AAUW Offers Awards To University Women Fellowships for university women are again being offered by the Oregon division of the American Association of Univer sity Women. Requirements for eligibility for the award are: (1) the wom an must be a resident of Oregon and a graduate of a standard college approved by the AAUW, (2) she must have at least one year of graduate work or its equivalent in practical work along her chosen line of study. The holder of a fellowship must have good health, excellent char acter, ability and initiative. It is desired that candidates show evidence of creative ability and submit definite plans for re search. A committee of five appointed by the AAUW president, with Drive Sponsors Diabetes Checks For UO Students Free tests for diabetes will be given this week in conjunction with National Diabetes week, Dr. F. N. Miller, director of the health service, has announced. Each fall for the past six years, the American Diabetes association has sponsored a Na tional Diabetes Detection drive. This year the drive will be held Nov. 14 to 20. The tests will be given at the University infirmary. Dr. Miller said there will be no delay when taking the test and he hoped more people would take advan tage of this opportunity than have in previous years. It is estimated that there are over one million undetected cases of diabetes in the United States, Dr. Miller stated. Ama*teur TV Program Yields Research Fund The Lane county chapter of the Arthritis and Rheumatism foundation plans to carry on an extensive research program at the University in the near fu ture. The foundation hopes to set up research programs to help discover the causes, means of better treatment and ways* of aiding sufferers of the disease. The research program has been made possible by $10,000 in do nations which were contributed to the foundation after a three hour television show Sunday night over KVAL. The show was put on by more than 150 amateur performers. Architecture Professor To Show Colored Slides M. D. Ross, assistant profes sor of architecture, will show colored slides of Oregon archi tecture tonight at 7:30 in the browsing room. Ross has traveled throughout Oregon taking pictures of noted Oregon buildings. SU Currents Chairman Lists Hours For SU Music Room Shirley Hardy, chairman of the Student Union recorded mu sic committee, announced the regular hours of the SU music listening room and record lend ing library as: 3-5 Monday-Friday 7-10 Sunday-Thursday * * * SU Mixer Scheduled From 9 to 12 Friday A regular no-date fishbowl mixer will be held Friday from 9 to 12 p.m. in the SU, accord ing to Peter Bluit, chairman of this mixer. the approval of her executive board makes the awards. The committee includes a woman member of the faculty of each j Oregon college accredited by the National AAUW. The fellowship award is made in the sum of $1500 which is | raised by means of a per capita tax levied upon each AAUW member in Oregon. All AAUW members are urged by '^fcolda Wickham, dean of women, to turn in names of can didates who might qualify for awards to the State Chairman, 1 Eleanor Stephens, Oregon State Library, Salem, Oregon. Campus Calendar Noon White Caps 110 SU French Tbl 112 SU 3:30 Homecg Fin 110 SU 4:00 Panhell Coun 111 SU Publicity Com 313 SU RE Wk Com 315 SU SU Bd 337 SU 7:00 Educ Movie 138 CW 7:30 Ross Lect Brs Rm SU Folk & Sq. Dance East Gym P.E. Campus Briefs 0 All Alpha Phi Omega mem bers will meet In the University library at 8 p.m. tonight, accord ing to Travis Cavens, president. Movies will be shown. 0 Informary patients Tues day. according to hospital rec-' ords, were: Gary West, Robert S. Bowser. Dale Jolly, J. C. John son and Charlotte Britts. • The YWCA Cabinet will meet today at 12 in the Y, Ger linger hall. All freshman . com mission presidents and all mem bers of the cabinets are asked to attend. , 0 Committee chairmen and officers of Religious Evaluation week will meet at 4 p.m. in the Student Union to select a gen eral theme, according to Dick Allen, publicity chairman. 0 Students who wish to ap peal campus parking tickets may do so at 7:30 tonight at the Stu dent traffic court in Student Union 309. 