Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Senior Receives Ellefson Memorial
r ivy iconise von oroenwaia, a
senior in speech, has won the
first annual "Judy Ellefson
Speech award,” according to H.
D. Clark, professor of speech.
The $100 annual award was
begun this year by Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd T. Ellefson of Springfield
in memory of their daughter,
Judy, a University speech major
who died of polio last year. The
recipient is selected by the com
mittee of scholarships and
Brown leather billfold lost near
Hush Inn. Finder please con
tact Mary Martin at 1040
Ferry. Apt. 301 or phone
3-2783. 11-24
FOUND: A ninn's watch and an
Oriental necklace. Claim from
Gene Bailey in SU's adminis
tration office. 11-12tf
Lost: Noise parade trophy from
Susan Campbell, Terrific en
tertainment for its return. Call
388. 11-22
Ix)»t: Nov. 10th Beta Frater
nity pin. "Nornmn Weekly"
engraved on hack. Pleuae no
tify Joanne Kerr, Ph, 4-6814.
Tutoring in KngliMh. Call 3-3f.0B
mornings or evenings. 12-8
Grandfather never had it this good
Most people today work only two-thirds as many hours as their
grandfather did. Yet they earn at least three times as much each day.
If, for example, your grandfather had been on
Union Oil s payroll in 1890, he’d have put in an average week of at least
60 hours. For which he'd have received about $2.25 a dav.
If — for comparison — you had been with us last year,
you d have averaged $2.25 also. But for an hour's work, not a day’s!
.And you’d have worked only 40 hours a week.
How can Union Oil, or any company, pay more monev for less
time on the job? Because new and better toots and engineering have radically
increased a man s capacity to produce as they shortened his work week.
For every worker at Union Oil there is now available an average of
$77,000 worth of these improved tools — trucks, pipelines, wells, refineries.
0 This gives each employee 340% more to work with than in 1890.
1 For the most part these tools have been purchased with money the
■ shareholder-omters have plowed back into tlid business out of profits.
ill Who profits from profits? Everyone does! That’s whv
you get so much more out of life than your grandfather did.
This is one of a series by the people of Union Oil to explain how business functions. Your comments are
invited. Write: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Los Angeles 17, California.