Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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f A concert party will be spon
sored by Went minuter Founda
tion, 1414 Kincaid, at 7:15 to
ifntght. Students will meet at
I Westminster and go to the Civic
i Music association concert in a
I group. After the concert, re
ii freshments will lie served at the
| house.
Sunday activitiea begin with a
| coffee hour at 9 a.m., followed
! by a Bible study claaM from 9:30
I to 10:30. The evening vesper
' service at 6 p.m. in followed by
! a coffee hour.
A noon chapel .service is ached- j
: uled for Wednesday.
An evening veaper service will '
| be held for studenta who arc on
I campus Sunday, Nov. 28.
The regular Westminster pro
I gram will continue with a noon
* chapel service and fellowship
supper at 5:30 p m. Wednesday,
l>ec. 1. Topic for the Dec. 1 j
evening meeting will be "Chris-!
tian Science and Current Iasues." |
The Kev. Stanley Barlow will j
become the new University pas
tor at Westminster Foundation
Dec. 1. He is from Johnson City,
Newman Club
Newman club will hold a regu
lar businesH meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in the Student Union dads'
lounge. A social hour will fol
low the meeting. All Catholic
students are welcome at the
group's meetings.
Wesley Foundation
A folk anti square dance party
will be given especially for new
students at 8 tonight at Wesley
Foundation. 1236 Kincaid. Dress
will be levis or cords for the men
and cottons for the women.
The Koinonia Klass will con
Campus Briefs
• Dispensing machine* that
offer green plastic combs with
"University of Oregon" lettered
on them have been installed in
the rest rooms of the Student
Union. The combs cost ten cents
0 The Friday evening coffee
hour scheduled for this Friday
has been cancelled because of the
Eugene University Civic Music
association concert on that night.
The program originally scheduled
for Friday’s coffee hour will be
held December 3.
• Friday at 9 to 11 p.m. is!
the time for a regular no-date
fishbowl mixer in the Student
Union. Peter Bluett is in charge
of planning the mixer.
• “Al| The King’s Men,” star
ring Broderick Crawford. Mer
cedes McCambridgc, and John
Derek will be featured Sunday
at 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the SU
ballroom. The movie is based on
a Pulitzer prize novel by Robert
Penn Warren. The admission
price is 30 cents.
% All art gallery committee
members are requested to be
present at the coffee hour for
William Justema Monday at 4
in the art gallery, according to
Bob Koutek, committee chair
• Canterbury club, Episcopal
student group, will hold a prayer
service at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at
St. Mary’s church. The service
will be followed by dessert and
a review and discussion period
on the book “Case for Christian
ity” by C. S. Lewis.
• A group of five patients
greeted the infirmary attendants
Thursday for medical attention,
according to hospital records.
They are J. C. Johnson, Lucile
A. Hughes, Marvin R. Young,
Robert S. Bowser and John D.
• Cosmopolitan club will meet
tonight from 8 to midnight at
Plymouth house.
tiniif to meet at. Wesley Sunday
The Rev, Wesley Nicholson of
the Eugene Congregations I
church will sp'-ak at the Sunday
evening meeting following a
light supper at 5:30 p.rn.
Tuesday the usual pot luck sup
per at 5:30 p.rn. will be followed
by an informal program.
Christian Science
The Christian Science student
organization will meet at 7:30
p.rn. Tuesday on the first floor of
Gerlinger hall.
Christian House
Open house will he held at
Christian House, 736 K. 16th,
after the Civic Music association
concert tonight. Refreshments
will be served and the program is
being planned by Carl Cobh and
members of the recreation com
"Disciples and Freedom" will
bo the discussion topic at the
5:30 p.m. fellowship hour at
Christian House Sunday. The
Kev. James Warren, associate
pastor of the Portland First.
Christian church, and a group of
college and business young peo
ple, will he guest speakers. La
vonne Cone is in charge of wor
ship and Sally Byron, refresh
The Sunday morning Donut
Hour begins at 9:15. It is fol
lowed at. 9:45 a m. by two Bible
study groups studying different
phases of the book of Galatians.
One group is led by Victor P.
