Bruins Grab Tearn Honors LOS ANGELES-(Special(-UC LA has virtually clinched team honors in four statistical depart ments and has the lead in four others, it was disclosed this week by weekly football figures from the Pacific Coast conference commissioner’s office. With only one weekend of con ference competition remaining, the UCLA team has a command ing margin over its eight rivals in rushing offense, rushing de fense. total defense and punt returns and also leads in total offense, pass interceptions, punt ing and kickoff returns. Only •California in pass offense and Oregon in pass defense were able to break the stranglehold on the PCC's 10 statistical departments. I'CLA's running game has averaged 307.2 yards a game to 223.6 yards for second-rank ed Southern California while its total offense mark is 870.9 to CSC’s 341.1. California has averaged 174.9 yards passing and Oregon 164. Defensively UCLA has allowed opponents only 81.1 yards a game rushing, to 152.4 for Ore gon. and 200 yards a game total offense, with Oregon again sec ond at 238.9. Oregon has allowed the fewest yards passing, 86.4. with California second, 98.8. CCLA leads in team punting with an average of 38.8 yards per punt and in pass intercep tions with 23 and a return of 838 yards. The Bruins have the best punt return mark of 19.3 yards per runback and top the kickoff returns with a 20.6 yard mark. Statistics: Rush Offense UCLA. use. wsc Cali lornia . Oregon .. Stautord . Washington ... osc. TCB ...400 404 ...335 ...398 355 .384 .367 YG YL Net Avg 2654 197 2014 223.8 2190 176 2014 2253 1306 192 16U 201.6 1774 246 1528 160.6 1699 266 1453 159.2 .506 1607 242 1365 1560 265 129 1282 294 1006 298 151 143.9 983 109.8 88.5 708 Offense PA PC PI Yds Pet Avg Td Calif.„206 125 11 1574 Oregon _213 U of W , Stanford * USC ... : WSC . : OSC . * UCLA .216 .210 ...134 172 .165 94 Idaho.142 102 11 1476 98 15 1286 95 23 1255 62 10 1056 75 17 67 14 45 8 52 15 839 718 582 459 .608 .479 .453 .452 .462 .436 .400 .479 .366 174.9 9 164.0 10 142.9 5 139 4 4 117.3 10 93.3 6 89.8 3 72.8 6 57.4 2 Total Offense Plays Rush Pass Ttl Avg. UCLA 4**4 2457 582 3039 374.9 Southern Cal . 538 2014 1056 3070 341.1 California Oregon . Stanford . Wash. State . Washington Oregon State .561 1433 1574 3007 334.1 597 1365 1476 2841 315.7 -577 1295 1255 2550 283.3 570 1528 839 2367 263.0 479 1613 459 2073 259.1 568 988 1286 2274 252.7 471 708 718 1426 178.3 Interceptions UCLA. Southern Cal Idaho. Washington .. Wash. State . Oregon . Stanford . California Oregon State . No. ... 23 17 14 12 11 11 11 10 lu Yds 338 250 82 159 168 144 73 144 121 Td Punting UCLA Southern Cal Oregon Oregon State California .... Washington! . Idaho . . Stanford . Wash. State No. 32 . 46 . 38 . 56 ' 45 42 . 31 45 Yds 1240 1711 1388 2041 1163 1550 1415 1042 1448 Had Av Blkd 38.8 37.2 36.5 36.5 34.5 33.7 33.6 32.2 r ■ Punt Returns 1*1'LA Idaho . Southern Cal , Washington Wash. State California Stanford Oregon State . Kickoff Returns yci a Southern Cal California Wash. State Idaho . Oregon State Stanford Oregon ! Washington Rush Defense , I’Cl.A \ 4 >regon ; South. Cal Wash. State 362 j California . .*74 | Idaho 321 Washington 433 Stanfonl 389 No. 28 u 32 30 13 14 It. 3o 45 27 45 34 Yds 540 178 355 303 1 16 165 193 148 116 No. 15 440 5^4 833 471 764 584 44 5 501 Avf 19.3 13.7 11.1 10.2 8 4 8.7 Yds 309 Td 5 6.7 6.6 Avg. Td 20.6 20.0 1%8 17 4 17.4 17.3 16.7 16.5 14.7 TCB YC YL 282 381 422 907 253 1676 304 1642 255 1608 303 lb90 267 1473 1963 1071 247 294 241 Net 654 1372 1387 1405 1423 1226 1669 Avg. 81.8 152.4 154.1 156.1 158.1 175.1 185 4 17341 192.2 Oregon State 4»* 1 2o78 212 2466 3<>8.3 Washington Duel Seen as Sidelight PULLMAN. Wash. - ( AP i - A Washington vs. Washington duel emerged Wednesday as a possib ly complicating sidelight of the Washington-Washington State college football game here Satur day. Duke Washington. Washington State fullback and one of the West's leading ground-gainers before he was injured two weeks 1 ago. was in top shape in a prac tice session and Coach A1 Kireh er indicated Washington Duke ! will be a key man in the lineup against Washington, the Husk ies. Saturday. Kircher ran the Cougars through a long scrimmage in