Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Ducks Set Cage Opener
By Jerry Claussen
Emerald Sports Writer
Oregon's dark-horse basket
ball team will open the 1954-55
season tonight when they meet
Santa Clara's Broncos in the sec
ond half of a twin bill at Mc
Arthur court.
Oregon State will play Cali
fornia in the first half of the
two-game attraction that will be
featured by rededication cere
monies of McArthur court be
tween the two contests. The Bea
rers and Bears will clash at 7:30
followed by the Ducks and Bron
cos game about 9.
Three of the four teams will
be playing their first game of
the two-day old hoop season to
night. Only Oregon State has
game experience and they showed
flashes of their favorite’s role as
Northern Division defending
champions in their 69-47 win over
Hawaii's touring Rainbows Wed
nesday night at Corvallis.
Teams Arrive
The two California clubs ar
rived in Eugene by plane yes
terday afternoon and held short
workouts in preparation for the
games tonight. Both the Bears
and the Broncos are question
marks because of their lack of
veterans following the gradua
tion of several stars from last
Fans will witness this year’s
return of one old basketball
rule and the innovation of an
other at the twin bill tonight.
The NCAA has brought back
the 30-minute half to the game
after an absence of several
years which saw games being
divided into four 10-minute
quarters. The old rule was
brought back in an effort to
speed up games.
Once again as in the past few
seasons a change in the free
throw rule has been made. The
new' rule states that if a player
OSC Center
sinks his first free shot after a
foul, he gets another try. This is
the reverse of last season’s rule
which said that if a fouled player
missed his first shot, he got an
other try. Officials felt that the
new rule would cut down on
fouling by rewarding accuracy
at the free throw line.
Another treat in store for
opening-night fans will be a look
at the new balconies recently in
stalled in McArthur court which
raises its capacity to 10,000, one
of the biggest in the nation. An
other feature of the balconies is
that no seat is more than 28
rows from the playing floor,
something that no large basket
ball pavilion in the country can
Oregon Ready
Oregon Coach Bill Borcher
has been drilling his sophomore
studded squad for over a month
in an effort to make the opening
of his fourth season at Oregon
a success. Borcher and Assistant
Coach Barney Holland have had
only five lettermen on a squad
of nearly 20 candidates around
which to build a team and the
Ducks’ success this season will
depend greatly on the perform
ance of several untried cagers.
California Center
All five veterans are expeet
ed to fill starter’s roles for the
Santa Clara game tonight.
Center .Jim Loseutoff has been
particularly impressive in Duck
workouts so far and will be
counted on to share a big part
of the scoring and backboard
The other four Ducks slated
to open against Santa Clara in
clude big Max Anderson and Ray
Bell at forwards and the hard
working duo of Jerry Ross and
Howard Page at the guard spots.
Page and Loseutoff are the only
seniors on the squad while the
other three starters are juniors.
Also likely to see action to
night for Oregon are two highly
regarded sophomores that also
shine on the football field. Big
Bill Moore, a hook-shot special
ist from The Dalles, and Phil Mc
Hugh, a former Central Catholic
star, will operate at forward and
guard, respectively, in top fill-in
Other Ducks, rated high on the
list of replacements include Gary
McManus, a junior forward with
varsity experience, and Sopho
mores Jack Sherman, Bob An
derson, Ed Bingham and Richi
Sophs on Brone Team
Santa Clara, a perenniel NCAA
playoff team, will also be field
ing a squad with few lettermen
.. ——————
Santa Clara Forward
i and many sophomores. Coach
Bob Feerick is starting his fifth
f year with the Broncos and has
built his squad around a trio of
j veterans of the three Western
Regional Tournaments in which
s the team has played in the last
three years. Santa Clara won the
California Basketball association
j title last year and finished the
season with a 21-7 record against
Oregon’3 17-10.
