-A DAY AT THE ZOO Exam Hysteria Grips Student By Bob Funk Emorald Columnist Out in the mountain fastnesses of Approaching Hysteria, where most of the landscape was de voted to flora and fauna and effervescent streams cascading from mossy rock to mossy rock with gurgling sounds, a Student woke up in the middle of the night with a cold, clammy feel ing. Anyone was like to wake up with a cold, clammy feeling in Approaching Hysteria, because there was a funny kind of cold clams that crawiea inio 5 bed with you j unless you 3 had a zipper | for the top. 1 But this was a figurative cold - clammy feeling. 9 Perhaps, the ■ Student! inougni to WB mm tmtm himself (and this is not in quotes because he was thinking it in side, which is not quotish), I am having a sudden Fit of Declen sions. And he took a special grit ty powder that his Grandma had given him on Groundhog Day THERE’S AN "A" IN YOUR FUTURE if you prepart now with the COLLEGE OIITLIHE SERIES —ACCOUNTING, Elementary. —ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS_ —ALGEBRA, College _ —AMER. COL. & REVOl. HISTORY —ANCIENT HISTORY_ —ANCIENT, MED., & MOD. History —ANTHROPOLOGY, General. —ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY •—BACTERIOLOGY, Principles of_ —BIOLOGY, General_ —BOTANY, General —BUSINESS & GOVERNMENT_ —BUSINESS LAW_ -CALCULUS, The_ —CHEMISTRY, First Year College— —CHEMISTRY PROBLEMS _ —CHEMISTRY, Organic _ —CORPORATION FINANCE__ —DOCUMENTED PAPERS, Writing. •—ECONOMICS, Dictionary of_ •—ECONOMICS, Principles of_— —ECONOMICS. 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And Finals was something that if you hud a choice of sitting on a Bunsen Burner for twelve hours until well browned or taking Finals, you would sit on a Bunsen Burner and laugh heartily all the time you were browning. Finals was the time you tried to remember Pi equals S. Blank-spot-in-my notes, and the Cosine of a Whoosis is determined by find ing the square root of Your Own True Love and then laughing hysterically. He remembered that he had gone to see his professor about finals. He had found the profes sor in the library, filed under Miscellany, Unbound, by the Dewey Decimal System. r "How do you figure out If a poem is written by Shelley, or by Keats, or if it was just acci dental ?” “We have to be Intellectually honest," the professor said, chew ing abstractly on a verb. "It's all relative, nowadays. No black and white, just shades of gray. It isn’t like the old days when Joan of Arc and Teddy Roosevelt and Charles Carrol of Carrolton were around. You knew good from bad. Keats and Shelley in those days. But now all the old gang's gone, and it’s all Relativ ity.” "But how do you tell "Keats from Shelley." The professor sighed. “I always look at the top of the page—it tells In my book.” "But on the final?" "Intellectual honesty always wins,” the professor said. "I read that. I think." Which left the Student feel ing like there was penicillin or something growing on the walls of his stomach. Finals. The word enveloped and over f Continued o^pafie seven) Fashion that’s warm as toast... SNOWFALL... Jersild’s Silver-Buttoned CARDIGAN Authentic Norwegian pattern, exclusive with Jersild, interprets the delicacy and detail of fresh snow crystals . . . big-needle knit on imported Swiss machines. Sturdy virgin wool, in clear and lovely color combinations. Small, Medium, Large. Pink/black; Lt. Blue/Coral White/Jockey Red; White/Marine Blue Lt. 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