rain and mud. THIS IS NO FUN, THE LITTLE DUCK THOUGHT, as ha looked up from his hook on advanced theories of analytical bird watching. I should be in Cor* vattis watching us beat the Aggies. So the little duck jumped in his car and followed the monster rally to the agricultural school. After the game the little duck wanted to celebrate, but he was afraid to stay in Corvallis—-and besides he didn't want to. Because the best place he could think of to go to celebrate was Rod Taylor's on the Glenwood strip in Eugene. So he climbed back into his '29 sedan and all the way back to Eu gene he thought about the good time he'd have at Rod's on the Glenwood Strip where he'd meet all the other little ducks and talk about serious subjects like women and football and, well, serious subjects. Rod Taylor's ON THE GtENWOOO STRIP ) Pick up your energy at Coffee Break With a Special DeLlJXE HAMBURGER V* Pound Real Meat in Every Burger. Only 40c COLLEGE SIDE INN I 889 E. 13th Street Meeting Planned By Harvard Alums Two graduates of Harvard uni versity will speak to prospective undergraduate and graduate stu dents following a movie on Har vard at Plymouth house of the Congregational church Momluy I at 8 p.m. The meeting will be conducted by Charles O. Porter, Eugene at torney and recently candidate for U.S. representative from Ore gon’s fourth congressional dis trict, and Douglas K. Spencer. Sponsored annually by the lo cal alumni of Harvard the meet ing is for University students w’ho are considering graduate work at Harvard. High school seniors who plan to enter the in stitution as undergraduates next fall are also invited. Further information about the meeting may be obtained by calling Porter at 3-3524 or Spen cer at 5-4371. Gamma Alpha Chi Apple Sale Ends Gamma Alpha Chi. national women's advertising fraternity, will end its annual apple sule this afternoon. The apples, which are being sold for ten cents each, can be purchased in front of the li brary and the Co-op. CLASSIFIEDS Card Tables - metal with color ful plastic tops, $4.95 (were $7.95). Occasional tables, 25' ,, Floor lamps now $10, (were $191. Buy new and used fur niture at Thrift Dept. John sons Furniture, 049 Willam ette. "S&ll Green Stamps. 11-23 PIANOS Guaranteed used up rights. Fully reconditlonad at prices students can afford. Liberal terms, I’h. 3-3514. J. B. DONOVAN. Home of 5 Fa mous Pianos. Across from Bon Marche parking. 8th and Charnelton. 11-20 Lost: Nov. 10th Beta Frater nity pin. "Norman Weekly" engraved on back. Pleas** no tify Joanne Kerr, Ph. 4-8814. 11-25 Brown leather billfold lost near Kush Inn. Finder please con tact Mary Martin at 1040 Ferry. Apt. 301 or phone 3-2783. 11-24 FOUND: A man’s watch and an Oriental necklace. Claim from Gene Bailey In SU’a adminis tration office. ll-12tf ALL KINDS of mending, my home. 2745 Kincaid. Phone 3-1302. 12-6 Lout: Noise parade trophy from Sima it Campbell. Terrific en tertainment for Its return. Cal! 388. 11-22 Wanted: part-time bookkeeper. Approx. 10 houra a week. Close to campus. Please give quali fications. Write to Emerald classified. 12-2 Lost: Green leather billfold near 13th and Alder. Contact Susan DeBusk, 5-0042. 11-19 Lost: Ked and blue golf um brella during noise parade. Call 5-9912. 11-20 Tutoring In English. Call 3-3509 mornings or evenings. 12-S Patronize Emerald Ad\ertl*rr* Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekend*, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phene 5-9001 m Something fW Should Know TRAVEL AGENCIES • It costs no more to buy plane, steamship or tour tickets from an agency. • Agencies specialize in all types of foreign travel. Stu dent tours are available to you at no extra cost. • Travel agency personnel have travelled aboard-they are experienced, bonded and unprejudiced. Next Time You Want to Take a Trip Just Call . . . Eugene Travel Service EUGENE HOTEL LOBBY Phone 5-8431 NO TIME TO WRITE? Tell your folks about 1Oregon' Through the . . . OREGON DAILY EMERALD If you have a friend from here who is now in the serv ice he'll be glad to hear about campus events. Subscriptions on sale every day at the Student Union Administration office y»'‘ *'1 $5.00 one year 4.00 two terms 2.00 one term