Expenditure for Show Given Approval by SU The Student Union Hoard Wed nesday approved expenditure of $850 to secure the Turnabout Theater troupe of Hollywood for a variety ahow to be held in February. Final action la pending word from other Northwest, colleges and universities. Robert D. Horn, chairman of the University As sembly committee, has contacted Other Northwest colleges to In tel eat them In sharing the ex pense of securing the Turnabout Theater through the Northwest College Lectures and Concerts association. The theater group charges $5000 for six appearances. The 8U Board's plan would bring the theatrical group to six schools who would share the cost. The Northwest College Lec tures and Concerts association was formed last February. Horn ami W. A. Dahlberg, associate professor of speech, attended a meeting held in Seattle in Oc tober to cement the group into an efficient working unit. Purpose of the group Is to se cure top talent for Us eight mem ber colleges at a reduced rate by scheduling more than one ap pearance at a time. The Turnabout Theater's show includes Hilda Gray, noted per former of the lS*20s, the Yale Quartet Deadline Scheduled Dec. 17 j Deadline for turning in Bar bel ship Quartet song selections is Dec. 17. according to Sally Jo Oreig and Bob Porter, co chairmen of the contest. The first group to designate a song will have preference. The winning quartet will re ceive a rotating trophy and a chance to enter the Ail North west Barbershop Ballad contest In Forest Grove's "Gay Nineties Bongfest" next February. The SI J music committee, sponsors of the campus competition, will pay the first place group's en-' try fee in the Forest Grove com petition. Puppeteer*, and several other numbers. The group UHiially performs In Its own theater, which Is built in the shape of a streetcar. In other Wednesday business the Board discussed the possibil ity of playing the Student Union chimes before Christmas. Si Kl lingson, SU director, said that the time which the chimes will be played would be Inconvenient for the person who regularly plays them. Anyone interested in playing the chimes should con tact Kllmgson. Oregon Debaters Win First, Second in State Oregon’s debate squad added more honors to its list of fall term achievements Wednesday night by taking a first and a sec ond pi ace in a statewide extem poraneous speaking contest. Pat Peterson, sophomore in liberal arts, won first place in the women’s division of the con test, which was held by the In tercollegiate Forensics Associa tion of Oregon. The decision was unanimous by seven judges. Don Mickelwait, senior in lib eral arts, placed second in the men’s division, being edged out by a contestant from Oregon State. You said it, Santa! Anywhere, anytime, Greyhound’s your best travel buy! GREYHOUND Thtrt't a Greyhound Agent Sear You p Greyhound Bus Depot 987 Pearl St. Phone 4-6265 Campus Calendar Noon Speech Staff 110 SU Roc Dept 111 8XJ FT A 112 8TJ Phi Beta Cab 113 SU 4:00 Phi Beta Cof Hr Gerl 2nd FI 6:30 Alpine C] 112 SU ASUO Senate 334 SU SU Peraonnel Hr Dadsrm SU 3:00 Sarton Lect DarJsrm SU 18:00 Epia Inq Gp YM SU When you pause...make it count...have a Coke c •OTTIEO UNDE* AUTHO*lTY Of THE COCA-COIA COMPANY »Y 4 COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF EUGENE 2000 Franklin Blvd. • Cok." n a registered trode mork. © 1953, THE COCA-COIA COMPANY • ••AND HOW IT STARTED* Fred Birmingham says: “I’ve wanted to be an editor ever since I worked on a boy’s magazine at age 8. After being an editor of the Dartmouth literary magazine (The Dart)„ I set my sights on Esquire. It took 18 years of hard work to achieve the editorship — after struggling as a newsmagazine cub, cartoon and essay writer, advertising copy writer and trade paper editor.” f sfarfed Smoking camels IQ years ago. I've, fried many other brands, buf my choice always is Camel. Mo other brand, is so mild-yeb so rioh--fasfmq!' Editor of Esquire Magazine ) ) START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Make the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days! SUCCESS STORY: Camels — America's most popular cigarette ... by tar! Smote (JAMTT,S lormoze purepleasure