Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Five Letter men Spark
Basketball Sessions
A hard-working group of Ore
gon basketball players rolled
into ItM third week of practice
Monday, and Tuesday as Coach
* Bill Borcher primed the team
Hunter Hall,
Sig Eps Win
Hunter hall easily captured
the League VI crown in class A
play Tuesday by turning back
Cherney hall twice, 15-4 and 15-8.
Hunter completely dominated
the first game as Captain Kerry
Livingston led his warriors to an
11 point margin over the losers.
It appeared the second panel
would follow suit until Cherney
suddenly started to rally. How
ever, they were too far behind
to give the Huntermen any
thing more than a brief scare.
After the league finished in
a three-way deadlock Hunter
won the privilege to meet Cher
ney by defeating French hall
Monday, 15-5 and 15-6, Today
Hunter will meet favored Phi
Delta Theta in their hid to con
tinue to the finals.
ATO's (eliminated
Sigma Phi Kpsilon. League II
IM kingpins, crumpled Alpha
Tau Omega, league IV champs,
"V a class A volleyball meeting
tjesday 15-4 and 15-10,
The Sig Kps. applying an In
fallible system of teamwork,
smothered ATO in the initial
chapter by an 11 point margin.
ATO came to life in the second
contest, though, and at one
jJdnt held a commanding 7-3
However, the Sig Kps. although
briefly stunned, wasted no time
in evening the count at seven
all. ATO still proceeded to main
tafn a slim lead, but it was short
lived. Once In control the Sig
Kps wasted no time in leveling
the score and went on to win.
In their quest for the IM
crown Sigma Phi Kpsilon will
next face the winner of the
Hunter hall and Phi Delta Theta
Westfall May Play
In Oregon Contest
The prospect of top physical
condition for the Oregon State
Beaver football team cheered
Coach Kip Taylor as he began
workouts Monday and Tuesday
for the Saturday Homecoming
game with the Oregon Ducks.
Quarterback Ray Westfall, the
sophomore pass artist, may be
back for the Webfoot contest.
He has been out since early in
the season when he was hurt
in the Washington contest.
Although having lost seven
straight games after an opening
win over Idaho, the Staters have
uncovered a fine pair of senior
tackles. Ron Aschbacher, a 215
pounder from Prineville, and
H o w a r d Buettgenbach have
drawn raves from USC and Min
nesota coaches in recent weeks.
Fraternity Kegling
Action Continues
Two shutouts, a 3-1 win and
a 2-2 tie marked fraternity bowl
ing league action Tuesday night,
with Delta Upsilon and Pi Kap
pa Alpha recording the blank
ings over Sigma Chi and Tau
Kappa Epsilon.
The Alpha Tau Omega keg
lers topped Theta Chi in a 3-1
match. Bryce Reimer had the
high singles for the winners, a
190, but Theta Chi Don Krieger
posted a 194 high for the match.
Lambda Chi Alpha deadlocked
with Phi Kappa Sigma as Phi
Kap J. P. Oliver posted a 178
for the high singles game.
High singles game for the
night was bowled by Jim White
of DU with a 196. The top
triples score was racked vip by
White with a 520 total.
for Its opening game, 16 days
Nearly a score of men have
been working out under Borcher’s
aharp eye with emphasis on fun
damentals of the fast break and
the constant-screen offense em
ployed by Oregon. The youthful
mentor has alao worked the
squad hard in several informal
Monday and Tuesday the fresh
man team and Everybody’s Drug,
a strong local AAU team, pro
vided the opposition for Bot
cher's hopefuls.
Page Leads Veterans
Five lettermen are available
as the nucleus of the 1954-55
Duck cage team. Heading the
list is Guard Howard (Lefty)
Page, a two-year letterman and
a back-court pet former for
Borcher when the two were at
Marshfield high school.
The others back for another
season of Webfoot ball include
Center Max Anderson, a regular
as a sophomore last season; K%v
Ball, a 6’5" forward from Klam
ath Kails; Guard Jerry Koss, an
other dependable junior and Jim
Doseutoff, an ail-Northern Divi
sion second-team center Lack
from the 1951 campaign.
From drills held thus far, it
appears that these five veterans
will constitute the Duck quintet
for the initial game wdth the
strong Santa Clara Broncos. Two
sophomores. Ed Bingham and
Jack Sherman, back at Oregon
after a stretch in the service,
have shown promise and are ex
pected to see considerable ac
The team is expected to get an
added boost when three of Den
Casanova's football players re
port for hoop drills Monday fol
lowing the Oregon State game.
Phil McHugh, a forward. Center
Bill Moore and Guard Dick
James have been working out
part-time with the ba.sketballers
and should give the regulars a
fight for their positions when
they devote full time to the win
ter sport.
Holland .FV Mentor
Assistant Coach Barney Hol
land. an all-Northern Oivision
guard for Borcher last year, will
handle this year's junior varsity
team, made up largely of the
varsity sophomore candidates.
The Jayvees will • bow in com
petition December 7 when they
encounter the Tongue ■ Point
Navy team at McArthur court.
Coach Don Kirsch's freshmen ■
have also been working to get
in condition for their limited ten
game season. The Ducklings’
opener is .January 10, in a pre
liminary to the UO-WSC varsity
Leading the Frosh candidates
so far have been four big men
and four guards. Included are
the tall boys: Paul Tuchardt of
Oakridge, EJi Morgan of Port
land, Norm Willoughby of Eu
gene and Dave Shelby of Albany;
and the guards: Bob Ayre of
Marshfield, Don Delbon of San
Francisco, Wendy Rasor of Eu
gene and Wimp Hastings of
Bandon. n.
Oregon-Aggie SDX'ers
Cancel Football Game
A scheduled second game be
tween the Oregon and Oregon
State chapters of Sigma Delta
Chi. professional journalism fra
ternity. will not he played by
agreement leached Monday by
the two groups.
The first game, played at Ore
gon two weeks ago, went to the
UO journalists by forfeit when
the Aggie team failed to appear.
A game was played between sub
stitutes sent by the Oregon
State SDX chapter, and Oregon
lost, 45-0, butf the game was
officially rated a forfeit.
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Blocking Theme
Of Duck Practice
Aftrr witnessing movie* of last
wfokfnfl s frame on Monday, the
Oregon Dunk?- moved into full
scale workouts again Tuesday
afternoon with victory in the an
nual "Civil war" battle Saturday
with Oregon State as their goal.
Concentration of work was on
blocking in the line, with the
first and second forward walls
running through their assign
ments against Oregon State de
fensive formations. The hack
field men worked separately also,
before joining the rest of the
stjuad in dummy scrimmage ses
Three Webfoot. regulars, line
men Ron Pheister and Jack Pa
tera and halfback Dick James,
worked out without pads and
were held out of contact work.
Coach Len Casanova warned
the team Monday that Oregon
State was not to be taken light
ly, in view of their four straight
wins over the Ducks, and the
fact that they controlled the ball
on 70 plays against the Cali
fornia Bears’ 42 in last week’s
46-7 loss.
round the clock
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IM Schedule
4:00 Hale Kane A vs. Dorm
Counselors A.
4:45 Uaic Kane E vs. Theta Chi
Beta Theta P B vs. Phi
Delta Theta B.
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