Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Hale Kane After
Volleyball Titles
Half* Kano, 1963 champion in
both class A and B volleyball,
has taken the first atep toward
the defence of both titlea by win
ning league titles in both classes.
Another double winner in both
classes is Phi Delta Theta,
1933-54 intramural champions in
all sports.
Othrr league champions In
class A include Sigma Phi Epsi
lon, Sigma Chi. Alpha Tan Ome
ga and the Dorm Counselors,
Other < Ibmh B champions are
Beta Theta Pi. Theta Chi, Sigma
Nu and Chemey hall.
Final Class A standings:
I,< agnc I
W 1.
Phi Delta Theta 4 0
Beta Th. ta Pi 3 1
Lambda f-hi Alpha 2 2
Phi Sigma Kajppa 1 3
Pi Kappa Alpha 0 4
Is-agtie II
Sigma Phi Epsilon 4 0
Delta Thu Delta 3 1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2 2
Phi Gamma Delta 1 3
Pi Kappa Phi 0 4
league III
Sigma Chi 4 0
Phi Kappa Psi ... 3 1
Delta Upailon 2 2
Chi Psi 1 3
Sigma Nu 0 4
league IV
Alpha Thu Omega _ 4 0
Theta Chi ... 3 1
Kappa Sigma 2 2
Phi Kappa Sigma . I 3
Tau Kappa Epsilon . 0 4
league V
Hale Kane 3 0
Philadelphia house . 2 1
Campbell club I 2
Lcagle Eagles . 0 3
league VI
Chemey hall 2 l
French hall 2 1
Hunter hall . 2 1
Nestor hall 0 3
league VII
Dorm Counselors ... .... 3 0
Sederstrom hall .1 2
Straub Frosh .1 2
Gamma hall .0 3
Final clana B ••landings:
In-ague I
Phi Delta Theta . 3 0
Alpha Tau Omega 2 .1
Phi Kappa Sigma 1 2
Pi Kappa Alpha 0 3
League If
Beta Theta Pi 3 • 0
Phi Kappa Phi 2 1
Sigma Alpha Kpsllon 1 2
Chi P»i 0 3
In-ague III
Theta Chi 3 0
Sigma Phi Kpsjilon 2 1
Sigma Chi 1 2
Delta Tau Delta 0 3
In-ague IV
Sigma Nu 3 0
Phi Gamma Delta ..2 1
Delta Upsilon 1 2
Phi Sigma Kappa 0 3
In-ague V
Hale Kane. 3 o
Gamma hall 2 1
Campbell club 1 2
Philadelphia houac 0 3
In-ague VI
Cherney hall 3 0
French hall 1 2
Straub Frosh 1 2
Neator hall 0 3
Order of O Meeting
Scheduled Wednesday
Order of O w III meet al noon
Wednesday at Sigma Nu. Ore
gon Athletic Director Leo
Harris will present plana fur
blanket anil "O" an arils dur
ing the basketball season.
Shaw Selected
On Shrine Team
Quarterback George Shaw, at
the present time the nation's to
tal offense leader, has been se.
looted on the West team for the
annual Shrine Fast-West. foot
ball game In San FYanclgco
Jan. 1.
The announcement of Shan't
selection was made to Coach
len Casanova by William M.
Coffman, general manager of
the Shrine classic. Shaw Is the
first of a possible three Web
toots to lx- selected for I he
game. There is a limit of three
players from any one u'hool.
Francis Powers, director of
public relations, has intimated
that there are eight vacancies
left on the West team.
Shaw, in addition to leading
I he nation in total offense with
Ilia yards In nine games, is a
four-year letterman and has
been In the starling lineup in
all but two of Oregon's games
over that period.
He missed the starting lineup
on two occasions this year when
he suffered a leg Injury. He broke,
into college football playing first
string defense during the era of
two-platoon football, and his
freshman year set the present
NCAA record of 13 pass inter
ceptions in a season.
Today's Staff
Makeup Kditor Sally Ryan,
Copy Desk Sally Jo Greig. |
Dotty Griffith.
News Office Anne Hill, Bob
Robinson. Jerry Harrell.
Night Staff Anne Burlingham
Physical Plant Leads
After Mondav Action
High point honors for Mon
day night'B faculty bowling
league at the Student T.’nion al
leys, were taken by the Vitamin*,
aa they swept over the AFROTC
Jets 4-0.
High single scratch game of
the night was chalked up by
Herman Geihausen, bowling for
the Flying Saucers in their
match against the Markers..The
Flying Saucers and the Markers
split 2-2 in their match.
Monday's results:
*<♦“>■» 791 -905-S59-2555
f.rrtu.firr. S62-852.79S-2512
Fiyina Satim* 757-1*59-759-2375
Marker* .72J-S06-SS2-24]1
Physical Plain S76-S71-S2S-2S72
Ki#hl Bail* _ _ S51-S27-964-2S42
Jr'* 7h7-77ft «29-2372
Vitamin* . S94-t-21.S4g.2565
Theta Chi Cinches
Volleyball III Title
• o>ia '.ni s n voneynall squad
cinched their first place standing
in league III with a resounding
atin over Sigma Chi B Monday
afternoon. The Theta Chi s had
little trouble with the Sign, as
they took their games by 15-4
and 15-5 margins.
Hale Kane Wins
Hale Kane, in the other Mon
day game on court 40. outplayed
and outseored the Campbell club
squad as they took two straight
games by scores of 15-1. By win
ning. Hale. Kane finished in the [
top spot of league V.
Sigma Nu Victorious
Phi Gamma Delta dropped two
straight games to Sigma Nil,
15-10 and 15-7, in B league in-^
tramural volleyball action Mon-,
day afternoon. The win sewed
up the league championship for i
the winners*
Sigma Nu and the Fiji’s battled
on almost even terms in the
first game before Sigma Nu ral
lied for the game winning points.
The Fiji's led early in the sec-!
nnd contest, but couldn't hold
IM Schedule
4 :00 Hunter hall vs. Cherney !
h^ll. court 40.
4:45 Alpha Tan Omega vs. Sig-1
ma Phi Epsilon, court 40. '
th<* par* as Sigma Nti went on
to win handily.
Something New
(A Plastic Hose Hanger)
To Our Customers
At Your
905 W. 7th - 703 E. Bdwy
For Your Outings, Retreats,
Meetings, And Good Times.
For Lower Rates Bring Your Own Bedding and Food—
Or We'll Furnish ft All.
New filter cigarette brings
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like a cigarette should!
■ Now there’s a filter smoke
college men and women can really
enjoy! It's Winston, the new,
king-size, filter cigarette with real
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You’re bound to enjoy Winston’s
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This exclusive filter is unique,
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Easy-drawing, too—there’s no
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Try a pack of Winstons—the filter
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