Homecoming Review * WHEE! Here members of the 1954 Homecoming court use up excess enthusiasm as they throw fallen leaves high into the air. From left to right: Princess Audrey Mistretta, Queen Ann Erickson. Princesses Patty Fagan, Mary Jane Rud and Lois Powell. (Emerald photo by Dale Turner) These lettennen give a Frosh's cratches a skeptical look. Other tradition breakers are hard at it scrubbing the seal. Actually the job was easy as a group of dorm freshmen already polished the seal with an electric buffer at 2 a.m. that morning. (Emerald photo by. Larry Spaulding). Torches light the way for the Carson 5-Campbell elub parade entry In Friday night’s pre-bon fire noise parade. Twenty-four separate creation) rolled In the Friday night parade. Noise blared, blasted and crackled from every conceivable Instrument including exploding gas, steam engines, air raid sirens and utr horns. (Emerald photo by Sam Thompson) The most outstanding feature of Campbell dob’s winning sign was a mechanical card seetion which changed from “Beat WSC” to “HeUo Alums" to the Oregon “O.” (Emerald photo by Krxlney Sunderland( Phi Delts can claim undisputed title to “big-noise-on-campus” honors after sweeping the noise competition for the third year in a row. Teamed with Busan Campbell and Gamma hall they actually were partially incapacitated due to a pre-parade fire. An acetylene hose connecting two gas cannons burned through and started a hot fire before it was quelled. The Phi Delts did manage to eke out a little extra noise by turninga jack hammer loose on a large saw blade. . (Emerald photo by Sam Thompson)’ . RIGHT. This freshman seems more worried about the slivers in the unblastable “O” than In whether he is doing a good job as paintbrush. Lettermen proctor this traditional Friday after noon seat-of-pants painting of the “O.” (Emerald photo by Larry Spaulding) ABOVE. Thin winning Chi Omega sign, it giant pin 111111 mat'hint*, look*: slightly tipsy the morning after. (Emerald photo by Rodney Sunderland)