Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Ducks Await Crucial'
Already prohibitive favorites, |
the Oregon footballer)) are Hi 111
working hard in preparation for
.Saturday's ''crurlal” against the
Oregon .State Beavers at Cor
Wednesday the squad worked
on both offense and defense. The
defense Is designed to stop the
OSC attack, which has been
somewhat ineffective. In the of
fensive workout, George Shaw
and John Keller threw passes
and Dick James and Tom Crab
tree did most of the running.
Smarting from five straight
setbacks at the hands of the Bea
vers, the Ducks are determined
to win this game and spoil the
Homecoming for the Aggie root
ers. All the losses have been
close, including the 0-7 defeat at
Hayward field last year.
Oregon Champs
Enter Northwest!
Oregon's defending champions
will rank as favorites when nine
college c ross-country teams meet ■
for the Northwest intercollegiate
title hI Portland today.
The meet will be run over a
3.1-mile course on the Portland
university campus and will sig
nal the end of the cross-country
season for Coach Bill Bower
man's undefeated Duck team. It ■
will start at 3 p.m.
At least eight colleges In !
northwest Oregon arfc expected
to send teams to the meet as are
the University of British Colum
bia and perhaps others. Among
the Oregon schools slated to at
tend are Oregon, Oregon State,
Portland university, Willamette,
l>infield. Lewis and Clark, Port
land State, and Pacific univer
The Oregon team will have the
meet's Individual defending
champion at Portland. Ken Rei
ser won first place last year at
the Portland meet, se tting a new
record of 14:38 for the course.
His chief competition for indi
vidual honors is expected to come
from Duck teammate Bill Dell
inger, undefeated In competition
this year, and Portland Us Jim
Right men will accompany !
Bowerman to Portland for the
meet. Scheduled for the Duck
team are Reiser, Dellinger, Doug
Clement, Gordon Dalqulst, Ron
Meskimen, Stan Rutherford, Bob
Dry nan and Jim Bailey, the Aus
tralian half-mile champ who will '
participate in his first meet after {
breaking his foot last summer.
Jim Withrow, a (mir-u-»r Ictterinan. is one of thro*- Oregon
Stale <|iiarterhacks expected to see action for the Itcaxers in
the 58th renewal of the annual Oregon-Oregon State Civil War
serlen Saturday. Withrow has completed 83 out of H5 paiaet for
S6C yards mi far thin year. He in second in the conference in
punting with an axerage of 40.5 yards on 30 punts.
Phi Delta Theta,
Hale Kane Victors
A hard s-piking Hal#* Kano
squad moved Into the semi-finals
of the 'A' league volleyball play
offs Wednesday by overwhelm
ing the Dorm Counselors in
straight sets, 15-0, 15-5.
Hale Kane needed only three
services to take the first game,
as they collected four points in
each of the first two serves and
powered to seven mote in the
Phi Delts Victors
Phi Delta Theta advanced in
A league playoff action Wednes
day with a decisive victory over
Hunter hall.
Although the Phi Delts' play
was a little ragged, they used
their superior height to great ad
vantage. as they won the game
in two straight sets. The scores
were 15-6 and 15-5.
Hawaiians Win Two
Hale Kane also advanced to
the semi-finals in Class B by
virtue of a hard won victory from
Theta Chi.
In the first set. Hale Kane
held complete command as they
gained a 15-5 edge. Hale Kane
quickly grabbed a large margin
in the second set. but the game
was tied three times before Hale
Kane finally nabbed a 1S-16 win.
Sigma Nu Bounced
Phi Delta Theta put on two
late drives to snare 15-9, 15-7
victories from Sigma Nu in the
'B’ semi-finals. Sigma Nu kept
it close in the first game until
four fast points put it away for
the Phi Dclts.
Read Emerald Classifieds
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Bowling Led
By Hale Kane
Dn*pite a 3*1 setha*k to French
hall, Hal*' Kane retained first
place In the Dor m Bowling 'league
a* a result of Wednesday night's
action. In other results. Yeomen
trimmed the Loral Yokels 3-1,
Gamma split 2-2 with Seder
t-trom, and Nestor whipped
Campbell Club 3-1.
Hale Kane leads the league
with a 14-6 record. The Local
Yokels are second with 12-fc.
Top game and series were
bowled by Ron Redmond of the
Yeomen. Redmond had a high
game of 235 and high series of
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