0 All members of the Stu dent Union general publicity committee meet today at 4 p.m. in SU 313, according to Dick Gray, chairman. Mid-term Progress Report Ready for Eugene Freshmen Mid-term progress reports for the following Eugene freshmen may now be picked up in the Office of Student Affairs: Rob ert Albrich, James Anderson, Romey Armes, Donald Baker, Gene Bigelow, Robert Brown, Floyd Burke, John Casey, Don ald Childs, Duane Cooksey, Phil ips Craig, Richard Dominey, Ho mer Donnelly, George Dunn, Le Roy Eggers, Vern Etchison, Neil French, Leon Goodman, Edward Gray, J. D. Griffith, George Hol land, Clifford Jackson, Jon Ja cobson, Alfred Jones, Stewart Jones, Joe Keller, Donald Ker nutt, Kenneth Kirkpatrick, Ken neth Klauer, David Knotz, Paul Kratzke. Charles Landskroner, Thomas Lane, David Lindley, Rudolph Lippert, Warren Lofgren, Marvin Loy, Gerald McCabe. Bruce Mc Kinaly, John Marsh, Raymond Mollier, Kenneth Niehans, Merle Neilsen, Jerry Olson, Jim Perry, Allen Reynolds, Ervin Royer, James Scarth, Willis Sell, Paul White Caps Discuss Student Clinic Work Clinical work during student nurses’ junior year will be the topic of discussion at the meet ing of White Caps, pre-nursing club today at noon in the Student Union. The discussion will be conduct ed by a junior student nurse. The meeting is open to all pre-nurs ing majors and anyone else who might be interested, according to Judith Pederson, vice-presi dent. Shine, Freeman Squires, Lester Stott, Gerry Thomas, Charles Thompson, Donald Tomlin, Gor don Trunnell, Billy Warner, Keith Weaver, Daniel W’hedin, Jack Wiecks, Robert Williams and Terrance Young. oLijfentng On ...On K WAX 6:00 Fingerprints 6:30 Music by Bela Bartok 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Navy Band Stand 7:30 Campus Recital 8:30 Chicago Roundtable 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off distinctive haircuttiny / £ & ana stu(ii Atyling We'll Give You a Just-Right for the campus look GOLDEN'S for Beauty 29 W. 11th Phone 4-4243 Open Evenings by appt. SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN PROM 9 A.M. Til I DAILY & SUNDAYS.. I ILL IMvU M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 IjIniuerAity Students On DINE AND DANCE AT HIDEAWAY LODGE Friday, Nov. 19— 8:00 P.M. to 12:30 Good Music Admission $1.00 per couple 10 Miles East of Springfield on the McKenzie Highway 1 Vi Miles East of Hendricks Bridge on Booth Kelly Road. Phone 7-7682 or 6-2792 for Early Reservations. CLASSIFIEDS Fairchild 215 phonograph cart ridge. Diamond Stylus. Finest made. Cost $37.50, sell for $20. New Fairchild arm, $25. Both for $45. R-J-tvpe speaker! cabinet, $30. Warfedale speak- j er, new $35. Both $55. Phone j 4-0514. 11-17 __ i__ _ __ Brown leather billfold lost near i Kush Inn. Finder please con tact Mary Martin at 1040 Ferry, Apt. 301 or phone 3-2783. 11-24 Experienced typist will do ac- ■ curate speedy work. Close to campus. Call 3-4300. 11-17 j FOUND: A man'it watc-h and an Oriental necklace. Claim from Gene Hatley In HU’a admtnls I ration office. U-12tf Lost: Nolac parade trophy from Husan Campbell. Terrific en tertainment for its return. Call 388. 11-22 Tutoring In English. Call 8-3500 mornings or evenings. 12-8 BYOL WELCOME BYOl to the SPRINGFIELD FIREMEN'S BALI Friday Evening in Springfield Memorial Building • Adm $1.00 Take Any Springfield Bu* GIANT WATER SLIDE CAMPFIRE NIGHTS WED. A THURS. Winter SWIAA Schedule Mon. A Toe*. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations Wed. A Thor. — 7 to 10 — Campfire Nights Picnic around our 8-ft. island tiroplaco in our tpaciout lounga Bring your own wionart t trimmings Wa furnish firo t slicks. Wo sail nothing bul swimming. Fri. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 2 to 6, 7 to 11 Son. — 1 to 6 Benton Lane Pool Hiway 99 Watt, 4 Milas North of Junction City Phono 8-2836 WHY Pdy a Penalty for Being Under 25? If you are married, you can now have public liability and property damage auto insurance with one of the finest com panies in the West for $15.20 per 6 months. You can also save up to 33% on collision and comprehen sive. Don't throw your money away. Get the facts. TtfagTIomr HOME OFFICE IN SEATTLE PH. 4-9444 Jorry Brown Agonf Rot. Ph. 4-2957 942 OAK, EUGENE YOU Will Be Proud toSendTTiem_ YOUR FRIENDS Will Be Clad to ReceiveThem WE have a wonderful array of (Greeting Card* for your selection — the finest in your* — beautiful card* by leading maker*, with de sign* by fatuous artists. Coy rardi, dignified rard», pleat ing design* — curd* of reul qoulily, f«»r people in every Hulk of life — are all here, for young unit old alike —for men, women, children. Why Not Come In And Look Them Over We'll Be Glad To Show Them To You Ask to sec our boxed assortments — the best and most convenient way to buy cards. To mention only a few of our assortments, there are cards with appealing Winter Scenes, Etch ings, Religious Curds, etc. You'll be pleasantly surprised, loo, at the modest price* for our box assortments. They are the kind of cards nhich will rurry your greetings in a cheerful manner in flee Iruc holi day spirit. a 1 CET YOUR CARDS EARLY SELECT THEM HOW » L E ISUR E LY ° »AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSH** VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS SHOP ON THE BALCONY t 8 ""-* — UNIVERSITY CO OP _"THE: STUDENTS OWN STORE"