Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 02, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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UCLA Places Four Men
On AP Conference Team
I,OM AmiKDKH-rAI’l-Tnc un
beaten Bruin* of UCLA, hh might
have been expected, dominate the
1954 All-Pacific Coast confer
ence football team hh aelected
by the Associated Press.
Champion of the conference
for the second straight year,
UCLA placed four playera on the
Al‘ ftrat team and four more on
the mythical second team.
Team IJsted
The overall selection*, relea*ed
Wednesday after a tabulation of
vote* by A l* member football
writer* up and down the Coast:
The backfleld:
Paul Larson, California;
(ieorge Sliaw, Oregon; I.lndon
Crow, Southern California, and
Bob Davenport, UCLA.
The line:
Knds Jim Hanifan, Califor
nia, and Bob Lang, UCLA.
Tackle* Jack Rlh-na, UCLA,
and Kd Fouch, USC.
(iuurds—.llin Salshurv, UC
LA, and Jack I’ateru, Oregon.
Center Matt Hazeltlne, Cali
Right of I he player* selected;
were topheavy choice*, and in th>
in*tance* of I-ar*on, Shaw, Dav
enport Hanifan Kllena and
Salsbury, they were practically j
There wa* no reluctance by the
votera In placing two T-quarter
backa, Shaw and Larson, In the
fir*t team backfleld.
Shaw, l-nr*on t minimi
Both are somewhat rare in
T-calling circle*, of course, in
that neither ia restricted to any
one specialty, such as passing.
Both are willing and able to run
or pass, which account* for the
fact that Shaw and Larson
wound up 1-2 in total offense in
the national statistics.
Sport* Kdlt»r Hank Hol
IlngHuorth of I»ng Beach, ex
plaining that he couldn't leave
either off the team, summed It
lip nicely when he noted: “So I
shifted Larson back to half
back, where he belongs any
how." I.arsnn formerly played
halfback at Berkeley.
Davenport, the 193-p o u n d
On \l* All-Coast
bread and butter fullback for
UCLA, wan another virtual
everyone's choice.
California* great center, one
of a long line of fine centers;
from Strawberry Canyon, won
out decisively, if not by a land
slide, while Pouch, USC’s e o
captain, whs voter] jn over Ron
Anchbacher of Oregon State. ,
.Joe Ray of UCLA. Mario De Re
of U8C, and other*.
Perhaps the closest ballot bat
tle wan for the second guard
position, behind Salsbury. At :
Issue were Patera and two other j
UCLA stalwarts, Sam Bogho-'
«ian and Hardlman Cureton.
There simply isn't much to'
choose between either of the trio [
Second Team:
Kn*!* I .con Clarke, Southern Caljfor i
nia, and John Stewart. Stanford.
Tackle* Ron A*chbaebrr, Oregon Mite,
and Joe Kay, rrL\.
Onardr Sam M« pho*iau, UCLA and
Hat durian Cttreton. I TLA
t ruler K m 1'hrit.frr, Oregon.
Hark* Prime Villanueva, UCLA; Jort
Arnrlt. Southern California; Hill Tart.
Stanford, and Duke \V;i*h»ngt"fi, Wa«hintf
I'm Staff.
Honorable Mention:
Knd* (’ftrinicharj, California; Jlrvder
t€lId I, I ( LA : K re vc. (Irryun ; L'*sdd,
t r LA la-tmharh and Greenwood. l*SC.
Tackle* Gunnari, Wa«hhi(ft>tfl Stair
Da Re and I'avich, USC; Tuck':, Oregon;
M'»rm* !*C L,\
I Itiardf Hr**. Idaho; F<rrante. USC:
I•'njamin, 1 (.LA { Mtmltik, \S >i<ihiri((t(iTi.
Ntarjtjcct. California ; Arm* tag*. Stanford
< enter- Goldberg, Stanford. (km*
I s( ktisrn, \Va«hittgton; Petefaon.
t ( LA.
Hack* Drew, California; Cary, Idaho:
Hi < lie. Stanford ; Co*, VVa-hmgfon ; Dar
do * Dcckrt. ('onfratto. US( l„n»c and
Metier, Oregon; D<»rn, Stanford; I»eBa\
and Decker, l CLA.
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Heisman Award
Alan Ameche, Wisconsin’s
All-American fullback, was
named by the New York Down
town Athletic club Tuesday as
the 20th winner of the Heisman
Memorial Trophy, awarded an
nually to the outstanding foot
ball placer in the nation.
Oregon's George Shaw was
eighth in the voting with 182
points. A total of 1328 votes were,
cast, by sports writers and sports
casters in the poll.
Ameche led runner-up Kurt
Burris. Oklahoma center, by
more than 200 votes. His total j
Carson 4, DZ Tie
Play-offs in the women’s i
bowling tournament, sponsored
by WRA. are now underway, ac
cording to Nancy Hickox. head
of bowling for the Women's Rec
reation association.
Carson 4 and Delta Zeta tied
for the championship ;n the Tues
day league arid Gamma Phi Beta
is winner of the Thursday league.
was 1068 to MS for Burris. How
ard Caasariy, the Ohio State
halfback. was a close third with
Following the three lenders
were Ralph Guglietai. Notre
Dame, fif»l: Paul Larson, Cali
fornia, 271: D.f k Moegle, Rice,
258; Jack EUena. UCLA, 193;
Shaw. 182; Pete Vann, Army,
134: Boo McNamara, Minnesota,
104; Bud Brooks, Arkansas, 93,
and Calvin Jones, Iowa, 78.
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