Owaon Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school year except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univer sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Epgene, Oregon. Sub scription rates: $5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are vmtten by the editor; initiated editorials by the associate editors. Is This the Best? Pre-registration begins today. Picked up your material yet? Figured out the courses you want to drop or add? No? Well, that’s understandable, there’s a lot of tithe till the end of the term and you can always get an appointment with your adviser. Or can you ? We’re still not completely convinced that the registration system used at Oregon is the best possible. There are a lot of things about it we don’t like too well. But we realize that no registration system can be really perfect. And this system of pre-registration is one thing we do like. If students co-operate it can turn registration into a much smoother operation. It's to your advantage really. We remem ber the days before this system when you scurried around madly on the day of registration trying to get your adviser's signature, go through the lines and attend classes at the same time. It wasn’t much fun. We do wish that there was more to this pre-registration. W e feel that the lines could be cut down considerably if we could actually register for classes before the end of the term instead of doing it all on the first day of the new term. But we should take advantage of as much as we can.—(J.W.) Two More Weeks Two weeks more until final week. Sort of a shock to realize this after four days of turkey and relaxation and whatever else you did over the vacation. We re speaking mainly to freshmen today. You older stu dents have gone through final week and survived. At least we think we have. Now we’re doing it—trying to scare the freshmen to death. Let’s stop the traditional complaining and wailing about final week for a minute and try to look at it objectively. It’s really not so terrifying. That is it won’t be unless you make it so. Final week is different from anything you’ve ever experienced, freshmen. It’s rough, but in a way it’s fun. Now we don’t mean that it’s a big party time. You have to study, and study hard. That last minute reviewing can really pay off. And if you haven't studied all term long, you’re in trouble. Might be able to pull through with a last minute spurt, but we don’t envy you. It’s the people who have studied during the term we’re specifically concerned about. Don’t let people scare you. Don’t stay up all night. Start some reviewing now, take it easy, and above all don’t start to panic. Stay calm during the next two weeks and keep calm during final week. It’ll pay off. This all night cramming can ruin you. So can terror. We’ve seen freshmen—and upper classmen too—freeze up during a final. They might know the subject perfectly and they still freeze. That* doesn’t help. Just relax, fill your fountain pen and—good luck.—(J.W.) Disappointed? {Ml ffLlAS-I HEAR imi'S A*glKP?