Campus Briefs • Wednesday infirmary pa tients, according to hospital rec ords, were: Sally Jean Macln tyde, Maurine Anne Naylor, Bon ny Lou VanDoren, Mary Dee Fulp, Sylvia Ann Birch, Mari lyn Mount, Gerald M. Trask, Ronald W. Dodge and Larry D. Brecht. 0 AU Alpha Phi Omega mem bers and pledges will meet to night at 8 p.m. in the Student Union, according to Travis Ca vens, president. Election of of ficers will take place. f The Alpine club will meet this evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. 0 The Religious Emphasis week committee will meet at noon today in Student Union 319, according to Bob Hastings, RE week chairman. 0 All members of the Home coming Dance Decorations com mittee will meet in the Student Union workshop Friday at 3:50 for a short but important meet ing. 0 There will be a meeting of YWCA junior advisers Thursday noon at Gerlinger hall. All ad visers are asked to be present as Mrs. Gladys Lawther, north west regional secretary of the organization, will speak. Thursday 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News till now 7:15 Sport Shots 7:30 Musical Memoirs 8:00 Student Union Show 8:30 American Ideals 8:45 Windows on the World 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign off CLASSIFIEDS Fairchild 215 phonograph cart ridge. Diamond stylus. Finest made. Cost $32.50, sell for $25. New Fairchild arm. $25. Both for $45. R-J-type speaker, $30. Warfedale speaker, new, $35. Both $55. Phone 4-0514. 11-17 Omega hall freshites in plight! Wanted: Any man who has voice talents. No, we don't want singers—we want some for.that trim look STUDENT UNION BARBER SHOP three barbers to serve you hours—8 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Serve Better Meals LESS COST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 Wear Anywhere t. Mix-matcher... lieNo’UtieStftbi Jacket Machine Washable Wool Flannel..iby WESt¥HOU5E PORTLAND, J2k< OREGON The smartly approved and versatile Nor’wester has 2 patch pockets, saucer-size pearl buttons for front and cuffs... is styled for mix 'n match with coordinated skirts and slacks... and is washable wool with a dash of Nylon. In solid tones, Authentic Tartans, Plaids, Checks. Sizes 10-20. $1495 SLIM SLACK ...trim-tapered with side-slant pockets and flattering fit. 10 solid tones. Sizes 10-20..$12.95 Mix 'n Match now at... FASHIONS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY! one who can imitate Donald Duck in a loud, clear voice. Willing to pay for services ren dered. Anyone interested please call Dean Hedlund, Ext.! 496. 11-9-tf Lost: Black Schneffcr Mechani cal Pencil. Mary Jo Fourier engraved on Silver Cap. .If found, please call Hendricks Hall. Rxt. 489. 10-12 Lout: Billfold between Common wealth and Allen halla. Finder please keep money,, but return papers and keys to Dorothy Her, Carson hull. 11-12 4 . . . the pantie ylrtile that eontrolu without restraint now in Till) fabric's EL AST \-4f—the double kuit acetate fabric !%YLOIM—special kuit for elantlcitfi These are the panties you’ll wear under everything you Own . . . per fect lor your busy life . . . for sports, for dancing. So practical too-they wash beautifully lime after time. With tabs for detachable garters. 24 26 28 30. Elasta-Q, in pink, white, red, blue and yellow. ] Nylon quotes, in pink, blue and white. 2.50 Order by mail, coma in or call 5-0111. Foundations, Second Floor THE BON ,,k Eugene ilium Vi*it the Bon Tea Room for lunch or coffee whon you shop. Music at the Wurlitrer Organ Monday through Friday from 1 to 1:30, 3 to 3:30, courtesy J. B. Donovan's Fina Pianos, 8th and Charnolton. Bon Taa Room, Lower Laval