Army ROTC Announces Appointments for Cadets The following appointments and assignments of cadet non commissioned officers in the Army ROTC have been an nounced by the military depart ment: Assigned to cadet first ser geant are Lee Tucker, Alonzo Stiner, John Socolofsky, John Keller, Richard Proctor and Gary Jones. Cadet master sergeant posts will be filled by Robert Porter, George Schultz, Gordon Nobriga, Jerry Hamilton, Bob Fudge, Rob ert Robinson, Dean McMullen. John Shafer, Cedric Grant. Stan ley McNutt, Donald Hazelett and Richard James. Assigned to cadet sergeant first class are Richard Lee, Dean Highlander. Robert Trigg, Gor don Rice, Robert Lawson, Robert McCracken, Richard Barker, Harrison Bradley, Martin Bran denfels, John Lighty, Myron Bag ley, Ronald Christenson, David Goode, James Hudson and Philip Parsons. Cadet sergeants will be Ra mon Bell, Jack Murray, Charles McClelland, John Roach, James Dielschneider, Roger Martin, Stanley Rasmussen, James Greene, Kenneth Hampton, Pat rick Eaton, Arthur McFadden, William Robertson, Allen Burns, Medical Specialist Or Campus Friday A representative of the Wom en’s Medical Specialist corps will be on campus Friday to interview women interested in professional training offered by the Army Medical service in dietetics, phy sical therapy and occupational therapy. Appointments to see Maj. Genevieve S. Beard may be made at the graduate placement of fice in Emerald hall. For women interested in diet etics, a 12-month internship is available to graduates in food and nutrition or institution man agement. Pre-requisites for the 12-month physical therapy course include courses in the biological and physical sciences. A minimum of 15 hours in psychology, science or sociology and an interest in arts and crafts are required for the 18-month course in occupational therapy. Students selected for the pro fessional training program are commissioned as second lieuten ants in the Women’s Medical Specialist corps before they be gin their course. They receive of ficer's pay and allowances dur ing the training period. Army ROTC Men To Hear Weaver Second Lt. John Weaver, who graduated from the University last June, will speak to senior Army ROTC students today. Lt. Weaver will discuss what an ROTC graduate can expect when called to active duty. Lt. Weaver is now assigned to the 82nd Airborne division at Fort Brogg, N.C. He received his basic infantry officer’s training at Fort Benning, Ga., where he graduated eleventh in a class of 184. |1PY THEATER * * Now Showing ADMITS ONLY HER MOST D/mm CREATION -V*' -IMC STM // J AMERICA'S* OFTHtMAU-ft FOREMOST - TCalu, *wW STRIPTEUSE 4/ /‘I \V\ t A Bedroom Fantasy 1 IN GORGiCUS COLOR ^**** t^U m 2**Ut VCCTACULAl hoik: A*0 SUGMUY SHOCKING 4 w%'.a Kite ncxAjc’icu Philip McHugh, Charles Hug gins, Kenneth Erickson, John Eberhard, Earle Ahrens, Benja min Kahelekulu, William Baker, Shannon Oldham, Gil Lieberman, Gary Jones, Carl Hastings, Harry Elliott, Don Bonime, Gary Peter son, Scott Lehner, Denny Hall mark, Walter Garrett, Elliot Boggess, Gordon Dahlquist, Clar ence Shackelford, Barry Biggs, James Katekaru, Peter Taussig, Donald Thurber, Carl Groth, Karl Schwarck and Dick Moke. Assigned to cadet corporal are C. Linninger, Berge Borrevik, Denis Soderman, Rex Titus, Wil liam Mainwaring, Q. Powers, James ■ Woodyard, Dennis Olsen, Stephen Danchok, James Gilles pie, Charles Wingard. Myron Smith. Gary Cannon, Mike Star Cregon Alum Edits Section of Journal A former University of Oregon student has been named editor of a new section in the Journal of Accountancy, organ of the American Institute of Account ants. Arthur M. Cannon, who also attended the universities of Washington and California and the Army Industrial college, has been on the faculty of the Uni versity of Washington since 1947. He has also been consultant to the University Metropolitan Tract, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, Washington Public Utility Districts associa tion, Puget Sound Power and Light company and the Oil Heat institute. Civil ServiceSelects Canadian Citizens Information for Canadian citi zens