Vs N EWS Veterans regularly enrolled at the University for the full school year will receive allowance for school vacations such as Thanks giving, Christmas and spring va cation. • * * Larry Whitson, officer in charge of the Eugene veterans’ administration contact office, announced that the deadline for filing of service-connected den tal claims is Dec. 31. This deadline applies to vet erans discharged or separated one year by the end of 1954. * * * Information regarding service benefits may be received within two days, or any reasonable length of time when correspond ence is required. Questions may be directed to Whitson, in the veterans’ administration office, 208 Hampton building in Eugene. Campbell Named 'Beau Brummell' Dick Campbell, of Campbell club, was elected Oregon’s "Beau Brummell,” best dressed man on the campus. The architecture and allied arts major was presented with a Metro - Goldwvn - Mayer "os car” at last week's Friday at 4 in the Student Union fishbowl. Campbell, the five other fi nalists and their dates, will be the guests of MGM at a dinner and theatre party Dec. 8. Among “Beau Brummells” prizes for being elected the best dressed Oregon man is a cash mere sweater, a leather billfold, a year's pass to a local theater, and gifts from several other Eu gene businesses. CLASSIFIEDS For Sale: Ski outfit, one year old, excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. Ph. 3-1859. 12-9 i WANTED: Job baby-sitting eve nings. Can furnish good ref- ■ erences. Phone 4-2046 evenings. 12-9 Wanted—Experienced waitress Hours, 6-11 p.m. Call Ham- i burger Inn, 5-9545. 12-9 | Tutoring in English. Call 3-3509 mornings or evenings. 12-8 ..Illllllll!llllllllll!l!l!', Because it is so “special” in the happiness it brings, we take special care in the posing lllll!llllllllllllimillll!llll!llll!lllllllllllllllllllllhl!llllllllllll!lllllllllllll!!]l!llllllllllli. 'lll!llillil|llllllllll[|lillliliiUIII!llllllllllllltlllilltl!IIIIIIIIJIIIillll}IIIIHIIIItlllliiilli;illillllllllllllllill’ ! ... IN LARGE VARIETY I QU AC KEN BUSH'S K Hardware and Houseware 160 East Broadway — Phone 5-8426 r ENGLAND SHAKESPEARE COUNTRY HOLLAND GERMANY EugeneTravel Service presents EUROPE IN 1955! S. S. HOMERIC FROM QUEBEC PRIVATE MOTOR COACH ON THE CONTINENT • • • PHONE TOUR CONDUCTOR Mrs. Alva Twohy 5-4009 SWITZERLAND FRANCE A Brownell Tour ITALY RIVIERA SUMMER TOURS •» J.D. HOWARD UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SUMMER SESSION SEVEN WEEKS FOR ONLY *499 PIUS 130 1AX This pries include! airplane roundlrip between the West Com! and Hqwoll via Pan American World Airways, United Air line! or Northwest Airline!, living accommodation!, all sightseeing on Oahu, excursions In Honolulu, and ipecial visit! to Pearl Harbor, a pineapple cannery, a sugar mill, the Royal Palace, native villages, and many other places of major Interest. It further includes a catamaran cruise, several outrigger canoe rides, a glass bottom boat cruise, a visit to the aquarium, several college dances, plus a formal dinner-dance. For furewell, there will be a special "loau," or native feast. Tips, transfers, beach cottages, weekly movies, etc. are alto Included in price of tour. HAWAII'S '§10 SUMMIK* The internationally lomovt biennial Irons Pacific Taclsf Rare Irons the Mainland lo the Itlandt lakes place in 1955. thus making Waikiki a great vacation land al gaiety, excitement, and lun. It it a summer members will never lorgel. J. D. HOWARD TOUR ORGANIZATION • SEVENTH ANNUAL SEASON 9 HOWARD TOHR: This it Hawaii's original college tour. It it far coeds only, with the girts living on campus. University enrollment Is mandatory. 9 WAIKIKI SURF TOUR: Residence is at beach apartments in exclusive hotel area at Waikiki. University enrollment is optional. Tour is divided into three separately identified and operated units, at follows: (1) Under Gradu ate Group, far college girls only, (2) College Graduate Group, far members with professional and other backgrounds between 21-31 yeort of age, ond (3) Post-Graduate Group, for oil other tnembers. These tour units live in different hotel areas. FOR FtMTHfl INFORMATION. CONSIMTi • Mrs. T. J. Graves 851 East 15th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon Phone 5*5501 Merry Christmas . . . Happy New Year FOR EVERY FILTER SMOKER ON YOUR LIST! KING SIZE OR REGULAR Perfect to give ... no filter compares with L&M’s Miracle Tip for quality or effectiveness. Much more flavor, much less nicotine. L&M — America’s best filter cigarette...in the most distinctive of holiday cartons.