1233 individual is sues traded of which 430 ad vanced and 562 declined with 97 new highs and 3 new lows for 1954-55 registered. Volume was moderate at 3, 210.000 shares as compared with 3.320.000 traded Tuesday. before and during the revolution in both short plays and long needs to be reconsidered for both its native subject matter and its dramatic vitality.” Hunter covered the American theater from 1714 to 1778. and used several plays in his lecture which have been previously un published. Four students assisted him by reading parts from Mercy War ren’s “The Motley Assembly.” These students are: Helen Ad ams, graduate in theater; Jon Powell, graduate in theater; Bruce Emmons, junior in speech, and Gail Monte, freshman in English. Hunter stated, “perhaps it is not the time to revive old plays such as The Disappointment, The Motley Assembly, The Patriots, ajid The Double Conspiracy, but it is time to revive the pertinent consciousness which they con tained.” "For example The Double Con spiracy attempts to show that the Tories are doing all in their power to defeat the American cause by undermining the econ omy of the states. The Patriots is about two young gentlemen of fortune who are accused of Tory ism. Discussion leader for the lec ture was R. D. Clark, head of the speech department and assistant dean of the college of liberal arts. Hunter’s lecture was given in conjunction with the University’s second Festival of Arts, built around the theme "The American Heritage.” Next week’s lecture will be on the topic, “The Paint er Peers more deeply into Amer ican Life.” It will be given by Donald B. Goodall, head of the department of fine arts at the University of Southern Califor nia. Discussion leader will be Wallace S. Baldinger, associate professor of art and curator of the-museum of art. Patronize Emerald Advertisers S l! Currents Early Films Show Scheduled for SU "The Rise of the American Film” will be the subject for the Sunday movie Feb. Q in the SU ballroom. Two “oldies” in this tetiology were produced by D. W. Grif fith. One film is concerned with a theme based on "The Pit” by Frank Norris. The other Griffith film, "The New York Hat," stars Mary Pickford and Lionel Barry more. "A Fool There Was," which was the first film of Theda Bara, the original “vamp,” is the third film to be shown. No admission will be charged for the movie this Sunday, ac cording to Donna Lou Douglas, in charge of this week's show. • • • Five Acts Featured For Friday at Four A Friday at Four program will be presented in the SU fishbowl at 4 p.m. Friday. Performers will be Ken Kesey, ventriloquist; Sharon Beard, pan tomimer; Mark Tapscott, singer; The Melodaires, and The Down beats, a combo. • • • Coffee Hour Forum Group Meets Today The Student Union coffee hour forum committee will meet at 4 p.m. today in room 212, accord ing to Gary McMurry, chairman. ajCisteninq -3n ...On KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Sport Shots 7:15 UN Story 7:30 Philosophy 8:00 The Best of Broadway 8:30 Guest Star 8:45 Sen. Morse Speaks 9:00 K waxworks V'ts Veterans who, since separation, have either lost or hud destroyed their original separation form, DD 214, or discharge papers may have them duplicated by contact ing the Veterans Administration Contact office. For further information, con tact Larry Whitson, Officer in Charge; Veterans Administration Contact offi.ce, 208 Hampton building, 610 Willamette. ^EWS Pi Sigma Alpha Asks Membership Petitions Petition* for membership In PI Sigma Alpha, political science honorary, niny now be turned Into this political science offh <•, Commonwealth 307. Prospective m e m b <• r a must have a 3 point In at leant ir> hour* of political science cour ses, three of which must be upper division. Undergraduates arc required to have an overall CPA of 2.7."». Graduates must have a 3 point. Patronize Kincruld Advertiser* j^JODERN SIZE FILTER TIP TAREYTON gives you true tobacco taste••• is smooth and easy-drawing! PRODUCT OF jt A as YOU, TOO, CAN GET RESULTS THROUGH EMERALD CLASSIFIED This ad, run fall term, brought replies for several weeks after the job was filled: Wanted: Part-time bookkeeper. Approx. 10 hours a week. Close to campus. Please give qualifications. Write to Emer ald Classified. Remember, whatever your needs, Emeralds Classifieds will bring you results! EMERALD Classified brings.action