Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    24 Ducks to Get
Grid Monograms
Loam i,rn < iiHHiujvH hhh rec
ommended 24 player*, Including
nine Hcnlorn, for varsity football
Three of the seniors, Jack Pa
tera, Hal Reeve and George
Shaw, will be receiving their
fourth varalty letters. All let
tered In l»f)l when a apeeial rul
ing allowed freshmen to play
varalty ball.
Senior* Get Third
Three other players, Dick Mob
ley, Ron Pheister and Dean Van
Leuven, were named for their
third Oregon letter. All alx will
receive Oregon blanket awards
which go to three-letter winnerH.
Nine other players, including
three more senior*, will receive
their second letter*. The aeniora
are Walt Gaffney, Lloyd-Powell
and Keith Tucker. The other nix
are Dick Jame*. Harry Johnson.
Dave Lowe, Jerry Nc|*on, Larry
Rone and I-on Stlrier.
Nine Get tint
Recommended for their first
varsity letter were Chuck Aus
tin, Reanou* Cochrane, Tom
Crabtree, John Keller, Nick
Markulls, Jasper McGee, Phil
McHugh. Jim Potter and Art
Weber. Two managers, Donn Sul
Ilvan and .lark Lane, were also
nominated for letters.
Shaw led (he ‘Ducks In play
ing time this year with 515 min
utes of action out of a possible
600. Patera was second with 406,
followed by Stlner with 465.
James with 463 and Tucker with
Mentor Nominates
Frosh Lettermen
Twenty-seven freshman grid
ders and two managers have been
nominated for letters by Duck
ling Coach Bill Hammer. Includ
ed are fifteen linemen and twelve
backfleld performers.
Racks receiving letters are
Stacey Gibson. Jack Henkel,
Dick Jarvis. George Krupieka.
Pete Lopez, LeRoy Phelps, Len
Head, Jim Shanley, J. C. Wheel
er, Jim Williams, Chuck Withers
and Bob Woods.
Lettering in the line are Bill
Alvarado, Steve Bigelow, Milt
Blevins, Norm Chapman, Jerry
' Collins, Hal Duffy, Mel Klohr.
iTom Hale, Jerry Kershner. Ken
Klauer, Bob Lopez, John Kaven
tos, Bob Reiter, John Robinson
and Vcrn Seott.
Jerry Maule and Denny Craig
will receive manager's letters.
Shaw Selected
On INS Second
All-America 'If!
George Shaw has been nam«<l
to the second team of another
All-American squad. This timoj
it's the Intel national Newt Serv
ice All-America, compiled by;
INS writer* throughout the;
The INS first team contains
two players from the Coast. S
Tackle Jack Kllena of UCLA and
Center Matt Hazeltine of Cali- j
fornia. In addition to Shaw,
three other Coast players were
on the second team.
They are Guard Jim Salsbury
of UCLA, Quarterback Paul Lar
son of California and Fullback
Bob Davenport of UCLA.
The first team consists of j
Ends Ron Beagle, Navy, and Max
Boydaton, Oklahoma; Tackles'
Sid Foumet, Louisiana State, and
Kllena; Guards Bud Brooks, Ar
kansas, and Tom Bettis. Purdue; j
Center Hazeltme; Backs Ralph
GugUelmi, Notre Dame; Howard
Cassady, Ohio State; Tom Beil, l
Army, and Alan Aineche, Wis-1
On the second team are four
ends, Don Holleder, Army; Jim
Pybtim. Auburn; Dean Dugger,!
Ohio State, and Ron Kramer, j
Michigan; three tackles, Eldred.
Kraemer, Pittsburgh; Frank
Varrichione, Notre Dame, and I
Tom Jones, Miami of Ohio;
Guards Salsbury and Cal Jones.
Iowa, and Centers Kurt Burns.
Oklahoma, and Hal Eastcrwood,
Mississippi State.
In the backfleld with Shaw,
Larson and Davenport, are Pete
Vann, Army; Corky Tharp, Ala
bama; Bob McNamara, Minne
sota; Corky Taylor, Kansas
State, and Dick Moegle, Rice.
IM Entry Blanks Due
Entry blanks for winter
term intramural competition
are due Friday, according to an
announcement from the Intra
mural office. The blanks may
be turned in at the office.
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Oregon Sets
Nine Records
Nine nfw Oregon records were
| established and one more was
11 ted by George Shaw and Dirk
.James during the 15*54 football
season, according to figures just
Shaw set four single-season
and four three-year career rec
ords with his passing. He passed
for 1358 yards this year and
2676 In three years to heat Norm
Van Brock 1 in’s records of 1155
in IMS and 21M in 1946-48.
Shaw also had 1536 total of
fense for the season and 3106
for three years to beat Van
Broeklin’s records of 1113 in
IMS and 2043 for three years.
In addition, he attempted lf*6
passes this year and 461 in three
years to beat the records of 169
and 361 set. by Hal Dunham in
1951 and 1950-52, respectively.
Shaw also completed 91 passes
this season and 211 in three
years to beat Dunham's marks
'of 62 and 158.
James scored 66 points this
I year to tie the scoring record
set by Johnny Kitzmiller in 1928.
i and scored 60 in conference play
| to top Kitzmeller's recor of 53
set the same year.
The whole Webfoot team also
got in the act by tying one team
1 record. The Ducks passed for 67
first downs, tying the mark sc-t
by the 1951 team.
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Bruins Dominate
Opponent Team
I'CLA'r • undefpated Bruins
dominated the lfliM Oregon nil
opponent football tram, plarmg
four men on the first, team.
The Wehfoots selected Bruin
Cogers Top Alums
During Scrimmage
Oregon’* fast-improving bas
ketball squad opened their final
week of practice yesterday as
the chib crushed an alumni team
in a scrimmage, 77-3f*.
Last Wednesday Bill Borcher’s
Crew beat the same group by
only nine points in another
scrimmage but the Ducks
showed much improvement in
yesterday s play a.s they utilized
their fast break to inn away
with the contest.
Big Jim Loscutoff again was
outstanding for the Duck team
as he poured in 23 points and
was the big factor in Oregon's
domination of the backboards.
The Ducks have only three
more days to get ready for their
first game this Friday when they
tangle with Santa Clara’s Bron
cos in the second half of a double
header at McArthur court. Ore
gon State and California will
meet in the first game of the
twin bill.
j Tackle Jack Ellena, Guards Jim
| Sahibury and Hardiman Ctin';
1 ton and Fullback Bob Davenport,
to the team. Both Ellena and
Salsbury have been named to
several A11-America teams.
- Iars*n Selected
Three. California Bears, head
ed hy AII-American Paul Larson
|at quarterback, were also select
jed. The other two were Center
| Matt Haaeltine and End Jim
Two members of the Rose
Bowl-bound CSC Trojans wer<
named. Jon Arnett, who wn ktd
;the Ducks when the two tcarr.o
i met, got one halfback spot ami
■ Ed Pouch was named tackle,
i Rounding out the first team were
End John Stewart of Stanford
and Halfback Wilbur Gar\ of
, Idaho.
Second Team Listed
I Players from seven schools
i mane up the .second team, which,
was composed of Ends Bob Long,
UCLA, and Leon Clarke, USC;
j Tackles Ron Aschbecher, Ore
gon State, and Win Wedge, Stan
ford; Guards. Tom Lauderback,
San Jose State, and Vaughan
Hitchcock. Washington State;
Center John Peterson, UCLA,
and Backs Bob Cox, Washington,
. Primo Villanueva, UCLA; Lin
den Crow, USC, and Bill Tarx,
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