Ducks Upset Seattle 86-73 uregon a nasKeiDaucr* finally broke Into the win column Tues day night an they trounced the highly regarded Seattle unlver Hity Chieftains, 88-73 at McAr thur court. The Oregon performance, fea turing a running game with vastly improved ballhandllng und ahootlng, was In aharp con trast to their two prevloualy dia appolntlng atnrta agalnat Santa Clara and California. It was a new Hall club with Max Anderson, lanky 8-7 Jun- j lor center, lending the Duck uprising with 25 point*. IS of those coming on free throw*. I Big Max, although he scored hi* large*t output In hi* var sity career, had to tie content with a share In the *corlng honor* a* Forward Htan Olow aakl a l*o poured home 25 counter* for the loser*. Starting out like they meant business, the Duck* hopped off to a 12-4 lead. Guard Phil Me-] Hugh, In hi* first varxtty start-] tng role, hit two long pushers from the side, and Jerry Rosa added a couple of one-handed Jump HhotH to get the home team rolling. After .Seattle’* M'nrlDK at ta<-k began to roll and clos'd the irap to IS-IS, the Oregon faxl break tact lew began reap li«K dlvldrndit an the Ituck* ran up a 37-25 advantage. From that point on they were never Norloutdy. prenaed. A* the team* left the floor at lirterrnK*lon, the Duck* held a nolld 10 point margin, 47-87. Both team* hit well In the first half, (Seattle having a .SH2 percentage and Oregon .404. n --—=-=•■-—■ The Ducks kept up their fast pace throughout most of the final half with each member of ■ the starting five scoring. With less than seven minutes to go, the Webfoots had an 18 point lead, 75-87. From then on, it was Just a matter of time and Coach Bill Borcher substituted freely. Se attle, which lost only two games last season, rallied briefly in the final minutes and pulled up to j 79-71, but at that point their effort faltered. ATTENTION - MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MAJORS Two Openings Available for Training, Beginning January 1, 1955 SACRED HEART GENERAL HOSPITAL EUGENE, OREGON APPROVED BY AMERICAN MEOICAl ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGISTS SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE For Detail* Inquire from Dr* Forrar, McMilan and Patton - Sacrad Hoar* Hospital. Eugana, Oragon there they are, waiting *o greet you. As you step from the car, your heart is light ... the whole happy holiday is before you. You’re home . . . home for Christmas... rested and relaxed after your comfortable trip on Union Pacific. Take the family with you! Union Pacific’s FAMILY TRAVEL PLAN makes it easy and inexpensive for the whole family to enjoy the thrill of a holiday trip by train. There is no need to travel light when you go Union Pacific ... 150 pounds free on each adult ticket—or on a FAMILY PLAN group ticket, 300 pounds f —in addition to hand baggage required en route. NEXT TRIP AND EVERY TRIP GO UNION PACIFIC Three fine trains daily to and from the East "CITY OF PORTLAND” ^VeZS+atUwi. "City of St. Louis" (conn.ction) "PORTLAND ROSE" For reservations and additional information, contact J. E. Atherton General Agent Suite 21, Cascade Bldg. 163 East 12th Avenue Phone 5-8461 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROAD Of TH£ DAILY £V/ieaardi+l&l4 famous makes ELGIN AND BlILOVA ALSO • Ronson Lighters • Electric Shavers • Identification Bracelets Your Campus Gift Headquarters UNIVERSITY JEWELRY ON 13th ACROSS FROM SIGMA CHI This one’s on you We mean the collar . . . and if you’re a really smart clothesman, you’ll keep several Arrow spread-collar shirts on hand. Pick Arrow Par, left ($3.95). Pick a smart Arrow Bi-way spread, right ($5.00). Pick any of the smooth spread styles. But be sure you pick an Arrow. For immaculate tailoring, and the “custom look,” Arrow’s the shirt by far. Prices begin at $3.95. PAR Net* Me slotted seller ter dey-lo*9 eeeteess. A/I/IOW'SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • CASUAL WEAR Your Arrow Dealer Phone 5-1363 860 East 13th Ave