Italy, Turkey End Talks on Defense ROME (AP) — Italy and Turkey agreed Wednesday to bol ster the West's Mediterranean bastion against any aggression from the east. Italy's Premier Mario Scelba and Turkey's Premier Adnan Menderes. concluding three days of negotiations on defense and other problems, announced joint Religion Unites World of Today Religion is the most powerful force today for building a world community, according to Charles T. Leber. general secretary of the Presbyterian board of missions. Leber, a Religious Evaluation week speaker, talked about "The Shaping Forces of Religion in the Community" at 3 p.m. Tues day in the Student Union dad's lounge. An audience of approximately 50 persons, one half of which, were faculty members and Eu gene townspeople, heard Leber tell of the extent and impact of the force of religion in the world today. "The Christian church is a working force in all the countries of the world except three—Af ghanistan. Tibet and Outer Mon golia." the church executive said. Even communism has not been able to overpower the forces of religion in iron curtain countries, he said. Leber has traveled widely and has visited several countries behind the iron curtain. "Totalitarianism in these coun tries has only strengthened the people's faith in religion." the speaker said. Speaking from his experience as a foreign missions secretary, Leber said that America has no monopoly on the Christian faith. We must build a community to gether with churches all over the world, he said. Liberatees Plan Memorial Party By Rodney Morrison Emerald lleaerter On' the evening of Feb. 3, 1945, •elements of the United States army, numbering among them Cpl. Leo Nuttman, graduate stu dent in law,, swept into Manila and liberated some 3700 Amer icans interned in Santo Tomas prison camp, including Don Rounds, now in the UO architec ture school, and Martin Meadows, former Webfoot «ow doing time at UCLA. Tonight, Feb. 3, 1955, a spe cial celebration is to be held to commemorate the tenth anniver sary of the occasion. Plans call for the affair to get under way about 9 p.m. at M. Robinson's re nowned haven for weary trav elers. William T. Linklater, grad uate in law, and John Carrothers, graduate in law, are in charge of arrangements for what is ex pected to be the most festive event of the social season. Adding gaiety to the revelry will be the guests of honor, Nutt man, Rounds, and Meadows, who was granted a leave of absence by UCLA in order to allow him to be present at the reunion. Those invited to attend include all persons who were interned in Santo Tomas, those who aided in its liberation, all who have been in or hope to visit the Philip pines, and all those who have been or expect to be in the United States armed services as well as those who have been or may in the future be liberated thereby or therefrom. ly they hold identical views “on the fundamental importance of the Atlantic Alliance NATO,” of which both countries are mem bers. NATO Discussed A communique said the two discussed means of increasing NATO's strength in all fields, economic and social as well as [military, "for a better safeguard | of peace in security." While the communique did not > spell out how Rome and Ankara expect to achieve these goals, aides who attended the closed meetings said top priority was given to means for plugging the gap in the free world's East Mediterranean defense alliances. There was admittedly detailed consideration of how Turkey may be linked to the Western Euro l*ean Union (WEU) projected under the London and Paris agreements. Italy is a WEU member. Invitation Mentioned Also, Scelba and Menderes are I known to have discussed a pos sible invitation to Italy to join the "Little Three” alliance of [Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia. I long Italy's rival on the Adriatic. Menderes, while emphasizing he has no authority to invite Italy into the three-power pact on his own. has made it clear he would welcome this country as a formal partner. Yugoslavia, whose main quar rel with Italy appears settled with the agreement between the two to divide the Trieste area, has indicated that Italy, and eventually Austria, may be asked to join. Band Will Appear In Public Concert Edwin Franko Goldman, found er of the famous Goldman band, will help conduct the Oregon band in a public concert March 2 in the Student Union. Both Goldman and Robert S. Vagner, Oregon’s band leader, will lead. Goldman has composed many songs, besides being in the Met ropolitan Opera house band and a faculty member of Columbia university. Neuberger Finds '55BudgetLacking WASHINGTON (API — Sen. Richard Neuberger Wednesday reiterated that the Eisenhower administration did not include in the budget for the year starting July 1. "one single cent for con struction of the Talent Irrigation project, despite lavish Republi can promises in the 1954 cam paign,” He disputed what he said were implications by Rep. Ellsworth (R-Orei that the administration had helped the Talent project by including money for works near that project. Ellsworth, in replying to a Neuberger charge, said that al though the budget had no Tul ent construction funds, some had been requested previously by In terior Secretary McKay. Ellsworth also denied Neuberg er's assertion that the adminis tration had abandoned the Tal ent project. He mentioned funds | budgeted for rehabilitation of | the Medford and Rogue River ! projects. These are separate things which had been included in the original measure author ; izing the Talent program. Neuberger said Wednesday: "Ellsworth is cleverly citing 1 appropriations for the Southern Oregon items in an effort to di vert attention from the nbandon ' ment of construction features by the administration. "I regret Mr. Ellsworth calls it a ‘smearlike attack’ when I ■ urged the administration to make good on its campaign promises, because I will continue to de mand this administration give greater attention to the obvious needs of the Pacific Northwest." Patronize Emerald Advertisers Ik U.S. Blyapic Turn uk pm sspport Nr [*ibust s* thereto™/ Send a contribution to U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND S4I NMtk Mkhicaa Aw., Ckicap It. MMs IblVMMflWi m O'CONNOR f "jstsawar— ri ill" /// President of the HflP t since rrs founding, he ' HAS FOUGHT POLIO FOR 30 YEARS ...A WALL STREET LAWYER, HE IS LEADER OF THE 3,000,000 VOLUNTEERS IN THE 1955 / march of dimes SERVING WITHOUT PAY, HE HAS DRAWN TOGETHER THE LAYMAN AND PROFESSIONAL IN i THE BATTLE AGAINST POUO r He FIRST BECAME INTERESTED IN POUO WHEN FDR WENT TO WARM SPRINGS, GA. HE HELPED FOUND THAT FAMOUS POLIO TREATMENT CENTER, NOW IS ITS PRESIDENT. « r After 25 /ears fighting polio, he saw his DAUGHTER—MRS. SIDNEY CULVER- STRICKEN IN 1950. SHE RECEIVED SAME TREATMENT MARCH OF DIMES HAS HELPED PROVIDE FOR MORE THAN 29*000 OTHER VICTIMS; NOW HAS RECOVERED. % MR. O'CONNOR HAS BEEN PECORATEP BY U.S. ANP * FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS FOR HIS HUMANITARIAN WORN. I I JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES ♦ JANUARY 3 TO 31 Atom Conference Posts Announced UNITE!) NATIONS, N. Y. (API U. N. Secretary General Dap Hammarskjold announced Wednesday he has appointed In din's chief nuclear scientist and an American atom-research ex ecutive to the two top posts in the first world conference on peaceful uses of the atom. The conference opens in Gen eva August 8. Khuhlnr President Dr. Hoini J. Bhabha, 45, chair man of India's Atomic Energy Commission and a cosmic ray ex pert, was named conference pres ident with absolute powers to halt any speaker straying from the scientific field Prof. Walter (J. Whitman, 59. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Advisory B o a r d member and chairman of the defense depart ment research board, was named secretary general with wide pow ers in organising the 12-day con ference. Vice-President Named Six vice-presidents are to be furnished from Hamniarskjold's scientific advisory panel, made up of representatives of the United States, India, Britain. France, Canada, Brazil and So viet Russia. Hammarskjold Issued invita tions to 84 countries hut not to Red China to send five scien tific delegates each to Geneva and to contribute papers for dis cussion in a long agenda on the atoms-for-peace program minted here by President Eisenhower in December, 1953. The U. N. Gen eral Assembly unanimously ap proved the prcgiuiu last fall. The work program stresses power by the year 2000, before coal, oil, wood or waterpower fuels diminish seriously or run out, ami to aid countries whic h do, not have thorn; furl re. sources. KOHKAN ON TKIAI. SEOUL (API A former South Korean police sergeant went on trial T h u r n d a y on I chargee of killing 114 civilians ho suspected had collaborated with j Communist forces. Today's Staff Makeup Editor Paul Keefe. Copy Desk Dotty Griffith and Kathle^h Morrison. Night Staff Kit on E. Eng. , strom. News Desk Mary Alice At* len and Anne Hill. Serve Better Meals LESSCOST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SUMMER SESSION 7Vi WEEKS FOR ONLY s516 HUS *33 TAX • SEVENTH ANNUAL HOWARD TOUR Residence: At Waikiki in apartments of tha Islander Hoi.I LIVE WHERE YOUR PARENTS WOULD BE HAPPY TO STAY, in first