Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days n week during the school year except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univer sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Sub scription rates: $5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials ,»re written by the editor; initiated editorials by the associate editors. Another Waldo Ever since Waldo’s departure to WSC last year something’s lieen missing on campus. We’ve had no outstanding dog-type personality. Everybody knew Waldo, the big black and white dog who lived at the Theta Chi house and kept all other campus animals in a state of terror. And now, after almost a year there’s a new personality emerging dominant. He’s Jim Dandy, the A TO boxer. Not quite as big as Waldo. Jim Dandy nevertheless i- about the biggest dog on campus—and certainly the most aggressive. And other campus mascots have learned to'respect the boxer's teeth. When he arrived on campus front a kennel in Portland, Jim Dandy was just another campus mascot. But his appear ances at football games—he has no respect for people in grand stands, if they’re in the way he climbs or jumps over them— and his battles with smaller campus animals arc fast winning him a reputation that may soon equal Waldo's. Don't know if Jim Dandy has acquired a taste for a beer or two on Friday afternoons as we’ve heard Waldo had. Nor ! do we know if he'll make squirrel chasing his favorite sport.! But we’re confident the campus mascots have a new leader, i -—(J-W.)j SC Currents White Tower Plays Sunday in SU This Sunday’s movie is con cerned with the different mo tives of six people who want to climb a mountain which has never been scaled. Glen Ford, Valli and Claude Rains will star in this adventure film “White Tower." The movie will be shown at 2:30 and 5 p.m. in the Student Union ballroom Sunday, with ad-, mission 30 cents, according to JoAnne Rogers, chairman of the i movie committee. Campus Calendar 9:00 School Bldg Conf Reg istration Lobby 2nd FI Noon School Bldg Conf Lnch 110 Coop Lnch 114 BSA Plan Com Lnch RE Wk Exec 319 12:15 Phi Beta 315 Jr. Panhel 334 12:45 Rally Sqd 333 4:00 IRL 110 Skull & Dag 315 Oregana Flying Spch 334 Jt Asbiy & Lect 337 Phi Beta Kappa Gerl 2nd FI 6:30 IFC 110 SU Alpha Delta Sigma 113 SU { Alpine Cl 315 SU I ASUO Senate 334 SU 7:30 Yng Repub 111 SU I 8:00 Epis Inq Gp 319 SU ! SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU Lost Articles Available Students who have lost note books should check at the main desk in the Student Union, ac cording to Mrs. Gene Bailey. * * * Music Talk Cancelled The recorded music concert! lecture scheduled for today has I been cancelled due to conflic-j tions, announced Shirley Hardy.1 Campus Briefs • Religious Evaluation wwk chairmen will meet today at noon in the Student Union, according to Bob Hastings, chairman. There will also be a meeting Friday at 4 p.m. 0 ('hi Delta Phi, women’s lit erary honorary, will meet this evening at 6:45 at the College Side, President Valerie Govig has announced. 0 Members of the Alpine club are requested to attend a gen eral business meeting of the group. It will be held at 6:30 this evening in the Student Union. 0 Oregana upper staff will meet tonight at 6:30 in the Ore gana office on the third floor of the Student Union. CLASSIFIEDS Wanted: Ride to Wisconsin or vicinity for Christmas holi days. Will share driving and expenses. Gordon Gibbs, 751 8th, Springfield, or call 7-9006 12-3 ALL KINDS of mending, my j home, 2745 Kincaid. Phone 3-1302. 12-6 Alterations and Sewing: For mals a specialty. 1287 Oak or call 4-3094. 12-2 For Sale: Slightly used Smith Corona portable. Call 4-9026 after 5 p.m. 12-1-tf . Wanted Experienced waitress. Hours, 6-11 p.m. Call Ham-' burger Inn, 5-9545. 12-9 Free—Console Radio given away , for study purposes. Call 3-4193 after 6 p.m. 12-2 Vacancies for room and board! for the next quarter. Mrs. Kile ! 874 E. 13th. Ph. 4-0422. 12-3 ; Typewriter. Reasonable. L. C. Smith, Ph. 4-3304. 12-3 Tutoring in English. Call 3-3509 mornings or evenings. 12-8 a CORRECTION THi BIG, JUICY 19c HAMBURGERS SERVED EVERY DAY— NOT A SPECIAL AT . . . CABLE'S DRIVE IN HIGHWAY 99 AT FERRY STREET BRIDGE Who Will Be BEAU BRUMMELL? Winner Announced at "Friday-at-Four" In the Student Union Fishbowl Awards to the Winner: Beau Brummell Statuette Cashmere Sweater from Fennell's Dinner at the Eugene Hotel's Bib 'n' Tucker Corsage and Boutonniere by Eugene Flower Home Airways Limousine Service to the Premier Showing of "Beau Brummell" Beau Brummell Leather Billfold from M-G-M Heilig Theater Pass for the Remaining School Year VOTE FOR ONE BOB BAKER_ DICK CAMPBELL DICK COLEMAN STAN SAVAGE _ ART WEBER_ SID WOODBURY METRO - GOLDWYN - MAYER MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR BAKED GOODS' By serving Bread and Pastry from the Home Bakery you will have more delicious and appetizing meals. Home Bakery SJSMSSj CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! ONLY ONC WEEK! 25% Reduction On Large Assortment of SWEATERS! All Colors USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS FENNELL'S ON THE CAMPUS Hit the right note for the holidays • • # in an ARROW Formal shirt! You’re bound to come on big in an ARROW formal shirt. They feature good looks for certain, and comfort always! Choose the Arrow Nassau (fine broadcloth), above, or the Ar row Mayfair (smart piquet), below. The choice is yours ... hut be sure j you choose Arrow. You’ll hit just the fa right note on any formal occasion. / Both Arrow dress shirt styles aic m priced at 16.00. ARROW SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • CASUAL WTAR Phone 5-1363 860 East 13th Ave