CAMPUS. .mErry-G-Rounl) At Alpha Chi Omega In the past weeks three en gagements have been announced at the Alpha Chi house. Barbara McNabb is engaged to Bob Stout, Beta; Pledge Loretta Patitucci to Ted Sherman, Lambda Chi at Oregon State, and Nancy Septka to Amos Bowles, Kappa Sigma. At Delta Delta Delta Diamond rings took the spot light Tuesday evening as two Tri Delts announced their en gagements. During dinner Caro lyn Taylor announced her en gagement to Ron Manser, a- stu dent at the University of Idaho. After closing hours Carolee Witt surprised her sorority sisters with the announcement of her engagement to Bob Hart, Phi Psi. Mary Smith also recently re vealed her engagement to Robert Bonham, Alpha hall. Judith Carl son is now "wearing the pin of Chad McClennand, Theta Chi and OSC transfer. Dec. 27 has been set as' the date for the wedding of Adrienne McRae and Herb West, Theta Chi. Between romantic happenings the Tri Delts celebrated their Founders’ Day last Monday. They had a joint banquet and fashion show with the Oregon State chapter at Corvallis. At Kappa Alpha Theta Sue Silverthorn came back from Thanksgiving vacation with the pin of Chuck Carlbom, Theta Chi. At Pi Beta Phi Another Phi Delt pin can be s#en gleaming under the Pi Phi arrow. Puccia Woodside revealed her pinning to Herb Hemington, Phi Delta Theta, Tuesday eve Nursing Not Dull Mrs. Werner Soys Nursing has plenty of activity and never a dull moment, Mrs. Darlene Werner, senior in the school of nursing of the Univer sity medical school, told the White Caps, pre-nursing club, at their last fall term meeting held Wednesday noon in the Student Union. Mrs. Werner described the •training that a student nurse will receive in her senior year by relating some of her experi ences. The training includes work in the public health field, tubercu-. losis hospital, children’s hospital and the county hospital. She feels that the senior classes are par ticularly interesting. “Nursing gets in your blood,” she stated. She also considers membership in Oregon State Student Nurses’ association a “must” for future nurses. As one of few married student nurses, Mrs. Werner believes that nurse’s training and mar riage can be combined success fully. ta 4k in '55 Round Trip via Steamship $40A FREQUENT SAIUNGS 40U *365" Tourist Round Trip Air Choke of Over 100 STODENT CLASS TOURS $C J A TRAVEL STODY TOURS Of10 CORDUCTED- TOURS up , University Travel Co., official bonded agents for all lines, has rendered efficient travel service on a business basis since 1926. See your local travel agent for (alders and details or write us UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO, Harvard Sq., Cambridge,fcMass. ning at the Pi Beta Phi house. Plans for a Christmas wedding are being made by Jackie Dens more who will marry Lee Jack son. Phi Gamma Delta, Dec. 19 in Portland. At Sigma Kappa Of recent interest at the Sig ma Kappa house was the pinning of Jackie Swenson to Paul Peter son. Delta Tau Delta. At Alpha Omicron Pi Dawn Kester announced her en gagement to Ken Hickenbottom, ATO, at the house Tuesday night following formal pledging. Petitions Wanted For WRA Carnival Petitions for chairman and co chairman of the annual WRA carnival are due Friday at the cage in the physical education department, according to Nikki Powell, president of the Women's Recreation association. Date set for the carnival, for which all living organizations are paired to sponsor a booth, is Jan. 21, immediately follow ! ing the basketball game with OSC here. Any woman on campus with a 2.00 GPA or above may apply for these positions, the president said. Serve Better Meals LESSCOST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 YW Cabinet Sells Popcorn Tonight The YWCA Sophomore cabinet will sell popcorn balls in soror ities between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. toduy, according to Nan Hage dorn, cabinet chairman. Proceeds from the sale will be used to s<*nd delegates to the annual YWCA National student ) assembly. Popcorn balls will cost 10 cents each. Members of the cabinet have been requested to meet at the YWCA offices in Gerlinger hall at 6:30 p.m. Wc omen on the £ Emerald Women's Page am pus Sally Jo Groig and Marcia Mauney, Co-«dlfor« DZ's, Carson 4 Plan Bowling Playoffs Friday Delta Zeta and Carson 4 will I meet in a bowling league play off Friday at 4 p.m. in the Stu dent Union. The winner will bowl agntnat OfunnOH Phi Bel* Tues day at rt:30 for th<> Women'll Recreation association bowling championship. • SPEEDY SERVICE • FINE FOODS • ECONOMICAL PRICES \ WL,fkt Bring Her In For a Delicious WAFFLE AND A CUP OF Piping Hot COFFEE ? We Serve Delicious Waffles All Day. ALSO — Try Our Complete Fountain Service — Milkshakes — Sundaes — Soft Ice Cream — Sodas — RUSH INN ON THE CAMPUS 854 EAST 13th It's a boy-shirt, feminized of course ... a gay wallpaper print sprinkled with rhinestone glitter. Turquoise, persimmon or thistle on white. Sketched from our enormous selection and only 3.95 EUGENE FASHION CENTER * Free Gift Wrap