SI)Currents Entertainment Includes Solos, Impersonations Ton students will perform at today'll Friday at Four In the Student Union Fishbowl accord ing to Lucia Knepper, chairman of the music committee. A can-can will he given by Betsy Morphet, Judy Duffy, Skip Shearer, and Helen Kaatnian, all freshmen In liberal arta. 1’laylng the piano will be Sue Horn, aophomore in mualc; Im personations will be given by Sharon Beard, freshman in lib eral arts. Pat Vlles, Junior In general sci ences, will play the guitar. A trio composed of Gary Aldon, sophomore In economic*; Ben Kahalekuly, sophomore in busi ness, and BUI Veatch, sophomore In music, will also entertain. The master of ceremonies will be Tom Waldrop, freshman in speech. Barbershop Rules Changed by Board Two regulations concerning the Barbershop quartet contest to be held during Dad's week end were changed at the Student Union board meeting Wednes day. The previous rule on partici pation that only male students may participate In the contest was changed to read "Only male students and faculty members may participate in the contest." A change in awards was also made. Previously an award had been given to the first place winner with recognition to sec ond and third place winners. The board decided to give an award to the first place winner and recognition to as many others as the judges deem appropriate. The possibility of sponsoring a dinner dance was advanced by Don Peck. SU dance chairman. The function would include a dinner, followed by dancing in the SU ballroom. Admission tick ets would be sold. The SU public relations committee will ask stu dents for their opinions of the suggestion. Brando, Quinn Featured In SU Sunday Movie Marlon Brando stars In the Sunday movie at the Student Union, “Viva Zapata!" Jean Pet ers and Anthony Quinn ara alao 1 featured in the movie, which ia a historical drama of Old Mex ico. The rnovie, which will be shown in the SU ballroom, will start at 2:30 and 5 p.m., with admis sion 30 cents. SU Music Committee Conducts Talent Survey A freshman talent survey is be ing conducted by the Student Union music committee, accord ing to Lucia Knepper, chairman. The purpose of the survey is to urge freshmen to participate in talent shows and variety pro grams. Forms are being distrib uted by counselors and social chairmen of the freshman dorms and all living organizations. Pictures to< be Taken Of Phi Psi, Phi Kap Members of Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Kappa Sigma will have Ore gana pictures taken Monday. Photos will be taken from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Men will wear white shirts, dark ties and dark suit coats. Pin stripes will not be accept able, according to John Shaffer, Oregana photography editor. Oregana pictures of Phi Sig ma Kappa and Sherry Ross are scheduled for Tuesday. Anthropology Lecture Sponsored by Sigma Xi A lecture will be given by H. G. Barnett, professor of an thropology, Monday, at 8:15 p.m. in Science 16 on "An Experiment in Applied Anthropology." The talk is sponsored by Sig ma Xi. a science honorary. Patronize Emerald Advertisers Library to Observe Changed Schedule The University library will obwrvr special hours Saturday because of Homecoming activi ties. The library will open at 8 a.m. and close at noon instead of 5 p.m. Regular hours will be observed Nunday, when the library will open at 2 p.rn. Registrar Constance Returns From Confab Registrar Clifford L. Con stance Is due to return today from the conference of the Pa cific Coast Association of Col legiate Registrars and Admis sions officers, held this week in Phoenix, Arizona. Constance was chairman of the panel discussion on foreign students. Also attending the conference was J. Spencer Carlson, director of admissions. *Eugene s Finest Family Shoe Store WELCOMES The Alumni of THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON . TO THEIR Homecoming 99 ~s$rbucb(e d . 997 Willamette 'J Phone 4-5317 :/7h ^JSeu It's Time to Buy Your ORE GAN A ^dhe OREGANA is your record Oj 'Idniversity Activities Order Through Your OREGANA House Representative SUCCESS STORY FOR TWO ...and haw it started i Joanna Dru started her career as a model of teen-ager clothes. But it was ■ j her 6-year study of dancing that won "" her a part in a Broadway musical . . . which led to film stardom in Hollywood. There she met John Ireland, ex-mara thon swimmer, amateur actor, stock player, Broadway star—now a brilliant director. Today they are man-and-wife partners in sparkling new screen hits. i k B. J. Reynolds Tohaoeo Ca, Winston Halem, N. C. * Iale made the discovery -together that- Cohnels are -truly mild — with a good, rich flavor other brands Just don't- hovel You tty Cornels-you'll agree i'' ^0&44A<_£ '&E)/UC lovely Hollywood star ond her famous actor-director husband Start smoking Camels yourself! Make the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days! ,.i£f SUCCESS STORY: Camels — America's most popular cigarette ... by far! Jot mote pute pfeasttte.