Morris, dean of the business
school, and the other by the Rev.
John Boosinger.
The Sunday evening fireside
from 9 to 10 p.m. will be led
by students from Korea, with
Cho Sei Yang in charge.
The executive council will meet
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Regular meetings will be held
at Christian House, Sunday,
Nov. 28, for students in Eugene.
The first in a scries of inter
national dinners will be held
Wednesday, Dec. 1. It will be a
Swiss meal planned by Miss
Hanney Galluser. The program,
decorations and food will all de
pict life in Switzerland. Reserva
tions may be made by calling
Christian House, 5-3491.
Canterbury Club
Canterbury club will hold a
discussion meeting Sunday at St
Mary’s Episcopal church, 13th
and Pearl streets. It will follow
a supper and a service of evening
prayer at 6 p.m.
Holy Communion is held at 7
a.m. every Wednesday. Breakfast
is served after the service so
that students may get to 8 a.m.
classes on time.
An informal Bible study group
is held every Wednesday evening
at the home ot the Rev. Robed
Ellis, 1909 E. 17th.
Canterbury Club meets at the
College Side every Thursday
from 4 to 5 p.m. to discuss ques
tions of Episcopal thought, back
ground; practice or conviction.
The discussions are Jed by Father
Confirmation classes are held
from 8 to 10 p.m. every Thurs
day in the Student Union.
Four to Entertain
In Fishbowl Tonight
Four students will perform at
today's Friday at Four in the
Student Union fishbowl.
Those entertaining are Rita
Yuzon, senior in mathematics,
who will sing popular songs;
Carol Harrison, junior in physical
education, who will play both
popular and classical music on
the harp; Chick Nichols, a soph
omore in music, who will also
sing popular songs; and Rob Roy,
a freshman in music, who will
play Greig's piano concerto.
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 East 13th Avenue
Phone — 5-8741
9:30 a.m. University Class — Dr. James C. Perkins, Acting
Department Head of Religion, will begin discussion on
"Great Personalities in Christianity."
11:00 a m. — Morning Worship
Dr. Wesley G. Nicholson will preach
SUNDAY SERVICES-8.45a.m.& 11 a.m.
by Pastor Maier
Bible Class: 10 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
Gamma Deltans meet at 6 p.m. at 1343 Mill St.
Grace Lutheran Church
Eleventh and Ferry Streets
W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant
First Christian Church
1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425
Dr. Caroll Roberts, Minister
10:50 a.m., Morning Worship
Visit Christian House—Our Student Center
736 E. 16th Avenue.
9:30 a m. Donut Hour & Sunday School
Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher
5.30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
166 13th East Phone: 5-7452
8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00
Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
The Holy Communion, 7:00 a.m. Gerlinger Hall
> Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith
Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis
Emerald Baptist Church
(American Baptist Affiliate)
Rev. Charles W. Moore
1992 Potter Street
Tel. 3-3198
Sunday School — 9:45 A. M.
(University Class for Students)
Morning Worship — 11:00 A. M.
Evening Worship — 7:30 P. M.
Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School
24th and Hilyard Streets
11 00 Guest Speaker—Dr. Titus A. Frazee,
Executive Director of the Oregon Temperance leaoue,
Sunday School Goal — 1600
7:30 Associate Pastor John Henderson
First Baptist Church
Broadway at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette — Phone 5-8764
Worship Services-9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Dr. Rector Johnson
Wesley Foundation — Student Center — 7236 Kincaid
Eugene’s First Assembly of God
West 13th and Madison
9t45 — Sunday School
11:00 — Divine Worship Service
6:30 — C. A.'s. (Youth Service)
7:45 P.M. — Evangelistic Service
5:30 P.M.-"LIFE"-KASH, Dial 7600
11:00 P.M.-'PEACE IN THE VALLEY"—KUGN, Dial 590
Central Presbyterian Church
7Oth and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724
Ministers: Paul S. Mellish
Donald S. Ryder
Church School — 9:30 and 11:00
Morning Worship — 9:30 and 11:00
Westminster Foundation Student Cenler
1414 Kincaid
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. First Floor Gerfinger