Advertising Group Initiates Students Eleven now members were initiated by Alpha Delta Sigma, professional advertising frater nity. last weekend. They are: Dick Koe, senior in journalism; Jack Dugan, junior in liberal arts; Phil Dixon, junior in journalism; Charles Hunt, jun ior in Business; Don Brown, jun- j tor in liberal arts; Harry Lester,. sophomore in liberal arts; Veral Peterson, graduate in business; Dick Coleman, senior in business; Trenton Huls, senior in business; Bull Curnow, junior in business, and Paul Hales, senior in busi- ] ness. Dick Coleman and Harry Les ter were awarded checks bj- Al pha Delta Sigma President John 1 Cary for originality and art work in sandwich advertising boards. Westminster Members To Attend Conference Several University members of Westminster Foundation will at tend a joint conference of foun dations of Oregon and Washing ton during the Christmas holi days. The conference will be held in Corbett. Oregon, Dec. 2S through 31. ... a new kind of Laundry Service . . . Your Laundry FOLDED * vj \\ Each time rr- #»YJy°ur laundry ‘ comes back : with everything neatly folded y'to convenient size. Clothes are handled carefully. Prompt service. Washed—Dried—Folded. 8 Pounds for 75c 'l/Uadhate, ria 2470 Alder Phone 5-5190 SHOW AT 4:30 SUNDAY 2nd HIT IN COLOR Pronounced HE-VA-RO (HEADHUNTERS OF THE AMAZON) Color ay TECHNICOLOR starring FERNANDO RHONDA m$ • REMIWfi i •'660 W1UAME1TE tT&ue 4.4152 tMf HIVE-IN THEATR Campus Briefs 0 DewrH club will hold its last social program of the term j this evening at 7:30 p in. at the home of Karen Rasmussen, 1959 Jefferson street. 9 Eleven patients were oon fined to the infirmary Wednes day for medical attention, ac cording to hospital records. They were: Judith Carlson. Ellen Cham ness, Barbara Wilcox, Alice I Shaw, Geraldine Kinkade, Bon nie Finchum. Evelyn Gosnell, Rex Hoover and Kenneth Brook shire. • The YMC’A-sponsored “ride pool” for vacations is now being organized, according to Dick Al len, secretary. Interested stu dents, with or without transpor tation. are urged to contact the YMCA office, ext. -129. ^ Alpha hall and Huh* Kane hall will be open during the Christmas vacation for the con venience of present men's dor mitory occupants. The charge for loom will be $7.50 and no meals will be served. Further informa tion may be obtained from dor mitory counselors. Today's Staff Makeup editor Paul Keefe. Copy Desk Sally Ryan. Anne Ritchey and Sue Lamb. Night Staff Claudia Wurte and Sanford Milkes. r LOVER, SCOUNDREL, ADVENTURER A man with a lust for life and an eye for beautiful women! ON QUO WIPt-ymON »C«I«nT\1 kNUW HEILIC THEATER "BEAU BRUMM STEWART ELIZABETH GRANGER-TAYLOR PETER (HTML) ••"•ROBERT USTINOV* MORLEY 1 ■ " 0A&OO ' " ■ ■ ■ CARTOON - COMEDY LATEST NEWS Merry Christmas . . . Happy New Year Prove that you have a high IQ in your knack for knits . . . give superb sweater or sweater set for Christmas. The infallible quality of every Christmas sweater in our collection will prove your talent and taste. We've everything from Cashmere to Orion. Hermanek ms 870 WILLAMETTE Penney’s ALWAYS FIRST Q U ALITY! gift flattery in a miracle blend! IT'S PROPORTIONED dacron & nylon!! 3.98 a beauty sure to fit short, • medium and tall gals! delicately trimmed with lovely laces and permanent pleats soft as silk! wonderful opaque, 32-40. MAIN FLOOR GIFT LINGERIE