Frosh, Rooks to Meet Today Ducks Prepare For WSC Game Under a leaden sky and on a muddy field, the Oregon varsity units rolled up and down the practice field Thursday, drilling for the Saturday contest with the Washington State Cougars. George Shaw piloted a back field of Dick James, Jasper Mc Gee and Lloyd Powell while Johnny Keller quarterbacked Tom Crabtree, Walt Gaffney and Larry Rose in offensive maneu vers. Alternating medium^range passes with effective line plunges, the first and second squads marched back and forth in a dummy scrimmage session. Also concentrating on kickoff and punt returns, the Ducks girded for their Saturday at tempt to defeat the Cougar team for the first time in five years. The Cougars boast a good backfield with sophomore Bob Miller and junior Bob Iverson in the vital spots, along with the PCC runner-up in rushing, Duke Washington. Last year, in a game at Pull man, the Cougars notched a 7-0 win over the Ducks. The last UO win came in 1948 when the Ducks walloped WSC, 33-7. For the past week, the A1 Kireher-coaahed Staters have been working against the chief Oregon offensive threat, the passing and running of George Shaw. Pivot Man & MAX ANl)KltSOls Cal Edges Ducks In Pass Offense LOS ANGELES-(Special) -Cal ifornia has taken over the team leadership in passing while UCLA has maintained its over all superiority in the Pacific j Coast Conference, according to weekly statistics released this week by the PCC Commission er’s office. California has taken over the aerial lead with an average of' 177.6 yards per game during the first eight weekends of play to suceed Oregon, which dropped to second with a 167.1 average.1 California also leads in kickoff returns with a mark of 20.7 per runback and Oregon has given j foes the fewest yards on* pass ing, 86.5; otherwise the honors all belong to undefeated UCLA. The Bruins have averaged 307.2 yards a game rushing and lead in total offense with a 379.9 yard average, well ahead of the No. 2 team, Southern California, which has averaged 337. Defen sively, the UCLA team has given up but 81.8 yards a game rush ing and an even 200 yards total defense. Oregon is second with 236.2. UCLA has intercepted 23 enemy passes' and has returned them 338 yards for the leader ship in that department. The Bruins lead in team punting with a 38.8 yard average and in punt You'll Need Lots of GAS This Week-End! Before You Leave Fill Your Tank at WALDER'S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 E. 11th St. , returns with a 19.3 yard mark. Statistics: Rush Offense UCLA Southern Cal. Wash. State Idaho . Oregon . Stanford . California .... Washington Pass Off Calif. Wash!” Stanford . use wsc. osc . UCLA Idaho TCB YG 400 2654 358 1831 .350 YL Net Avg. 197 2457 30/.2 153 lo78 2u9.8 1484 231 1353 169.1 280 1307 168 1139 162.7 349 14o2 192 1270 158.8 325 1366 254 1112 32. 303 139.» 1314 235 1079 134.9 1114 25D 8o4 103.0 PA PC PI Yds Pet Avg Td 186 117 10 1421 .629 177.6 7 92 11 1337 .47! 167.1 9 89 14 1195 .456 149.4 5 83 18 1141 .453 142.6 1 9 1018 .483 127.3 10 15 753 .433 94.1 6 629 .424 89.9 2 582 .479 72.3 6 49 14 391 .371 55.9 2 195 .195 183 120 159 139 . 94 132 58 69 59 13 45 8 Total Offense Plays Rush Pass Ttl. Avg UCLA Southern Cal Oregon California .. Stanford . Wash. State Washington . Idaho . Dregon State 494 2457 582 3039 379.9 478 1678 1018 2696 337.0 .544 1270 1337 2607 325.9 . 508 1079 1421 2500 312.5 1141 2253 281 6 753 2106 263.3 1195 2059 257.4 391 1530 218.6 629 1302 186.0 .508 1 112 509 1353 498 864 .414 113? .397 673 Ducklings Work For Third Win To End Season Aiming for an undefeated sea son and its third straight vic tory. the Oregon freshman foot ball squad moves into Corvallis today to meet the winless Ore gon State Rooks in a 1:30 en counter on ancient Bell Field. The Ducklings ran through fi nal maneuvers Thursday prior to the Friday morning bus trip to the OSC campus. A 39-man team is making the trip for the year's final game. Frosh mentor Bill Hammer has picked Eugene's Jack Henkel to open at the vital quarterback post. Others in the backfield will be Jim Shanley and Stacy Gib son at the halfback spots and J. C. Wheeler at fullback. Frosh I.ine Announced The forward wall will have Milt Blevent and Ken Klauer at the ends. Tom Hale and John Raventos at tackles. Steve Bige low and Vern Scott at guards, and Norm Chapman at the pivot spot. It was Henkel who rambled for two touchdowns in the