on employment possibilities with the Canadian Civil Service, commiasion is available at the graduate placement'office in Em erald hall. Currently the service is seek ing graduates or seniors in com merce, accounting or law for work with the commerce division. Positions are open in the for eign trade service for graduates in economics, commerce, inter national trade, engineering, ag riculture, law and public admin istration. Also open is work with the foreign service, department of external affairs. All applicants for the positions must be Canadian citizens. ling, Norman Fogelstrom, Wil liam Pollard, Carl Gibson, Phil Richter, Nicholas Markulis, Ed win Snow, Dong Basham, Rich ard Costi, E. Laing, Ron Spicer, Larry Kromling, Jerry Pool, Jerry Maddox, John Hendrickson, Keith Barker, Winston Maxwell. Monte Johnson, W. Boyle, How ard Potts, Bert Bamforth. Dud ley Makahanaloa, Dave New land, Nelson Tandoc, J. Moore, 'Charles Killison, Marshall Pal lett, Von Miller, Gary DeBroe kert, Larry Sowell and Harvey Woods. Cadet privates first class will be Dick Allen. March Anderson. Harmon Arbogast, George Barr, W. Bell, Rodney Berkshire, Ger ald Blank, Bruce Bloomfield, J. Brandt, R. Campbell. R. Cham berlain, Gerald Chase, Arden Christensen, Ronald Clark, Alan Dale, James Dutchuk. Earl Klatt, Terry Fujinaga, Ralph Gary, j Raymond Giansante. Douglas Gill, Fred Wilcox. Douglas Wood, Denny George, Norman Silliman , and Edward Gray. Student Nurse Speaks At White Caps Club The last fall term meeting of White Caps, pre-nursing club, will be held Wednesday noon in the Student Union. Featured on the program will be a talk by a student nurse who will speak on her senior year as a student nurse. Interested students tire invited i to attend. Room number will be posted on the SU bulletin board. CLASSIFIEDS Wanted: part-time bookkeeper. Approx. 10 hours a week. Close to campus. Please give quali fications. Write to Emerald classified. 12-2 j Wanted: Ride to Wisconsin or vicinity for Christmas holi days. Will share driving and expenses. Gordon Gibbs, 751 8th, Springfield, or call 7-9006. 12-3 ALL KINDS of mending, my home, 2745 Kincaid. Phone 3-1302. 12-6 Alterations and Sewing: For mals a specialty. 1287 Oak or call 4-3094. 12-2 Tutoring in English. Call 3-3509 mornings or evenings. 12-8 MEN! Beau Brummell took you _ Out of Knee Pants! Beau Brummell Oscar • Beau Brummell Statuette • Cashmere Sweater from Fennell's • Dinner at the Bib 'n' Tucker Room in the Eugene Hotel • Corsage and boutonniere by Eugene Flower Home • Airways Limousine service to the premier—Dec. 8— showing of "Beau Brummell" • Beau Brummell leather billfold from M-G-M • Heilig Theater pass for the remaining school year Beau Brummell, one of the most en gaging and controversial figures of Eng land's flamboyant Regency period, left his mark on the fashions, morals and court intrigues of his day. It was Beau Brummell who inaugur ated the change in men's fashions from knee breeches to the chimney - pipe trousers. M-G-M brings to life the story of this famed Englishman in its movie "Beau Brummell," starting next v/eek at the Heilig Theater. The Campus Beau Brum mell, a man of your choice, will be elected by you on Thursday. Watch for ballots in this paper. The Beau Brummell oscar will be awarded "Friday at 4" in the Fishbowl. See you there. Finalists' Pictures Contributed by FEHLEY'S STUDIO M-G-M How.^oo' «w Colley &-Class Pipe NYLON I IT Gu»>*nti*d Bit* Proof. MEDICO JUma (Water FILTER PIPE *3*®* *522' JT.V.:: Medico's filler strains smoke of nicotine, juices, tars, flakes. When Alter turns brown. throw it away with all the impurities it has trapped. Replace with fresh filter for mild, mellow smoking. . Actual pipe Hat your aura callafa latlat an bawl Something to Rave About— That's Our . . . Real Buttermilk Hot Cakes • Made From Our Own Recipe • Served With Butter and Delicious Maple Syrup RUSH INN ON THE CAMPUS 854 EAST 13th When you pause... make it count ...have a Coke I BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF EUGENE 2000 Franklin B!vd. "Colt." Ii O,i..,d Irod.-moiL._ © 1»J3, Coto-Cdo Compony