Ducks Trip Portland; Nab Second Straiaht Oregon’s fast and furious Ducks raced to a heart-stopping 82-78 basketball triumph over the Portland Pilots at Portland Wednesday night. Max Anderson of Oregon tied Dick "the Cat" Bartel of the Pilots for scoring honors with 23 points. Both teams battled back and forth at a breakneck pace, with the lead changing hands on al most every goal. The half time count was 36-36 and from the start of the second half both fives scored at an ever increasing tempo. The Pilots led as late as 72-69 but Oregon rallied to close the gap and win the game. Jim Loscutoff and An derson, Oregon’s “big” men, led the second half drive by the Ducks, Loscutoff potting Hoopsfers Slate Midwest Tour Oregon's inexperienced bas ketball team will run into stiff opposition when they make a trip to the midwest to play Louisville, Dayton and Detroit after final week. The Duck cagers will leave im mediately following tests next ■week and go to Louisville. Ky., where they play the Louisville university Cardinals Dec. 20. The next two nights they go to Day ton, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., to tangle with Dayton's Flyers and Detroit university Titans. All three of the midwest clubs are strong this season. Dayton has been picked seventh in the AP pre-season ratings. Louis ville is ranked as a strong south ern independent and Detroit i3 rated high in the Missouri Valley conference. Oregon will be playing all three of the teams for the first time in history' and will be un derdogs against them. All three are unbeaten so far with offen sive averages around the 90 points-per-game mark. Louis ville scored 105 points in their opener and Detroit holds a 91-60 win over Bowling Green. [Hamburger Inn; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Offers Its -I ; • REGULAR SUPER BURGER ; with a • GIANT MILK SHAKE ; for only i 50c :j . Orders Delivered Free — Over $3.50 . Clip this ad out for your ' j Burger and Shake through Dec. 15 OPEN 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. i i • 1290 Patterson Phone 5-9545 16 of his 22 points and Ander son collecting 13 of his 23 in the final 20 minutes. Loscutoff was superb on the : boards, on tip ins. and on jump | shots from the key. Anderson re bounded well and was deadly on long one-handed set shots. The Pilots held their 72-69 edge with six minutes left. Jerry j Ross hit a jumper for Oregon. Anderson made a foul shot, and Webfoot Juniors Swamp Sailors Oregon’s Junior Varsity, start ing a team with both speed and height. ran roughshod over Tongue Point Naval station, winning 89-41 in the Tuesday night preliminary at McArthur court. JV Coach Barney Holland let his boys score at will, with almost no resistance from the Navy five. The Junior Ducks opened fast and their lead was never chal lenged after they passed the midway point in the first pe riod. At the end of the first half, the JV's had a 41-28 mar gin over the Navy, and in the second half, they continued to widen the gap. Guard Johnny Lundell was high point man for the Ducks with a total of 18 points. Berge Borre vik and Rich Costi both ran a close second with 16 counters apiece. Carlos Murphy and Bob Norman of Navy tied for their team honors as they scored 12 points each. WILBUR JUST WOKE UP TO • THE FACT THAT HES IN CLASS! KEEP ALERT FOR A BETTER POINT AVERAGE! Don’t let that "drowsy feel ing” cramp your style in class ... or when you're "hitting the books”. Take a NoDoz Awakener! In a few minutes, you'll be your normal best... wide awake . . . alert! Your doctor will tell you—NoDo? Awakeners are safe as coffee. Keep a pack handy! 15 TABLETS, 35c “Phi-Beta" ■ack 35 tablets in handy tin 69c 0 NOQOZ AWAKENERS Now.-W"* College s'Class k Pipe * a. I NYLON BIT Guaranteed Bite Proof. MEDICO JMttta Slater FILTER PIPE $3!2 & *522 INCL 10 FU.TEHS Medico’s filter strains smoke of nicotine, juices, tars, flakes. When filter turns brown, throw it away with all the impurities it has trapped. Replace with fresh filter for mild, mellow smoking. - Actual pipe hot your own college letter on bowl Loscutoff tipped in the rebound as Max missed his second free try. When Anderson scored from the field, the Ducks held a 76-72 margin. Kon Marshall, who chipped In with 20 points for Portland, canned two free throws, lint Phil McHugh came buck with a singleton for Oregon and Loscutoff rammed home an other tip In. With the score 79-74. Ander son fouled out. and Bob Alten hofen, pilot center, sank two free throws. Marshall then scored off the fast break for a 79-78 count.* McHugh flipped in a free throw for a two point lead and wrapped up the game with :15 left when he canned two gift tosses on Altenhofen's fifth per sonal. Barney Hollands JV team edged the Portland freshmen 72-65 in the preliminary. Oregon (82) FG FT PF TP Lo*cutoft, t 9 Ro«>, f 6 Anderson, c. 10 Pane, k 2 McHugh, g ... 2 Bingham. I _ 1 BeB. i Sherman, g 22 13 23 5 10 6 3 0 Total* Portland (78) Bartel, f . Marshall, f Altenhofen, c Seri vcnn, g 1 KoepiflS k Lillard. g Wo liter!, I . 31 20 19 82 FG FT PF TP 9 5 5 23 12 6 2 4 0 0 1 20 16 12 0 0 l Total* .24 30 20 78 r Frosh Capture Decathlon I With Don Steen leading the way, the freshman class collected three out of four top places in the Oregon Physical Education sponsored decathlon contest of 1954. Steen finished with 5817 points to edge Junior Bob Held who totaled 5303 for the six-week event. Both Steen and Reid are from Canada, Sam Whitney won third place with 5031, nine point* ahead of fourth place Denny George. Doug Basham placed fifth with *804 and Jack Moad took aixth with a 4625 total. FENNELL'S 700% j, Cashmere SWEATERS The Ideal Gift! USE OUR GIFT CERTIFICATE FENNELLS ON THE CAMPUS Did You Know • • • THAT THE U. OF O. BEAU BRUMMELL WON WITH A “UMVERSITV SHOP” SPORT COAT! . . . That 3 Out of 6 of the Beau Brummell Finalists Wore Clothes from BILL BAKERS J_L YOU TOO... Can Be FIRST in Style in a Suit or Sport Coat by "UNIVERSITY SHOP' from BILL BAKERS. mens wear ON THE CAMPUS