Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1954, Image 1

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5(>th Year of Publication
Queen Ann Begins Reign
Ann Erickson Named
54 Homecoming Queen
Ann Erickson was crowned 1954 Homecoming queen at the variety show given in
her honor Friday night in McArthur court. Queen Ann was crowned by University
President O. Meredith Wifson.
I he blonde, green-eyed queen will reign over all Homecoming activities today.
She and her court will lx* introduced at the W ashington state colIege-Oregon foot
ball game this afternoon and the Homecoming dance tonight at 9 p.m. in the Stu
dent Union ballroom.
Oueen Ann was the candidate of the freshman men’s dorms, Kappa Kappa Gamma
and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
A graduate of Eugene higl^ school, Ann wants to teach history or social problems
ma Eugene area high school after graduation from the University. She is a junior
in general social science. l»oth her parents are Oregon graduates.
Sewing, reading and swimming are listed as her favorite hobbies. She is centennial
» hairman of the V W ( A and is a member of the Co-op board. She is a member of Al
pha Eam!>da Uelta, freshman women’s scholastic honorary and the YWCA cabinet.
All-campus voting for the Homecoming Queen was held Tuesday, Wednesday
and 1 hursdav in the Student Union and the Co-op, The members of Queen Ann’s
court are Patty Fagan, Audrey Mistretta. Lois Powell and Mary Jane Rud.
(Emerald photo by Dale Turner, Wiltshire engraving.)
1954 Homecoming Queen
Schedule off Homecoming Weekend Events
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.—Alumni registration at the Eugene and Osburn hotels
and Student Union.
9:00 a.m.—Freshman traditions.
10:30 a.m.—Oregon Alumni association meeting, SU Dads' lounge.
11:30 a.m.—Barbecue luncheon, SU ballroom.
12:45 p.m.—Pre-game ceremonies, Hayward field.
1:30 p.m.—Football game, Oregon vs. Washington State colleqe,
Hayward field.
2:30 p.m.—Half-time ceremonies, Hayward field.
4:00 p.m.—Open house at all campus living organizations.
6:00 p.m.—Dinner in living organizations.
9 p.m. to 12 a.m.—Homecoming dance, SU ballroom
10:45 p.m.—Church.
1:00 p.m.—Dinner.
(Emerald photo by Dale Turner, Wiltshire engraving.)
THE 1954 HOMECOMING COURT, pictured above, includes Princess Patty Fagan, Queen Ann
Erickson, Princesses Lois Powell, Mary Jane Hud and Audrey Mistretta. The queen and her prin
cesses will be introduced at the football game this afternoon and the Homecoing dance tonight.
Homecoming Court
Patty, a member of Pi Beta Phi, was the candidate of Sigma
Chi, Chi Psi. Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Tau Delta and Phi Kappa
Psi. Blue-eyed and blonde, Patty was 1952 Sweetheart of Sig
ma Chi.
A junior in education, she plans to teach fourth or fifth
grade in an Oregon grade school. She is from Lake Grove and
is a graduate of Lincoln high school.
I all, dark-haired Audrey, was sponsored bv her living or
ganization, University house. The Miss Oregon of 1951,
Audrey calls Astoria her home town.
A senior in music, she wants to teach music in a Portland
high school after she graduates. She has participated in music
activities at the University since her freshman year.
Lois, with dark hair and brown eyes, was the candidate of
her living organization, Delta Gamma, and of Sigma Nu. She
is president of Delta Gamma.
A senior in general arts and letters, Lois wants to work for
the United States government or the United Nations in Eur
ope next year. She graduated from Grant high school in Port- •
land, but now calls Eugene her home.
A member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Mary Jane was sponsored
in the queen contest by Sigma Alpha Mu. She is a transfer
front Oregon state college, having attended OSC during her
freshman year.
A graduate of Salem high school, Mary Jane is a junior in
secondary education. After graduation she wants to teach
social science in an Oregon high school.