CAMPUS. .m Erry-Co.RounD House-hoppers from the men's house dances last Saturday night found everythin*; from dreamy formula to bouncy burn dances. Ten daneea were held in all, with two of them being firesides. Newly chosen fraternity sweet hearts were honored at three of these dances . ,. At Sigma Chi Entering through a large white cross, dancers viewed the pre »nlation of the 1954-55 Sig ma Chi Sweetheart, Mary Leash. In the traditional setting of a silver throne against blue and white, Mary anil her court were each presented with a Sigma Chi locket. President Bob Pollock pinned the jeweled sweetheart pin on Mary. Sally Jo Grelg, last year's sweetheart, presented her with the trophies, and Andy Nasburg, social chairman, gave her a dozen red roses. At Sigma Phi Epsilon Amid the eerie atmosphere of black cobwebs, dark caves and swamp vegetation, the Sig Eps announced their second Swamp Girl, Bev O'Connor. While sitting on her driftwood .throne. Bev was awarded a trophy by Sharon Snyder, last year’s Swamp Girl. Each finalist then received a locket bearing the Sigma Phi Epsilon crest. Not only the (U THE EUGENE 'fopano'Uurfic 5“ GARY*COOPER Alvo Showinq r SIDNEY -^MoCREA BOGART - sJiiSk • mVo* ■ ienkws TWO COLOR HITS! SUNDAYsaHt°ouskTARTS BOTH IN ENGLISH ANNA AND BITTER RICE With SILVANO MANGANO and VITTORIO GASSMAN J 2660 WUWMEIU 4.4152 1 ftlGcIVf DRIVE-IN THEATR swamp royalty, but all couples j dressed appropriately for the "Swamp Stomp.” At Phi Sigma Kappa Following the theme of the Moonlight Girl selection, the f’hi Sign decorated with moon a and stars, lining their house color* j of silver and magenta for their annual Carnation ball. Highlight j of the evening waa the announce ment of Dee Dee Todd as the ; new Moonlight Girl. A trophy waa presented her by Joyce Bear den, last year's Moonlight Girl, anil Mike Noe, president, gave Dee Dee the traditional sweet-1 heart pin. At Theta Chi Complete with swinging doors on the saloon, the Theta Chi's annual "Red Ox Stampede" rol licked through the evening to the music of a cowboy baud. The house was barely recognizable, with a false celling of burlap sacka, and the floor strewn with hay. "Pardners” came dressed as pioneers, Indians or cowboys with cap guns in following with the theme. At Sigma Alpha Epsilon Flappers and shieks of the "Roaring Twenties" danced the Charleston all evening at the SAE {jouse. Gigantic newspaper clippings of the era were splashed across the walls. Rac coon-skin coats, turned-down hose and straw skimmers were among the costumes worn. At Tau Kappa Epsilon The Tekes had a barn dance in a real barn, carrying through the theme of “Tobacco Road." Bridles, harnesses, corn stalks and colorful pumpkins depicted the setting of the well-known novel and movie. At Hale Kane John Straub’s dining room be came a French cabaret, with candle light and red chocked table cloths for the Hale Kane dance. Murals of Parisian scenes such as the Champs-Elysee and i Pigalle decorated the walls. Gay streamers and balloons com pleted the French atmosphere. At the Co-ops A ski resort complete with a bearskin rug and a fireplace, and a snowy forest were all a part of the decorations at the all co-op dance held in the Stu dent Union ballroom and Dads’ lounge. During intermission, en tertainment was given by Aud rey Mistretta, Bill Veateh and Bob Kelley. At Beta Theta Pi Open house and dancing were held by the Beta's to give the campus an opportunity to sec the recent remodeling and re decoration of their Millrace house. The interior of the house reflects the modern trend with its natural wood paneling, and modern lines. At Phi Delta Theta Unusual favors were a high light of the semi-formal fire side held by the Phi Delts. The red and white striped short nighties with matching night caps delighted the dates of the Phi Delts. WELCOME ALUMNI! WHILE YOU'RE HERE, VISIT EUGENE'S FASHION CENTER OF QUALITY APPAREL. HERMANEK'S 870 Willamette Street Phone 4-3051 WRA Changes Rules