Rook game at Eugene two weeks ago to give the Ducklings a hard fought 13-6 win, while Shanley tallied twice each in last week’s 26-6 win over the Grays Harbor Junior college eleven. Since the Duckling game, the Rooks have dropped a 14-9 de cision to the Washington Husky Pups in a game at Seattle, but are expected to be at full strength for the UO game. Injured Kooks Ready Two first-line performers, half back Dick Edwards and end Tom Wulker, both out with injuries in the Pup game, will be ready to go for Coach Dick Twenge against the Ducklings. A touchdown pass from quar terback Sam Wesley to end Bob DeGrant produced the only Rook score in the Eugene clash, and Hammer has been drilling his forces on pass defense all week. Hammer vowed his team would “do its best” against the Rooks and praised the squad as a whole. Also drawing plaudits were as sistant coaches Bob Baisch, Cece Hodges and Tom Winbigler. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jerry Claussen. Staff: Gordon Rice, Allen John son and Jack Nance. ()n(tt at FORD'S DRIVE IN BURGERS in 3 SIZES .20c (In Basket, 35c) BABY BURGER With Relish, Onions, Lettuce GIANT BURGER With Relish, Onions, Lettuce 30c (In Basket, 45c) FORD'S DELUXE With Relish, Lettuce, Onions, Tomatoes, Pickles, Mayonnaise (Basket, Fries, & Salad, 60c) 40c ITS Ford's Drive In Hiway 99 South—Right Close to Campus Close Battles Seen in PCC LOS ANGELES-* Special (-Fig ures released today by the Pa cific Coast conference commis sioner’s office Indicated that PCC gridders will battle right down to the final wire for vir tually every statistical honor. Only Paul Larson, California’s brilliant passer, appears to have a title sewed up. He has 104 completions for 1259 yards, well ahead of his nearest rival, Ore gon’s George Shaw, who has 76. Larson has a completion average of 65.4 G and needs only a mod est performance in his two re maining games to snia.-h the con ference and national record of 60.9'; set by Don Heinrich, Washington, in 1950. Bill Turr, Stanford, has tak en over the rushing lead with 5X7 yards and an average of five yards per play, but In close pursuit is Duke Wash ington of Washington State with 521 yards. Washington has lead most of the season hut currently Is slowed with in juries. Shaw is the total offense lead er with 1274 yards, all but 180 on passing, with Larson in close pursuit with 1246 yards. Two UCLA men top the scoring col umn. Bob Davenport with 60 points on 10 touchdowns and Primo Villanueva with 54. With in striking distance are Jon Ar nett, Southern California, and Dick James, Oregon, with 48 points each. •fini Hanifun. California, Is Prouty's SLe Se enure * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B PROUTY 970 Oak St. Eugene, Ore. th«* top-ranked puss receiver with 36 receptions for 433 yards while John Stewurt, Stanford, has S3 for 313. l.ei»d in|{ In interceptions Is ttoh Iverson. Washington State, who hus stolen five, while Hruce Hullard, I'CLA, and Itoh Cox, Washington, have Inter cepted four. t'C'LA’s Holi Hey denfeldt heads the punters with a 11.4 yard avrrage while Jim Withrow. Oregon State, hus an even 41-yard mark. Sam Brown, UCLA, leads in 1 punt return* with 233 yard* on | nine rollbacks for a 26.1 yard ■average, to 142 yard* for James. Larson has the most yards on , kickoff returns. 244, with James ! again second, 176. i Statistics: Total OflcnM! TCB Ru%h P»i* Tt! Td , Croigr Shaw. () _’/9 IH«I 1094 1*74 4 I’■til Ijrtoft, < 227 "13 1239 124o 12 | I* VnUtmteva, 1*4 113 4*:> } 'i't4 12 Jim (.VtnlfiUd, SC* 65 60* 6MM 9 ! John llfwiir. Si I So * 5-H 737 679 4 Sh-Boom, Hello, Hello Again, the little duck quacked. He wit awfully fired of quack ing Shh-Boom. Hello, Hello Again He'd been quacking all week be cause bigger duck* who were member* of a Hello, Hello Again committed had told him «o. Bui finally fhe strain wat too much on the poor little dock end he ducked hit bill and waddled away to Bod Taylor's on the Glen wood Strip Because at Bod Taylor's nobody cares H you Shh-Boom, and al though people are very friendly out there, you don't even have to say Hello, Hello again. So to forget the cares of Sh Booming come out to Bod's on the Glenwood Strip. Rod Taylor's ON THE CIENWOOD STRIP ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION I Jk nn ounces.. Sunday Evening Supper • CAFETERIA SERVICE • 5:30 — 6:15 p.m. Saturday Noon Lunches © 11:45-12:30 Quick Service Reasonable Rates