I The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school year except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Hoard of the Univer sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Sub scription rates: $5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do hot pretjnd to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials arc written by the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. Campus Briefs 0 Oregon State college’s IV CF chapter will present an ex-1 change program at Inter-Varsity Christian fellowship tonight at 7 on the third floor of Gerlinger hall. Max Crossin, OSC chapter president and" former University student, will preside. 0 The 8 patients who were confined to the infirmary Mon day to receive medical attention were: Carolyn Lumley, J. C. Johnson, Gerald Trask, Robert Bowser, Gary West, Jack Weber, Dale Jolly and Robert Copple. % The advertising staff of the Oregon Daily Emerald will meet CLASSIFIEDS Fairchild 215 phonograph cart ridge. Diamond Stylus. Finest made. Cost $37.50, sell for $20. New Fairchild arm, $25. Both for $45. R-J-type speaker cabinet, $30. Warfedale speak er, new $35. Both $55. Phone 4-0514. 11-17 Experienced typist will do ac curate speedy work. Close to campus. Call 3-4300. 11-17 FOUND: A man’s watch and an Oriental necklace. Claim from Gene Bailey in SU’s adminis tration office. Il-l2tf Tutoring in English. Call 3-3509 mornings or evenings. 12-8 Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the busi-1 ness office, according to Jean Sandine, business manager. _ 0 Women's open rush for fall term will end Wednesday, Nov. i 24, according to Carol Wenner, Panhellenic president. No women will pledge after that date fall term. Thirteen women have pledged since the open rush pe riod began. 0 The international affairs committee of the YWCA will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Stu dent Union. Namiko Ikeda, sen ior in physical education, will be the guest speaker and will talk on the “Culture of Japan.” 0 Holy Communion will be held by Episcopal students Wed nesday at 7 a.m. in Gerlinger hall. Breakfast will be served and j pictures will be taken for the Oregana. 0 The Hawaiian club will meet tonight at 8 in the Student i Union. 0 Kvvuma will meet at 6:S0 p.m. today in Gerlinger, accord ing to Helen Ruth Johnson, pres ident. 0 The Red Cross board will meet today at 4 p.m. in the Stu dent Union, according to Janet Gustafson, president. 4 T The last few miles of familiar landscape slip by, and then the train glides into the station. Eagerly you scan the happy faces on the platform ... and there they are, wait* ing to greet you. As you step from the car, your heart is light. . . the whole happy holiday is before you. You’re home . . . home for Christmas . . . rested and relaxed after your comfortable trip on Union Pacific. There is no need to travel light when you go Union Pacific ... 150 pounds free on each adult ticket—or on a FAMILY PLAN group ticket, 300 pounds—m addition to hand baggage required en route. NEXT TRIP AND EVERY TRIP GO UNION PACIFIC Stieamtuun "city of Portland” “City of St Louis (connection) “PORTLAND ROSE" Ask about Uuion Pacific’s FAMILY TRAVEL PLAN J. E. Atherton, General Agent Suite 21, Cascade Bldg., 163 East 12th Avenue Phone 5*8461 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD tOAD OF THE DAILY STKEAMLINEKS oChienina ~3n ...On KWAX 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Sport Shorts 7:30 Musical Memoirs 8:00 Student Union Assembly 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off. Social Calendar Wednesday Desserts Phi Kappa Psi - Kappa Alpha Theta Sigma Chi - Pi Beta Phi Sigma Nn,- Kappa Kappa Gamma Alpha hall - Alpha Phi Campbell club-Alpha Gamma Delta Wednesday Night Dinner Beta Theta Pi - Alpha Chi Omega Thursday Faculty Dinner Rebec house Friday Firesides Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Xi Delta Yeomen Sigma Alpha Mu Hui-O-Kamaina Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 Campus Calendar 110 111 114 Noon Pul Chi David Lunch PE Grads Drama Staff Comm Lnch 12:30 Gamma Delta 1:00 Music Com Inti Affairs Red Cross Bd Pi Lambda Theta Com Lnch Christian Hse Bd 112 SU SU | su I 4:00 315 313 213 315 SU SU SU SU SU 5:30 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 Mu Phi Eps Kwama 1VCE Delta Nu Alpha Yeomen Pub Bd Hui O 110 Gerl Gerl 213 315 337 334 OSEA Dads Km SU , su; si: YW 3rd SU | su: su su su Seven Women Pledged By Advertising Group Gamma Alpha Chi, national woman’s advertising fraternity, recently pledged msven women. They are Pat Donavan, Bettye Millaap, Marlene Graaseachl, Carolec Petera, Barbara Wilcox, Barbara Coen and Helen Ruth Johnsop. Prouty's SL. S, 1ervtce * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B MOUTY 970 Otli Si. Ewgana, Or*. wishes to extend an invitation to oil University of Oregon Students to OSCs Homecoming Dance SATURDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 20 $1.25 i Couple GILL COLISEUM Exclusive with **'ccs rA*+**U*°*** .... Keep Your Sweaters looking neat and attractive t 7 HAVE THEM DRY CLEANED AND RETURNED INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED IN (re-usable) PLASTIC BAGS If Here’s the sensible and sanitary way to have your sweaters cleaned. Each sweater receives only the most careful cleaning and then is returned to you . . . clean and fresh and individually wrapped in re-usable and pliable plastic bags. Bring in your sweater now. -V | I r\ CERTIFIED DRYCLfAHINC PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE YOUR GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION •Known 643 E. 13th Cl-6RninG* Ph. 4-3013 Open 7:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Mon. • Fri. Sat. Till 1 P.M.