Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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"Welcome Home
We Invite You to Visit the Only
Jewelry Store in the Campus Area!
• Watches • Trophies • Engraving
takes a
in suede
in black, brown,
navy or grey.
Luncheon Planned
For SU Ballroom
Oregop alumni will he guests at.
th*- Homecoming barbecue lunch
j con from 11 a.rn. to 1 p.m. today
in the Htudent Union ballroom.
All alumni on c&rapua for Home
coming festivities have been ex
i tended a special Invitation, ac
' cording to Agnes Thompson and
Joanne Jolley, luncheon co-chair
Tickets for the luncheon, an
annual Homecoming event, will
be on sale at the Student Union
| main desk and at the door this
morning. Price la $1.25 per plate.
| The luncheon, an annual Home
j coming event, will immediately
' precede the Oregon-Washington
j state college football game this
| afternoon.
A special section will be re
served in the ballroom for alum
ni of the Order of the ‘O.’ who
j also will be honored during half
' time ceremonies at the game.
Present members of the letter
men's club will be seated in the
special section.
The menu for the informal buf
! fet style luncheon will include
] barbecued beef sandwiches, po
i tato salad and ice cream. Coffee
j and milk will be served. Serving
! the food will be members of
! Oregon service honoraries. Dec
orations for the Homecoming
j dance tonight will be up during
the luncheon.
Dance Climaxes
Weekend Events
Climax of Homecoming week
end activities will be the annual
Homecoming daace from 9 p.m.
to midnight tonight in the Stu
dent Union ballroom. Students
and alumni will dance to the
music of Roger Middleton and
“The Upperclassmen.”
Dress for the dance will be
semi-formal, short silks and
heels for women and suits for
men. Flowers will be optional.
Tickets will be on sale at the
Student Union main desk and the
Co-op today and will be sold at
the door tonight. Price is $1.65
per couple.
Regular closing hours of 1 a.m.
will be observed for women.
The Homecoming queen and
her court will be introduced dur
ing intermission. The trophy for
the largest number of represen
tatives, both alumni and guests,
registered, will be presented dur
ing intermission, according to
Lollie Quackenbush, Homecom
ing hospitality chairman.
The 16-piece dance band will
play arrangements from the
libraries of Stan Kenton and Ray
Anthony, as well as orchestra
tions by Middleton and Larry
Myer, featured trumpet player
with the group.
Several new arrangements will
be presented by Middleton's
group Saturday, including a vo
cal arrangement of "Hey There.”
Vocalist will be Katie Taylor.
“The Upperclassmen” formed
the dance band this fall and the
group has played at the Whis
kerino and will play at the Ore
gon state college Homecoming.
The group, mainly college stu
dents, consists of four trumpets,
four trombones, five saxophones
and a three-man rhythm section.
Middleton, a junior in pre-law,
was a member of "Airmen of
Note,” an Air Force dance band,
while stationed in Washington,
D.C. He appeared in several
scenes in the movie, "The Glenn
Miller Story.”
Decorations for the Homecom
ing dance will follow the dance
theme, "Diary of Dreams,” and
will not be announced until the
dance tonight, according to
Sandra Williams, dance commit
tee co-chairman.
Library Hours
The University library will
close at noon today because of
Homecoming activities. Regu
lar hours will be resumed Sun
day with the library opening
at 2 p.m.
ask any senior...you'll look
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The smartest coeds agree—there's nothing
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