Oregon to Meet Chiefs, Portland Two top-flight independent basketball teams will provide op position for the Oregon Ducks next week as the Wehfoots en tertain .Seattle's Chieftains Tues day night and meet the Portland Pilots in the Kose city Wednes day. The Chiefs, a ranking hoop power since the O-Brien-twin dayu, ate rated high again this season under Coach A1 Bright nian. The Pilots suffered their most disastrous season in recent Trojans Pick Patera, Shaw Two Oregon players. Guard Jack Patera and Back George Shaw have mad'- the University of Southern California’s all-op ponent football learn. The Hose Bowl bound Trojans included three California stars on their team. UCLA, Notre Dame and Oregon each landed two players while Oregon State and Texas Christian had one man chosen. , The team: Ends Dan Shannon, Notre Dame, and Jim Hanifan, Cali fornia: Tackles Jack Ellena, UC LA, and Hon Aschbachar, Ore gon State; Guards Jim Salsbury. UCLA and Patera; Center Matt Hazeltine, California. Harks included were Shaw, Ralph Guglielmi, Notre Dame; Paul Larson. California, and Hon Chnkacalc. Texas Christian. TV Grid Coverage Restrictions Asked CHICAGO-(AP)-Recommenda tion of continued restricted foot ball television at the national level will be made to the annual National Collegiate Athletic as sociation convention next month by the NCAA television com mittee. The TV committee Wednesday ended a two-day session of re viewing the 1954 television plan und drafting a report on it for the convention in New York Jan. 5-7. •'The recommendation for car rying on national control will leave the specific plan for 1955 football television up to the new TV committee to be named lat er,” said Walter Byers, NCAA executive director. "The recommendation from us is simply for any type of con trol at a national level,” he added. "And this does not imply that the 1955 NCAA football television program necessarily will be patterned the same as this year.” Hamburger Inn UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Offers Its • REGULAR SUPER BURGER with a • GIANT MILK SHAKE for only 50c Ordors Delivered Free — Over $3.50 Clip this ad out (or your Burger and Shake through Dec. 15 OPEN 7 A M. to 11 P.M. 1290 Patterson Phone 5-9545 1 years in 1953-54, dropping 19 games in 28 starts. Hultlr Itcachc* Finals Cal Bauer, a 5-9 guard, I*-d the Seattle five to a sparkling 26-2 ; record last season as they I reached the western NCAA re gional playoff* at Corvallis, los ing to Idaho State 77-75. Brightman has eight letter 'rnen back from that team, and 6' 9" Junior Bob Codes will move into the pivot slot vacated by ! 6' 9” Joe Pehanick. Stan Glowa ski, a 6' 4", two-year veteran, \ will team with Bauer at guard. ; Lettermen Larry Sanford and lion Malone arc battling with ' 6' 5" transfer Ken Fuhrer from ! Olympic junior college. The Portland club opened its season Thursday night against ART McLARNEY Ni-m Pilot Coach Sacramento State. Under new Coach Art McLarney, former Washington mentor, the Pilots have most of their 1954 club back. Big Bob Altenhofen. a team mate of Oregon's Phil McHugh in high school, holds down the center spot for the Pilots. At for wards are expected to be senior vet Dick Bartell and 6’ 5" Ron Marshall. Transfer Jack Scrivens and Don Koepke occupy the guard spots. Oregon's jayvee team, com posed mostly of sophomores, will see preliminary action both nights, meeting the Tongue Point Navy team at Eugene and the Portland jayvees at Portland. Barney Holland is the JV coach. IM Managers to Debate on Plan Intramural managers will meet, at 4 p.m. Tuesday in PE 122 to act on Inter-fraternity council proposal to set up fraternity Travel Grants Offered Again The Institute of International Education is again offering nu-! merous fellowships for study to college students. The general eligibility require ments are U.S. citizenship; bach elor's degree (except for British I.abor, Woolley Foundation. Mex ican Government, and Austrian and British Summer Schools awards I; proof of (1) good aca demic record, (2) good character and personality, (3) ability to use the language of the country of study, and (4) good health. Un married candidates are generally preferred. 'Successful candidates must be prepared to meet all ex penses of incidentals and travel, as eligibility for supplementary travel grants does not carry any assurance of receipt of such an award. In most cases, successful candidates must supplement the grants with partial living ex penses. Fellowships are offered from the following sources with corre sponding deadlines for applica tion; University of Vienna Sum mer school. May 1; Danish gov ernment, April 1; British Uni versities summer school, Mar. 28; French government fellow ships, Feb. 1; French government assistantships. Feb 1; Woolley Foundation, Paris, Feb. 1. Six teen fellowships are being of fered by German schools which must be applied for by Mar. 1. Fellowships are also offered in Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Wales. Additional information and ap plication deadlines for all these fellowships may be obtained from Dr. E. S. Ghent in the office of Student Affairs. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 leagues according to size of houses. The problem was referred to the managers by Intramural Di rector Paul Washke after a group of fraternity presidents took the situation up with him this fall. The IFC originally made the proposal last spring, but no action was taken during the summer. Under the present system of organizing the leagues, the top ranking teams from the previous year are seeded first in each of You'll Need Lots of GAS This Week-End! Before You Leave Fill Your Tank at - WALDER'S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 E. 11th St. Sports Staff Desk fckiitor: Jerry Claussen. Staff: Gordon Rice,Allen John son, Buzz Nelson. the leagues, with the next high est teams seeded second, until the organization is complete, re gardless of size of the individual house. 1FC members contend that the proposed organization would en courage the smaller houses to participate in intramurals. IF YOU LOSF THAT BASKETBALL BET, PAY IT OFF AT ROD'S! Of course all you optimistic Oregon Ducks are betting that Oregon will win this first basket gon will win in this first basket ball game of the season, but it's been rumored that Santa Clara has a good chance. If you have basketball bets to pay off, try Rod Taylor's after the game. There you can kill two birds with one stone! Not only can you pay off these "smart" traitors to good old Oregon, but you can also forget your troubles for an evening. And with finals coming up . . . well, EVERY BODY has plenty! So, remember, after the game it's Rod Taylor's on the Glenwood Strip. Rod Taylor's ON THE GLENWOOD STRIP A GOOD PLACE TO EAT PIT BARBECUE IN SPRINGFIELD 416 Main St.—Open Sundays • THE PRICE IS RIGHT • LOTS OF DELICIOUS BARBECUE MEATS C. B. Stevens ...... EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIER WILL SHOW Newest Styles for Spring SOUTHWICK CLOTHES The Natural Shoulder Suit of Distinction FINE FURNISHINGS - GIFTS AND GADGETS Eugene Hotel-Dec. 3,4,5 LAYPOOL'S for your hristmas Gifts— r Cards—Wrappings • * i*> IMPORTED GIFTS — exciting and different Ceramics from Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Swedish crystal. Pewter from Holland. India brass. Hand-ppainted luncheon sets. Surround Yourself with Gift Ideas. Do your Christmas Shopping at — 0 Personalized Christmas Cards with your name printed 0 Gift Wrappings 0 Eaton's Stationery 0 Exclusive Cosmetics _i _ UUU I Cl I UffICJ 886 East 13th — Next to Campus