Marilyn Stratford, Mark Tapscott Lead Casting for UT Christmas Production Marilyn Stratford, junior in history, and Mark Tapscott, sen ior in speech, have been cast as leads in the forthcoming pro duction of “Hannele.” Horace W. Robinson, associ ate professor of speech, will di rect the play. “Hannele'’ was written by Gearhart Hauptmann and will begin a five perform ance run Dec. 3 on the main stage of the University theater. Miss Stratford has been cast in the title role. She was last seen as Betty Farris in “The Crucible.” Tapscott makes his University theater debut in the double role of Gottwald, the schoolmaster, and "The Stranger.” Tapscott was with the local Cascade play ers this summer. He played the title role in “Mr. Roberts,” the architect in "The Moon Is Blue” and was featured in “Anything Goes” and “Club Intime.” Joan De Lap Pearce, winner of the best supporting actress award for her role in “All the King's Men,” has been cast as Sister Martha. Mrs. Pearce ap peared last year in “Richard II” and as Tituba in “The Crucible." The four inmates of the alms house, where Hannele is taken by Gottwald after he finds her in the storm, will be played by Helen Adams, graduate in speech; Donna Barrick. sopho more in speech; Winston Rust, senior in speech, and Ron Mor gan, senior in speech. Morgan, Miss Barrick and Mrs. Adams make their University theater debuts in “Hannele.” Rust, seen last year in “Rich Educators to Attend Building Meeting Plans are underway for the second annual school building conference to be held on campus Dec. 2. 3 and 4, according to M. C. Romney, associate profes sor of education, who is chair man of the planning committee. The conference is being held for the benefit of Oregon school superintendents and school board members. Also in attendance will be architects, enginqfrs and general contractors from Oregon and Washington. Featured speakers at the con Senate Race Costs Listed PORTLAND- (AP) -Senator Guy Cordon spent $4 for every $3 spent by Democrat Richard L. Neuberger with the total of the two reaching nearly a quarter million dollars in their recent campaign for the senate, The Oregonian has estimated. The newspaper said the esti mate was based on a study of campaign expenses reported to the state registrar of elections at Salem. Duplications in the reports make it impossible to determine the exact amount of campaign spending. Individuals report on the con tributions they make to cam paign committees, and the com mittees also report those sums when expended. The Oregonian estimated the Cordon total at $138,000 and the Neuberger total at $103,000. Cor don spent $73,190 for advertis ing and Neuberger $40,000, the newspaper said. The Cordon committee reported expenses of $120,290 with an other $12,181 still owed. The Neuberger committee reported contributions of $84,004 and ex penses of $63,236. Serve Better Meals EESSCOST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 ference will be Lawrence Perk ins, an architect from Chicago, 111., and Charles Gibson, super visor of school planning in Cali fornia. Gibson is a past president of the national council on school house construction. Architect to Participate Another participant in the program will be Donald Ed mundson, Portland architect. Paul B. Jacobson, dean of the school of education, will pre side at the opening sessions of the conference. Scheduled to give welcoming speeches are O. Meredith Wilson, president of the University, and Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public in struction. William C. Jones, dean of ad ministration, will speak on the topic, “Democracy in Action," at the Friday noon luncheon. Wal lace Ruff, assistant professor of landscape architecture, and El don L. Johnson, dean of the grad uate school, will also speak at the luncheon. Johnson to Lead Panel Johnson will lead a panel dis cussion, “Site Planning and Utilization.” Also acting as panel leaders will be Sidney Little, dean of the school of architec ture, and Donald E. Tope, pro fessor of education. The conference is being spon sored by the Oregon district su perintendent's associaticp, the state school board association, the state department of educa tion and the University schools of architecture and education. ard II" and "The Crucible," spent last summer with the Cascade players. He had roles in "Any thing Goes,” “Mister Roberts," "Club Intime," and "Sing Ho for a Prince." John Jensen, senior in speech, winner of the best supporting actor award, will play Mattern, Hannele's father. Jensen has spent the last two summers with the SPA theater in Saratoga