CAMPUS... .mErry-Co-RounD At Alpha Phi Most recent pinning at the Alpha Phi house is that of Syl via Wingard to Dick Bemis, law school student. Before transfer ing from Lewis and Clark col lege, Dick was affiliated with Delta Tau Rho. At Alpha Xi Delta The local chapter of Alpha Xi Delta recently received national recognition by winning one of the two Friendship awards given each year to outstanding Alpha Xi Delta chapters. The award is based on service to the Alma Mater, loyalty to the fraternity, and strength of the chapter spirit. Several pinnings have also been announced by the Alpha Xi’s. They include Marta Gosnell to David Turnbull, of Teller, Oregon; Lucy Sprouse to C. Barr netcher, Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Sylvia Sommerer to Bob Ransom, Phi Kappa Sigma. At Chi Omega Lorraine Ray announced her pinning to Gary McManus last weekend. Lorraine is a Chi O pledge and Gary, a member of T*heta Chi. At Delta Gamma Of romantic interest at the Delta Gamma house was the an nouncement of the pinnings of JoAnn Kerr to Norman Weekly, Beta Theta Pi. and Sue Smyth to Bob Reid, Sigma Chi. Sue was hbnored by a Sigma Chi sere nade last Saturday night. At Gamma Phi Beta November 9 was a memorable night for the Gamma Phi’s, as two surprise engagement parties were given. After dinner Norma Crowley announced her engage ment to Dan Reynolds, Delta Upsilon, and after closing hours Mary Sandeberg announced her engagement to Mac Moor ad, US Army and currently stationed at FSort Lewis, Washington. At Highland House Two marriages and two en gagements have taken place at the Highland House during the summer and fall. Maxine Burt married Donald Kyte, and Jane Gardner married John Grew. Neelie Sano announced her en gagement to Charles Schultz, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Ida Cos ton, to Richard Hankins. At Kappa Alpha Theta The engagement of Donna Organ and Harry Donkers. Theta Chi. was revealed at a surprise party after closing hours Sat urday at the Theta house. Harry graduated from Oregon last year and is presently living in Long Beach, California. An early fall wedding is planned by the couple. At Kappa Kappa Gamma Four Kappas became pinned in the last few weeks. Joanne Ger ber is wearing the pin of Tim Brooks, a Phi Delt at the Uni versity of Washington and for merly of Stanford. Judith Pierce is pinned to Mike Srrtith. SAE, and Dee Dee Todd, to George Schuler, a graduate of USC and also a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Peggy Gathercoal, a transfer from Oregon State, is pinned to Don Poling. Sigma Phi Epsilon at Oregon State. oCidlenina . At ...On KWAX 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Sport Shots 7:30 Musical Memoirs 8:00 Student Union Show 8:30 American Ideals 8:45 Windows on the World 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off Campus Calendar 7:00 7:30 8:00 111 SU 112 SU YM SU 4:00 Noon Soc Dept Phi Beta Cab R E Wk Exec Oregana Clbs and Hon IVCF Univ Lect Com Stu Aff City Panhel IFC FTA Yng Repubs PAD Wives Dadsrm SU Epis Inq Grp YM SU 6:30 213 SU 215 SU 315 SU 337 SU 110 SU 213 SU 334 SU 214 SU Campus Briefs \ vi i • A meeting will be held in the Oregana office today from 4 to 5 p.m. for University grad uating seniors not members of campus living organizations and those who could not make pic ture appointments or wish to haye new ones. Students who do not live on campus but wish their pictures in the yearbook should also be present. • The Alpha Tau Omega fire side will be held Saturday night rather than Friday night as stated in the Kmerald. Alpha Delta Pi will hold a fireside Fri day night. • According to hospital rec ords, the following patients were confined to the infirmary Wed nesday for medical observation: Shirley Rhoads, Lucile Hughes, J. C. Johnson, Marvin Young, Robert Bowser, Gary West. Rich ard Allen and John Templeton. • The Alpine club will meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the Student Union to discuss the next climb. 0 There will be a Phi Beta cabinet meeting in the Student Union at noon today. 0 The Young Republicans will meet in the Student Union to night at 7:30. 0 Chi Delta Phi, women’s lit erary honorary, will meet to night at 6:45 at The Side, accord ing to Valerie Cowls Govig, president. 