Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    PCC Basketball
Inaugurals Set
Pacific C'oHHt college banket*
bailers begin their 19M-55 ac
tivities ihla week facing packed,
far-ranging schedules and with
moat of the top slurs from lant
season back for another season.
U8C, Pacific Coast conference
defending champions, and UCLA
are favorites for the Southern
division title. Oregon State, de
fending Northern Division title
holder, has almost the same team
aa last neaaon.
Santa Clara, only Pacific Coant j
team to make (he National Col
legiate AA regionala three yearn
running and USF appear top
contendern among Independents.
Trojans Hack
USC lost only one man from
last season's first two teams.
Oregon Slate has 10 of Its top1
12 bHfk and the Beavers' Swede
Halbrook, one of the tallest play
era on record at 7-3, probably■
will become eligible In mid-year.
He has some grades to make up.
Oregon Stale opens the season
Wednesday, playing the touring i
University of Hawuit team at
Washington State also plays
Its first game Wednesday, host
ing Eastern Washington college.
Huskies Open
Coach Tippy Dye’s Washing
ton Huskies, virtually the same,
team he had last year, plus some
promising sophomores, enter
tains Hawaii Frklay and Satur
day. and Idaho, with Harlan .
Hodges as new coach, plays Utah
at Salt 1-ake City the same days.,
Oregon and Oregon State have
Weekend dates with California j
and Santa Clara.
California, under new Coarh
Pet# Newell, was hard hit by
graduation when three starters
departed. Santa Clara lost four
of its top ten.
Ducks Drill
For Offense
Offense drills against zone and
man-to-man defenses occupied
the major share of varsity bas-1
ketball practice Tuesday after
noon as Coach Bill Borcher
groomed his athletes for the
weekend games with Santa Clara
and California. •
The big three of Jim Loscutoff, 1
llax Anderson and Kay Bell con- j
tinned to operate in the rotat
ing post system, with Guards
Jerry Ross and Howard Page
moving the ball on the outside.
Ed Bingham and Bill Moore
spelled the tall men, while Phil
McHugh, Jack Sherman and Bob1
Anderson alternated at guard.
With balcony installations com
pleted, a large early-season
crowd is expected for the Friday
double-header featuring the
Ducks and Santa Clara follow
ing the OSC-California game be
ginning at 7:30.
Plan Now lor
Executive Career
Uni<|ii<- itiic-yw course leads
you to Master's degree. Indi
vidualir.ed training for timer
l.OI.I Kl.K (iKU)l ATKS who
desire top-pay ing positions,
liuvr average «r l»etter ara
ilemir records, lirn.nl eiluea
tinnal backgrounds. Training
in nationally known retail or
ganizations with pay (covers
tuition. I looks, free). Scholar
ships. (lord. Graduates placed.
Next cluss begins Sept. (», I
Applications ac
cepted now. W rite
for llidlrtiu C.
Pilltburgh 1 3, P«.
Eligible Later
CSC Bills Hawaii
In Hoop inaugural
Oregon State’s defending
Northern Division basketball
champions open another hoop
campaign tonight aa they host
the touring University of Ha
waii quintet at 8 p.m. in Gill
Three seniors and two juniors
have been given the starting as
signments for the Rainbow clash.
Coach Slats Gill picked senior
veteran Tony Vlastelica to start
in the Halbrook-vacatod center
spot, along with junior Jay Dean
and senior Reggie Halligan at
Bill Toole. 5‘ 8”, a senior, and
junior Larry Paulus. 6 3”. will
open at guard for the experienced
Beavers. Lettermen Tex White
man. Johnny Jarboe and Ron
Robins are also expected to see
action, along with 1954 reserve
Guard Jerry Crimina.
Gill's forces face two games
this weekend, meeting Califor
nia Friday night in the Kugene
double-header and Saturday eve
ning in Corvallis playing Santa
Champions of the division a
year ago, the OSC club lost to
Southern California in a three
game series for the PCC title.
Shrine Coaches |
Release Roster j
A complete 23-nia.n roster was j
released Tuesday for the Went
learn in the 30th annual Shrine '
football fc'amo to be played in
Han Francisco's Kezar Stadium
.January J.
Coaches Pappy Waldorf of
I California. I>en Casanova of Ore
pen and Ed Price of Texas
tabbed four st a te-of-Oregon per
formers for the team, including
George Shaw, Jack Patera and
lion Pheister of Oregon along
with OSC's big tackle, Hon
Other PCC standouts picked
include Back Paul Larson. End
Jim Hanifan and Center Matt
Hazeltine of California; Tackle
Jack Ellena and Guards Jim '
Salsbury and Sam Boghosian of
j UCLA and Back Duke Wash
mgton of WSC. In addition.
| Guard Tom Louderback of San
Jose State was selected.