Springs, New York, and became a member of Actor's Equity last summer. Mary Whittaker, junior in speech, will play the Deaconess in "Hannele." Miss Whitaker was last seen by campus audiences In "One Touch of Venue" last spring. Mlstretta, lltidsun Angels The singing angels will he played by Audrey Mistretta, sen ior in music, and Aileen Hudson, graduate In music. Miss Mistret ta has been in "Brigadoon," "The Man,” "The Old Maid anti the Thief." "One Touch of Venus," and was with the Cascade play ers last summer. Other cast members include Tom Colvin. Danny Peters, fresh man in art; Pat McCormick, Jun Navy Flight Training Tests to be Scheduled Written and physical examin ations for navy flight training will be given at the naval re serve training center Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Any man who has two years of college, or who will complete two years of college work by the end of the current school year, is eligible to take the examinations. Those who take the tests will not be obligated to enroll in the program. Successful participants may enter navy flight training anytime before reaching their 25th birthday. Test May Be Retaken Persons failing to make a pass ing grade may retake the test after one year. The written tests will begin at 6:30 Tuesday, with the phy sical exams to be given at 8:30 Wednesday for any men who wish to enroll in the program within 30 days. All other success ful participants will be given the physical examination at the time they make application to enter navy flight training. Navy flight training consists of a 15 week pre-flight course, eight months of basic flight training and approximately five months of advanced training. Prouty's Shoe Se eruice * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B PROUTY 970 Oak Si. Eugana, Ora. Graduating naval cadets are giv en their choice of commission as either ensign in the «mval re serve or as second lientenant in the marine corps reserve. Pilots Serve 30 Months After flight training naval and marine pilots serve 30 months on active duty with the operat ing forces. Flight training pay is $109 per month. After receiving their wings and commission, naval and marine aviators are paid $438 .monthly including pay and al lowances. All naval aviation cadets re port to Pensacola. Fla., for flight training. "We have found,” Lt. Cmndr. W. J. Hampton from the Seattle Naval Air Station said, "that many students cannot take time from their studies to make the trip to Seattle for the tests, so we are bringing the entire exam ining team here.” Hamburger Inn UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Offers Its O REGULAR SUPER BURGER with a • GIANT MILK SHAKE for only 50c I Clip this ad out for your Burger and Shako through Doc. 15 NO TIME TO WRITE? Tell your folks about 'Oregon Through the . . . OREGON DAILY EMERALD I If you have a friend from here who is now in the serv ice he'll be glad to hear about campus events. w Subscriptions on sale every day at the Student Union Administration office $5.00 one year 4.00 two terms 2.00 one term ft / lor In speech; Carol ICmmons and Joyce Nledrlnghaua, both fresh men in liberal arta; Cathy New man, aophomoro In liberal aria, and Melva Lester, Junior In speech. CLASSIFIEDS Red Hot deal on used diamond Fairchild Phono Pickup $20. Garrard Record Changer $48. Warfedale Speaker $30, H-J Type speaker cabinet $30. C'larkatan Pickup Arm $12.50. Telephone 4-0514. 11-20 Lost: Nov. loth Beta Frater nity pin. "Norman Weekly" engraved on buck Please no tify Joanne Kerr, Ph. 4-6814. 11-25 Brown leather billfold lost near Kush Inn. Finder please con tact Mary Martin at 1040 Ferry, Apt. 301 or phone 3-2783. 11-24 Wanted: part-tlniu bookkeeper. Approx. 10 hours a week. Clos« to campus. Please give quali fications. Write to ICmerald classified. 12-2 FOUND: A man’s watch and an Oriental necklace. Claim from Gene Bailey In SUa adminis tration office. ll-12tf ALL KINDS of mending, my home, 2745 Kincaid. Phone 3-1302. 12-6 rutortng in Kngliah. Call 3-3500 mornings or yvenlngs. 12-8 » *0*1©* ftOuW'Y. **Q* «WfUTr SONGS I "COUNT YOU* til SUNOS INSTtAO O# SNMf* ■ IOVI. YOU WONT DO mOHT IY mi - . SttTTtS" TMI MST THINGS HAIICN WHH| YOUTH OANCMO* "WHAT CAN YOU 00 WITH A GIMIAl' •0«. I WISH I WAS Sack m thi AlMY "CHOMOOtAIHY- . THI OlO MAN - MANOY - • WHTTI CHIIStMAS' ' SNOW * . "tlUt STCIIS'' Slaraf BING DANNY CROSBY* KAYE ROSEMARY VERA CLOONEY* ELLEN Color by TECHNICOLOR -DEAN Wfflter IRVING BERLIN -ALSO_ "VISTAVISION VISITS NORWAY" Color Cartoon "BOOS AND ARROWS" Admission Prices Week Day Matinee - $1.00 Eves., Holidays, Sundays-$1.25