Affecting Women Athletes Change* in the by-laws of the Women's Recreation enunciation, recently passed by the WRA council, will directly affect house* participating in intra mural sports or any phase of WRA activities, according to Nikki Powell, president. The awarding of the partici pation cup will be based upon the percentage of the living organ izations' membership participat ing in the various WRA activi ties, rather than the number of points, as in former years. An other change is that this cup will be presented the winning house each term, rather than annually, she announced. Participation points are earned by individuals for their living or ganizations through intramural tports, membership in any of the three WRA clubs. Amphibians, tinting and Hockey, working fin ommittees of the special WRA activities, the water show and arnival, and by holding an of fice on the WRA council. Fall term’s intramural pro gram consists of bowling and volleyball. In addition to the participation cup, rotating tro phies are also presented the tour nament winners by the organ ization. Sororities Pledge During Open Rush Four women have been pledged luring the fall term open rush ing period, according to Mrs. Margaret Kopp, student affairs secretary. Those pledged include Joan Cross, Delta Delta Delta, and Nancy Leake, Janice Bibby and Marilyn Miller, Alpha Omicron Pi. Mortar Board Sells Chrysanthemums Lemon-yellow mums w i t h green O's are being sold for Saturday’s Homecoming game by Mortar Board, senior wom an's honorary, according to Syl via Wingard, president. On sale at the Student Union. Eugene and Osbum hotels Sat urday morning and also at the game, the mums are priced at SI.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50. Read Emerald Classifieds STARTS SUNDAY BUBBLING WITH FUN... And Four Academy Award Winners! HUMPHREY J BOGART J for 'The African Queen” AUDREY HEPBURN for "Roman Holiday” ■ WILLIAM 1 HOLDEN | for "Stalag 17" m omen on llie Emerald Women's Page £ cimniiS Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney, Cofditon Chairmen Needed For Christmas Tea i *mion» for in* chairmanship* ’ of t ho annual A WS-sponsored ! Christmas tea are now being | caller] for by Margaret Tvler, ! AWS sergeant-at-arros, adviser I for the event. A service project of the worn- ! en’a organization, the tea is scheduled for .Saturday, Dec. 4. j Each living organization on Cam pos donates a gift box to a needy ; ! family in the immediate area, working through the Red Cross chapter office. These boxes are displayed under a Christmas tree : at the tea, to which the women faculty members, wives of the faculty and administration, house mothers, and all women on cam pus are invited. Any woman may petition for the chairmanships, according to Miss Tyler. Needed are a general chairman, secretary, collection co-chairmen, refreshments, en tertainment a n d invitations chairmen. Deadline for submit ting petitions to Miss Tyler at Alpha Phi or to the box on the third floor Student Union is next Thursday. try our Special , PASTROML . . . SANDWICH THE MEAT COOKED BY INFRA RED LIGHT! Attention! FRATERNITIES - SORORITIES You are welcome to use our banquet room for your meetings. 774 EAST 11 th AVE. Call For Yellow YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY about finding a parking place in the already overtaxed University parking lots when you go m a YELLOW CAB. Our courteous drivers will de liver you right to the proper gate in jig time. CALL 5-1313 for FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE HEIUC STARTS SUM. /1 gr\ GENE VAN CYD M 1 i KELLY JOHNSON !■ ¥ ^TPWART """Jones 4 01 LIT An I At.m SHARPE V ILAINE AT REGULAR PRICES "SNEAK PREVIEW" — Mon.f Nov. 15 -MAYFLOWER Starts Sunday: - "BLACK SHIELD OF FALWORTH" with Tony Curtis —Janet Leigh ■ . a* _ Starts Wednesday: - "A WOMAN'S FACE" with _Joan Crawford — Melvyn Douglas ALSO:-"DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE" with Ingrid Bergman — Spencer Tracy