Webfoots Beat Couoars By Gordon Rice Emoridd Sport* Editor Oregon came from behind twice in (he flrat half and broke the game wide open in the third pe riod Saturday to defeat Wash ington State 20-14 in the Ducks’ first Homecoming victory since 1948. In so doing, Oregon sewed up the mythical Northwest cham pionship and ended four years of Cougar domination in the series. It whs the sudden awaken ing of the Oregon line in the i What have VICEROYS got that other filter tip cigarettes haven't got ? THE ANSWER IS 20,000 FILTERS IN EVERY VICEROY TIP Inside every Viceroy tip is a vast network of 20,000 individual filters to filter your smoke over and over again. You get only the full, rich taste of Viceroy’s choice to baccos . . . and Viceroys draw so freely. Yes, you get Viceroy’s remarkable new tip . . . with 20,000 individual filters . . . plus king-size length for only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters. WORLD’S LARGEST-SELLING FILTER TIP CIGARETTE New King-Size FilterTip yiCEROY —-. m» Only a Penny or Two More than Cigarettes Without Filters „ _ (KnifraW Photo bv Sam Thomf-on > Oregon I'ullliack .fasjter Mrfin* (41) gets au»y for plenty of yardage in the third quarter of the Washington State game. Cougar (iuard Kevin Scanlon <«X) comes in at McGee as Foil, hack Chuck Beokel (3.5) *pratvls on the ground after making a futile dive for the ha 11-carrier. McGee raced 25 yards to the WSC 14 on the play. second half that finally niiulr the difference in the game. The Cougars found a Dork line that had more holes in it than a worn-out sei\e and roared through for 163 yards in the first two periods. Sometime between the end of the second period and the start of the third, something caused I the Duck forward wall to begin playing the type of football they] are capable of. Even Coach Lon Casanova was at a loss to ex plain the change after the game. ' Regardless of what caused it.! WSC netted only 12 yards on the ground in the entire second half. Reeve Scores Tied 14-14 at the start of the second half, Oregon scored what1 USC, Bruins Tied for Lead USC and UCLA remain on top i of the Pacific Coast conference standings this week, although Southern California has won one more game in the conference. The Trojans won their sixth game Saturday by beating Wash ington while UCLA was idle. Oregon strengthened its chances for third place by beating Wash ington State, but California kept pace with a convincing win over Oregon State. The standings: ' W L T PF PA CSC . .... 6 0 0 188 48 CO.A 5 0 0 232 36 Oregon 4 3 0 153 131 California .3 3 0 150 113 Stanford 3 3 0 e4 145 Wash. .State 3 4 0 o5 S3 Idaho 13 0 1(1 54 Washington 1 5 0 57 135 Oregon State 15 0 33 193 Games Last Weekend Oregon 36. Wash. State 14 California 4o. Oregon State 7 CSC 41, Washington 0 Idaho 45. N'orth Dakota 0 San Jose State 19. Stanford 14 IM Schedule 3:50 Theta Chi B vs. Sigma Chi B. court 40. Sigma Nu B vs. Phi Gam ma Delta B, court 43. 4:35 Hale Kane B vs. Campbell Club B, court 40. French Hall B vs. Nestor Hall B. court 43. proved to bo the winning touch down on the first play of the third period. End Hal Reeve, who played one of the finest games of his career, picked off a flat pass by WSC Quarterback Bob Iver son on the Cougar 27 and went all the way. Halfback Dick lames added the clincher midway in the same period when he rambled 10 yards behind good blocking to score. Reeve led .fames Into the end zone, and his block on the WSC two cleared out the last man. Quarterback George Shaw had set up the TD with two 22-yard passes to Reeve and Jasper Mc Gee. Shaw missed the extra point, as he had on the previous score, but it didn't make any difference. Both of Oregon's comebacks occurred on spectacular plays in the second quarter. The Cougars scored first as they took the opening kickoff and marched a;l the way. TJuck Captain Ron Ph**if-ter won his ninth cormecu itivc flip of the coin and elected to kickoff. Washington Sta’tc took the bail on their own 33 ar.d went a!) the way in 32 plays through the Oregon line. Iverson made the STATISTICS Srt VarH-t ^ f'a"f ■, C'ltnjilfttil f'RA-ie*. FT*/? I nt* rccj U-ti NVt Y*rti- Pn *, -1 r»fc T'ttiil ( )iir n+f Vtrnt !