Sigma Chi's, ATO's N otch VolleyballWins Sigma ('hi won a hgrd fought A league battle over Sigma Nu In IM volleyball action Wednes day. In the first act Sigma Chi showed its superiority, gaining a 15-6 margin. Sigma Nu came buck late in the second set to tie the count at 14-14, but Sig ma Chi splurged for two more counters to take the contest. ATO's Stomp Tekes Alpha Tau Omega walked over Tau Kappa Epsilon in two straight sets in other A league volleyball action. The first set saw A TO blank the Tekes 15-0, but the Tekes regained some life m the second set us A TO took a well won 35-7 victory. Cherney by Forfeit Cherney hall's A squad took n forfeit win as Nestor hall failed to appear. Theta Chi's Score Thrill match of the afternoon was Theta Chi’s 2-1 win over Kappa Sigma. After both teams Larson Presses Shaw for Lead Oregon’* George Shaw is the national offense leader in major college football but California's Paul Larson the 1953 leader is dosing in fast. Through games of last Sat urday Shaw has a total of 1274 yards to Larson's 1246. Each has two games to go. Shaw Held While Shaw was held in check Saturday by UCLA's hard-charg ing Bruins, Larson had a great day against Washington. The California field general directed his team to a 27-6 victory over the Huskies and increased his pass completions total to 104. Larson has a percentage of 65.4 based on 104 completions in 359 attempts. Shaw is second in passing with 76 completions in 362 attempts. Lupplno Tops The nation's top rusher is still Sophomore Art Luppino of Ari zona. Despite missing most of Saturday’s game with Texas Tech because of Injuries, Lup pino held his lead over Lenny Moore of Penn State. Luppino has gained 917 yards rushing while Moore has a total of M3. Army's Tommy Bell is in third place* with 788 yards, but has an average of 11.59 yards a try on 68 plays. Glen Davis, a former Army star, holds the record—11.51 on 82 plays In 1945. IM Schedule Thursday 3:50 Gamma hall A vs. Straub Frosh A, court 40. 4 :35 Phi Delta Theta B vs. Alpha Tau Omega B, court 40. 5:15 Sigma Alpha Epsilon B vs. Beta Theta Pi B, court 40. Sports Staff Desk Editor. Buzz Nelson. Staff: Jim Scarth, Jack Wil Ron. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 i T had won easy victories in the first two Karnes, Theta Chi edged the Kappa Rig's, 15-3, in the de ciding fray. Hale Kane Triumphs Hale Kane's great offens* swept over Campbell club for an other volleyball win in A league action. The Campbell clubbers defense sagged In the first set as Hale Kane won 15-1 and 15-11. DU's Edge Chi Psi Delta Upsilon stood three points to the good as time ran out in the deciding game to take a 2-1 victory from Chi Psi in A action. The Chi Psi's were behind 0-6 in the first game before they piled up the points to win, 15-6. The second and third games were equally tight, but DU emerged 15-0 and 9-6 winners. Tonight and every Thursday! Duck Feats" A TV Show Featuring Our Oregon U. Coaches and Players! Thursday at 6:45—KVAL Sponsored by Fennell's Men's Wear On the Campus Bowling Leaders Win J^ocai Yokel# #wept French' hall 4-1) in dormitory bowling Wednesday night to move into second place m the dorm bowl mg league. Vern Jackson topped the Locals with a 225 high game. In other results first place Hale Kane toppled the Yeomen 3-0, Nestor hail split with Gam ma hall 2-2, and Sfederstrom for teited four points to Campbell club. Hale Kane lead** the league and the Local Yokels are second. Three teams are tied for third place. RIGHT DRESS - for l SKIING! _ ror Guys and Gals Duofold gh Heel. 9.95 MATCHING HANDBAGS in all of the new rail Colors . . . and proportionately tow Priced Plus Tax Soft polished Calf with High or Mid Heel ... in Avocado, Charcoal, Red or Brown — 9.95 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Use Your Burch Charge Account 1060 WILLAMETTE