Oregon Cadets Receive City of Tacoma Award The University of Oregon Jias received the City of Tacoma award, presented annually to the school whose AFHOTC cadets attending summer camp at Me Chord air force base, have dis played outstanding qualities. It was awarded for the 1954 summer camp, at a review of the cadet wing Tuesday. The award was presented to Charles Green ley, outstanding cadet at Mo Chord. and Rexford Davis, cadet | with the highest academic stand I ing. by Mayor Edwin Johnson of | Eugene, acting for Mayor H. M. Tollefson of Tacoma. Greenley and Davis accepted the trophy on behalf of the 35 cadets that attended summer camp from the University. Present in the reviewing stand were Col. E. B. Daily, head of the military and air science de partment at Oregon. Lt. Col. R. D. Evens, professor of military science, and other members of the Army and Air Force staffs. Johnson, University President O. Meredith Wilson, Paul Wash ke, P. B. Jacobson, Ray Hawk, Donald DuShane, Charles How ard, Robert Vagner, Les Ander son and W. C. Jones were ulso in the reviewing stand. President Wilson presented memberships in the Scabbard and Blade honorury for advanced ca dets. and the Air Command Squadron honorary for basic ca dets. Students receiving the Scab bard and Blade ribbon were Nell Dwyer, Lowry Hoyer, Stan Sav age and Don Simon. Those receiving the Command Squadron ribbon were Don Si mon, Leland Agenbroad, Larry Anderson, Robert Burnett. Krita Fraunfelder. Stewart Johnson, Laurence Takuhashi, Gene Low rance, Rodger O'Harra, Jim I'latz, Don Smith and James Laughton. Campus Calendar Urdnroilnv Noon French Tbl lit SU Thursday Building Cloned Friday 10:30 a m. to 6 p.m. WHAT DID IT COST TO CREATE YOUR JOB? If you’re an average U.S. factory worker—$12,000. If you re a rough carpenter, it took approximately $350 worth of tools to set you up in your trade. , _^. Tools for a garage mechanic cost about $3,000; for a Washington wheat farmer $12,500, for a secretary $300. But if vou work for Union Oil, it took $77,000 worth of tools in the form of trucks, service stations, refineries, oil wells, etc., to create your job.* Obviously, some of our jobs require considerably less investment than $77,000 and some considerably more. But this is the average for Union's more than 9,000 employees. That's big money. But it accomplishes big things. It brings Union's customers better products at lower costs. It enables each employee to produce more and therefore earn more. It creates better jobs and a higher standard of living. *F.tea this figure dots not include the “tools" Union rents for its tmpijjtts, such as office space, tankers, telephone struct, etc. UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA This is one of a series by the people of Union 0,1 to explain how business functions. Your comment, ate- invited. Write lhe President, Union 0,1 Company, Union 0,1 bldg., Los Angeles 17, Cal,lorn,a.