0 Mortar Board will meet at the Alpha Phi house tonight at 6:30. Oman Daily EMERALD . Tlie Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school vear except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univer sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Sub scription rates: $5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. JQE GARDNER, Editor JEAN SANDINE, Business Man^ DICK LEWIS, JACKIE WARDELL, Associate Editors ~ PAljL KEEFE, Managing EditorDONNA RUNBERG, Advertising Manager JERRY HARRELL, News EditorGORDON RICE, Sports Editor C-hiet Desk Jiditor: sally Kyan Chief Makeup Editor: Sam Vahey Feature Editor: Dorothy Her Ass’t. Managing Editor: Anne Ritchey Ass’t. News Editors: Mary Alice Allen, Anne Hill, Bob Robinson Chief Night Editor: Valerie IJ^rsh Ass’t. Sports Editor: Buzz Nelson Office Manager: if ill Mainwaring Nat'l. Adv. Mgr.: Mary Salazar Circulation Mgr.: Rick Hayden Ass’t. Office Mgr.: Marge Harmon Layout Manager: Dick Koe Classified Adv.: Helen R. Johnson Morgue Editor: Kathleen Morrison Woman’s Page Co-editors: Sally Jo Marcia Mauney Greig, Kwamas Selling Children's Games Party games and children’s games are now being- sold by Kwama. These games will make excellent Christmas presents, ac cording to Helen Ruth Johnson, president. The games, which consist of a game for all ages. “Blockhead” and several picture puzzles for children are priced at one dollar each. The money received from the sale will be used for Kwama scholarships. Last year 10 schol arships of $100 each were given to freshman women. Anyone interested in purchas ing a game may contact any Kwama member or Helen Ruth Johnson at Chi Omega. AWS Holiday Tea Petitions Due Now Petitions are due today for the chairmanships of the AWS-spon sored Christmas tea scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 4, Margaret Tyler, AWS adviser for the event, has announced. Besides the general chairman, a secretary, collection co-chair men. refreshments, entertain ment, and invitations chairmen are needed for the annual tea. Petitions may be turned in to Miss Tyler at Alpha Phi or in the ASUO box' on the third floor. Student Union. Patronize Emerald Advertisers "lAJomen the L^ampud man'c Pnno * on Emerald Women's Page Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Maunoy, Cocdilort Junior Panhellenic Group to Organize Sorority pledge class presi dents will meet Friday noon in the Student Union to organize this year’s Junior Panhellcnic, according to Nita Hamilton, Pan hellenic second vice-president | and adviser to the junior group. Meeting with t-he 16 women will be Golda Wickham, associate director of student affairs, Olivia Tharaldson, last year's Juniorr Panhellenic president, and Miss Hamilton. Working to unite the pledge classes by discussion of common i problems throughout the year, this group acquaints the pledges with campus and sorority stand ards and with the Panhellcnic organization. Recently elected pledge class presidents are Gloria Begenich, Alpha Chi Omega; Janice Arne son, Alpha Delta Pi; Roberta Mack, Alpha Gamma Delta;, Jeannette Dimlt, Alpha Omicron Pi; Jean McPherson, Alpha Phi; , Diane Davies, Alpha Xi Delta; Barbara DeVoe, Cht Omega; Put Gallagher, Delta Delta Delta. Doiothy Griffith, Delta Gam Our Special for Friday and Saturday Lady Baltimore Cakes-80c • Choice of Chocolate or White king • Place Orders Early Homo Bakerv 86 W Phone 4-5143 ma; Gayle Jertnen, Delta Zeta; Ann Huideraon, Gamma f’hl Beta; Janet Maier, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Patty Thnmpaon, Kap pa Alpha Theta; Audrey Kelley, PI Beta Phi; Janet Somera, SIk ma Kappa, and Betty Wiene, Zeta Tau Alpha. BYOl WELCOME BYOl to the SPRINGFIELD FIREMEN'S BALI rridey Evening in Springfield Memorial Building - Adm. $1 00 Take Any Springfield But Serve Better Meals LESS COST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phono 4-2371 Eug«‘iie Four Freedoms Nylons by Waltham free you from (1.) girdles, (2.) garter belts, (3.) garters, plus (4.) new freedom of action. 1.65 60 gauge, 15 denier dress sheers — 1.65 Hosiery, Street Floor Order By Mail or Phone 5-0111 THE BON MARCHE, EUGENE, OREGON Please send me (he following "Four Freedoms" Nylons: Length (short, mod., long) Quan. Size (B Va il) Harmony (neutral taupe) I Melody (medium beige) Price Name Address -----Zone_State_ ( ) Charge ( ) Check ( ) B.C.C. ( ) Money Order ( ) C.OO ( ) I would like to open a BON MARCHE Charge Accountl