>»>wnh P tTmr.’r Fusnblrk l Ore. WSC 93 I'/5 ... ift . 10 0 139 234 ... 15 ’ 1 i 3 6 2 h4, 261 3 3 TD on a quarterback sneak from three yards out. Frank Sarao added the extra point. Oregon came hark to tie the l score in the second period as I Shaw ran the final 16 yards on ! a quarterback keep play. The run was one of two beautiful runs Shaw made during the afternoon. Shaw also added the extra point. Washington State came right back to take the Oregon kickoff and march to its second touch down. Iverson went over from the 12 fer the touchdown, as the Cougars went 72 yards in nine plays. Same booted the extra point, but an illegal . motion penalty nullified it. Sarr.o kicked it again, this time from the seven, but the same penalty was called. So he kicked it again, this time from the 12. and made it again. Shaw Stars Shaw made his second beauti ful run with less than a minute to go in the first half and set up a second Oregon touchdown for a spectacular finish to the half. He took a WSC punt on his own IS and raced 30 yards down the west sideline to the Cougar 81 before he was final ly hauled down. Then on the next play he threw a pass to End Leroy Campbell on the five yard line and Campbell went over standing up. Rooks Whipped By Frosh, 13-2 The Oregon Ducklings ground ‘ out their second victory of the year over the Oregon State Hooks Friday afternoon at Cor vallis as they took a 13-2 de cision. The Frosh wound up their sea son undefeated with the win. They had previously beaten the Rooks 13-6. and whipped Grays Harbor Junior college 26-6. The Rooks opened the scoring in the first period with a safety, four plays into the game. Jack Henkel, a former Eugene high quarterback, was trapped behind the line of scrimmage for two plays in a row by the Rooks rushing defense. The second time Dwayne Fournier, Oregon State end, crashed through and nailed Henkel in the end zone for the Staters’ only points. Frosh Drive Halted Following the Rook two-point er, the Frosh were unable to WHY Pay a Penalty for Being Under 25? If you are married, you can now have public liability and property damage auto insurance with one of the finest com panies in the West for $15.20 per 6 months. You can also save up to 33% on collision and comprehen sive. • Don't throw your money away. Get the facts. ftfcrt/f/ower HOME OFFICE IN SEATTLE PH. 4-9444 Jerry Brown Agent Ret. Ph. 4-2957 962 OAK, EUGENE make it all the way to the Stater?’ goal line in spite of sev eral drives. Four times they had the ball inside the Rooks’ 28 yard line, but were unable to make it past the 10 as the Oregon Staters defense held. The second half opened on a somewhat better note for the Frosh as they advanced the hall to the Rook 26 in the first five minutes, but failed to score when Henkel fumbled, and Ted Searle, OSC fullback, recovered. On the next Oregon series. Quarterback Dick Jarvis piloted the Frosh fiom their own 41 to the Rook 42 in four plays. On the next play, Jarvis handed off to Jimmy Williams on a trap play and Williams went all the way for the score. Point Missed The try for the point by LeRoy Phelps was missed, and with five minutes gone in the third period, the Ducklings held a 6-2 edge. The final Frosh score came later on in the third period when Phelps took a reverse from Jim Shan ley on a punt return and went 89 yards to the OSC 15. Four plays later, Jarvis crossed over standing up on a sneak. Phelps' place ment was good, making the score 13-2. Volleyball Managers To Draw for Places All team managers who have teams in the voHeybaH play offs are to meet in the intra mural office at 8:36 today to draw for positions in the play off tournament.