Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Quartets to Make
Entries by Friday
Friday, Dec. 3, nas Deen set
as the deadline for all men’s liv
ing organizations to submit en
try blanks for the barbershop
quartet contest to be held on
Dad's weekend, Feb. 4 and 5.
The entry blanks were recent
ly distributed by the Student Un
ion music committee, sponsor of
the event.
Co-chairmen of the event, Sally
Jo Greig and Bob Porter, have
announced that, in addition to
the campus singing groups, a
professional quartet will be feat
Song selections will be accept
ed by the music committee until
Dec. 17, with qualifying auditions
to be held in the SU Jan. 25.
Male faculty members, as well
Recreation Man
To Speak Here
Jay B. Nash, dean of Brigham
Young university’s college of
recreation, physical education,
health and athletics, will speak
next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the
Student Union ballroom.
"Can America Be Trusted
With Leisure?” will be the topic
of the University lecture.
Nash came to Brigham Young
this fall from New York univer
sity’s school of education.
A graduate of Oberlin college,
Nash received his Ph.D. degree
from, New York university in
1929. In 1933, Springfield college
conferred upon him the honorary
degree of master of science. He
has been a full professor since
Nash has worked on several
committees on community serv
ice problems. He was chairman
of one such committee under
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
during the mid-1930's. He also
conducted the first world sem
inar on physical education,
health, recreation and youth
work in Helsinki in 1952.
Today Marks Deadline
To Reschedule Photos
Today will be the last day that
Oregana picture appointments
will be rescheduled.
Graduating seniors who do not
live in houses, students wishing
make-up pictures and members of
legal fraternities should stop at
the Oregana office between 4 and
5 p.m. today to make appoint
Students living off campus who
do not belong to a living organ
ization should also come to the
yearbook’s office to discuss the
possibility of having their pic
tures in the book.
as male siuaenis, may paruci
pate in a quartet. No fraternity,
sorority or hall songs or any sort
of musical accompaniment will
be permitted.
Quartets must dress appro
| priately for the occasion and sing
, the same two selections at the
actual contest as at the audi
Basis for the judging of song
1 groups has been announced to
be: tonal quality, 20 per cent;
' perfection of performance, 20
per cent; blend. 20 per cent;
originality. 20 per cent; stage
| appearance, 10 per cent, and
stage presence, 10 per cent.
| Card Tables—metal with color
ful plastic tops, S4.95 (were
$7.95). Occasional tables, 25'/r.
Floor lamps now $10, (were
$19). Buy new and used fur
niture at Thrift Dept. John
son's Furniture, 649 Willam
ette. “S&H Green Stamps.
| 11-23
PIANOS—Guaranteed used up
rights. Fully reconditionad at
prices students can afford.
Liberal terms, Ph. 3-3514. J. B.
DONOVAN, Home of 5 Fa
mous Pianos. Across from Bon
Marche parking. 8th and
Charnelton. 11-20
Red Hot deal on used diamond
Fairchild Phono Pickup $20.
Garrard Record Changer $48.
Warfedale Speaker $30. R-J
Type speaker cabinet $30.
Clarkstan Pickup Arm $12.50.
Telephone 4-0514. 11-29
Lost: Nov. 10th—Beta Frater
nity pin. "Norman Weekly”
engraved on back. Please no
tify Joanne Kerr, Ph. 4-6814.
Brown leather billfold lost near
Rush Inn. Finder please con
tact Mary Martin at 1040
Ferry, Apt. 301 or phone
3-2783. 11-24
Wanted: part-time bookkeeper.
Approx. 10 hours a week. Close
to campus. Please give quali
fications. Write to Emerald
classified. 12-2
FOUND: A man’s watch and an
Oriental necklace. Claim from
Gene Bailey in SU’s adminis
tration office. ll-12tf
Left Cuber’s Sociology Common
wealth 212 week of Nov. 1.
Leave at Commonwealth 209.
ALL KINDS of mending, my
home, 2745 Kincaid. Phone
3-1302. 12-6
Tutoring in English. Call 3-35(19
mornings or evenings. 12-8
Rentals—$4.00 per month
$1.25 per week
You can purchase a new
Typewriter on the
following easy terms:
Smith-Corona Portable, $30 down, $5 mo.
Royal Portable, $30 down, $5 per month
Olivetti Portable, $25 down, $5 per month
II of O Co-op Store
Students Complete
Sophomore Honors
Six students have completed
the sophomore honors program,
bringing the total number of stu
dents who have completed the
program to 20. Fourteen passed
the exams last year.
Those passing the tests given
in October were Anne Hill, Peter
Plumridge, Judith Tucker, Ger
ald Jones, Sonia Edwards and
Pat McCormick. These six had
passed three of the four exams
Other students who took one
of the October exams and passed
were Barbara Nyberg and Charl
sie Parker.
The sophomore honors pro
gram was started two years ago
and includes courses in litera
ture, physical or biological sci
ence. society and history. The top
20 percent of the entering fresh
men class may take these
SU Announces
Hours Change
The Student Union building
will close nt (1:30 p.m. Wed
nesday, with the cafeteria serv
ing only the noon meal, accord
ing to SI Etlingson, SU director.
Thursday the building will he
closed all day.
Friday and Saturday's hours
Mill he from 10:30 a. in. until
(I p. in. No meals will tie served
during those two days. Kegular
hours will resume Sunday at
I p. m.
Pi Kaps, Sederstrom
Photographed Today
Oregana pictures of Pi Kappu
Phi ami Sederstrom will be taken
today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Men will wear white shirts
dark ties anti dark blue suits.
Today is the last day regularly
scheduled pictures of living or
ganizations will be taken. Make
up pictures will be taken later.
SU HOURS for Thanksgiving Weekend
WEDNESDAY-Building - - - 7:30 a.m. — 6.30 p.m.
Cafeteria - - - Noon Only.
THURSDAY-Closed — Thanksgiving.
FRIDAY- Building - - - 10:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.
No Cafeteria.
SATURDAY-Building - - - 10:30 a m. — 6:00 p.m.
No Cafeteria
Building - - - 1:00 p.m. — 11:00 p.m.
No Cafeteria
Have Your
Over the Vacation!
821 E. 13th
Ph. 5-6321
Oregano Editor Selects
Assistants for Yearbook
Four student* have been ape
pointed to Gre^aim positions, ac
cording to Editor Bob .South
Sue French has been named
Index editor; Shirley Brown, lay
out editor; Art GrHsaer, person
nel director, and Doug May,
sports editor.
round the clock
Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m.
Weekends, 3 a. m.
Wait 6th, Near Blair
Phone 5-9001
yours to give... theirs to share
A gift to be irenKured more
than yearn ran measure —
your portrait —
most affectionate «»f ail
nayn to bring your Chrintmas
wishes to those you love.
Please Phone 4-3432
For an Early Appointment
1214 Kincaid
On the Campus*
For Less Than the Price of a
Cup of Coffee
NOVEMBER 23rd and 24th
Rush Inn
ON THE CAMPUS . 854 East 13th Ave.