Forward Kenny Sears will
Fall IM Lead
Phi Delta Theta, champions in
: football -and runners-up in both
; A and B volleyball, wound up the
\ fall intramural schedule with a
total of 350 points to take the
i lead in IM standings. .Hale Kane
was second with 325, and Cher
’ ney hall was third with 259.
! 1. Phi Delta Theta .. 350
2. Hale Kane . 3ft
j 3. Cher ney hall. 259
i 4. Sigma Chi . . .250
5. Sigma Phi Epsilon 245
6. Sigma Alpha Epsilon . 242
1 7. Alpha Tau Omega .231
8. Beta Theta Pi 220
8. Phi Gamma Delta .. _ 220
10. Phi Kappa Psi . 203
1 1. Theta Chi . 199
12. Dorm Counselors 187
j 13. Delta L'psilon 183
14. Phi Kappa Sigma 182
15. Campbell Club 175
15. Sigma Kit. 175
17. Delta Tau Delta .. 174
18. Hunter hall. 162
19. French hall . 159
20. Chi Psi. 157
I 21. Kappa Sigma 150
22. Philadelphia House .. ... 146
j 23. Lambda Chi Alpha . 125
j 24. (iamma Hall 103
j 25. Tau Kappa Epsilon 100
26. Straub Froth . 95
27. Phi Sigma Kappa .87
28. Nestor hall .,. 75
J 29. Sederstrom hall . 67
30. Alpha hall . 62
31. Pi Kappa Alpha . 50
31. Pi Kappa Phi.50
33. 1-eagle Eagles . 0
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Oregon Guard
lead the Bronco attack an he
hat. (or three season*. The 6' 9"
All-American I* rated a* ubout
the best bin man in the conn
try and will constitute Santa
Clanr's main offensive threut.
Two other three-year letter
men slated to open for Feerlck
are Dick Simoni at forward and
Gary Gatzert at guard. Two jun
iors will occupy other starting
roles with lettermen John Bou
dreau at center and transfer
Tony Lazzerl. the son of the
famed former New York Yankee
second baseman, at the other
guard post. The Broncs starting
lineup will average 6' 5”, with
all five standing at least 6' 2
In the first game California
will present a lineup composed
of both veterans and newcomers
to the Bear uniform to startj
Coach Pete Newell’s first season
at the helm. Last year the Bears
finished with a 19-S record for
the season and finished third in
the Southern Division under now
retired Coach Nibs Price who
stepped down after 30 years at
Me Keen Back
Heading the Bear offense will
be All-America candidate Bob
McKeen, the highest scorer in
California’s history. This is his
fourth year in the Blue-and-Gold
Bear uniform and the 6’ 7”. 220
pounder will command the pivot
post for Newell tonight.
Letterman Larry Friend and
iransrer bod waxe wiii nK«*iy
open at forward* for California
against Oregon State. At the
guard spot* will be Junior letter
man Frank Heim and pint-sized
sophomore Mike Diaz. McKeen's
younger brother, Kv, la a stand
out from last year's California
freshman team and will probably
nee a lot of action.
Oregon State'n Irtterman
lined squad will be out after
Its second win of the season
after polishing off llawuli.
Couch Slats dll has seldom
had so many veterans In his
27 years at the Beaver helm
and will make full use of them
tonight In an effort to estab
lish a starting lineup with all
around ability for the North
ern Division rare.
Oil! will probably go with the
same team he ntarted Wednesday
Which would nee Tony (The
Hook) Vlastelica at center, Keg
gi<* Halllgan and Jay Dean at
forward*, and Bill Toole and Lar
ry Paulus at guards. Hon Hob
ins may bill In for Toole after
he came in to pot 14 points
against Hawaii. Halhgan got is
points and Vlastelica 16 in the
Tomorrow night the four teams
go to Corvallis to play another
doubleheader in huge GUI coli
seum. Oregon will play Califor
nia in the first game while OSC
plays Santa Clara in the windup.
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