The team's end corps is com
pleted by Carl Alliaon of Okla
homa and Charles Smith of Bay
lor. along with Iiay Berry of
Southern Methodist Tackles
from the Southwest Conference
include Buck Lansford of Texas
and Jim Smith of Baylor.
Rice’s all-American halfback.
Dick Moegle, is on the team
along with three other Southwest
speedhovs Barks L. G. Dupre
of Baylor, Frank Eidom of
Southern Methodist and Ronnie
, Clinkscale of Texas Christian.
Kansas State's Corky Taylor and
i Colorado's Frank Bernard! round
out the backfield.
First Place Taken
In Faculty Bowling
With only a week remaining
in the first half of the Faculty
bowling league, the Physical
Plant team cinched the first
place spot by beating the Hot'
Rods Monday night.
Bowling in position rounds, the
Physical Plant took three points
from the Hot Rods. Other Mon
day results saw the Grenadiers
take four points from the Vita
mins, the Jets get three and lose
one in thejr match with the
Markers, and the Flying Saucers
win three and drop one to the
Eight Balls.
High game for the night was
racked up by Wiper as he rolled
a 222. The high series was
bowled by Peterson of the Phy
sical Plant as he scored a 546.
Hardware and Houseware
0 East Broadway — Phone 5-8426
Children's Books
Color Prints.
.50c ond up
.1.00 to 3.98
25c —5 for 1.00
.39c to 5.00
We have a new supply of good
titles in non-fiction and color prints.
If you missed out on our October Sale—
now is the time to make it up.
U of O Co-op Store
Wanted: part-time hookkrt'per.
Approx. 10 hour* a week. Close
to ramptn. Please give qnali>
ficationa. Write to Emerald
classified. 12-2
Wanted: Ride to Wisconsin or
vicinity for Christmas boh
dayx. Will share driving and
expenses. Gordon Gibb®, 751
Sth, Springfield, or call 7-f»<m.
• 12-3
A.UL KTNI>K of mending, my
home, 2740 Kincaid. Phone
3-1302. 12-0
Alterations and Sowing: For
mats a specialty. 12fc7 Oak or
call 4-3094. 12-2
For Kale: Slightly used Smith
Owona portable. Call 4-W)2o
after 5 pm. 12-1-tf
Typewriter. Reasonable. L C.
Smith. Ph. 4-3304. 12-3
Tutoring in English. Call 3-3509
mornings or evenings. 12-S
Patronize. Emerald Advertisers
Winter SNA/IAA Schedule
Mon. A Two*. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations
Wed. A Thor. — 7 to TO — Campfire Nights
Picnie around owr Mf island in our spActCu* Itin^ your own
witmrs A IrtfTtmtngi Wo fvrorsK lirt A stocks Wo so if netting but swimming.
Fri. - 7 to 10 Sat. -2 to 6, 7 to U Son. - 1 to 6
Benton Lane Pool
Hiwsy « Writ. 4 Milos North ot Jummu City the nr 8-2838
!Hoot men. dearie,
osk 4
thru these portals
pass the classiest
of the campus.
\f you haven't found YOUR Beau
BRUMMEtt, then take notice. Only i
20 more shopping days before Xmas
vacation. (We're open Sundays, too )
I m not sifting here for my health .. . I'm hete 'c end you some }
of my famous wisdom.
With such limited time, you'll war.t to go where the selection
is quality. And hour after hour I see the dess est Eeau Brummels ;
come to ye oide College Srde tnn.
Take advantage of the convtyial atmospnere Gaze at him over ;
a cup of coffee or hot chocolate,'Try our CeLutte Hamburger made
with V4 pound of meat, topped with our spec a: sauce, between a
sesame seed bun.
Hurry . . . Hurry, only 20 more days.
NEXT TO THE CAMPUS - 889 East 13th Ave
Hes Dashing! Debonair!
WhO ? ? ? is the U of O
He's a leader of campus fashion!
See his picture in the Co-op. He's ore cf the six finalists.
Meet him "Friday-at-Four" in the S. U. when M-G-M
awards him the Beau Brummell "oscar ‘.
See the M-G-M story, "Beau Brummell,' opening next
week—December 8—at the Heilig Theater, starring Stewart
Granger as the elegant scoundrel, Beeu Brummell. The
story is filmed in color in England.
Finalists' Pictures Contributed
by Fehley's Studio
Awards to the Winners:
* Beau Brummell Statuette
* Cashmere Sweater from
* Dinner at the Bib 'n' Tucker
Room in the Eugene Hotel
* Corsage and boutonniere
by Eugene Flower Home
* Airways Limousine service
to the premier—Dec. 8—
showing of
"Beau Brummell"
* Beau Brummell leather
billfold from M-G-M
* Heilig Theater pass for the
remaining school year
Beau BrummeM Oscar