Vets Carry Swim Hooes Oregon's vn i Hit y swimming chances thin year an* pinned on the hope* of four returning let termen and mix talented but un tried sophomores. The nucleus of the squad is composed of Benlors Harry Ful ler and Phil Lewie, both three year let ter men, and Juniors Jer ry Froe he and Yojl Matsushima, one-year men. Veteran* I’laee Tn the Northern Division ehnm plonshlp laat year, Fuller, a dis tance man, placed in the 1000 meter, 220 and 440 yard free style*, as did le wis in the 100 end 400 yard freestyle. Frocbe placed in the 440 and 400 yard tree-style and Matsushima took a sixth In the 220 yard free style. Coach John Borehardt is rely ing on his untried sophomores to fill in and add depth to the squad. Boh liays, Jean Bowies, and I’hil Richter are fighting for top spots In the 100 und 200 yard breast stroke. Dave Earle has oeen concentrating on the 100 and 400 yard frec-styie, and Jim England has been working on the backstroke. Transfer .May Help Another good prospect is How- ■ ard Hcdlnger, a transfer from M. ♦-W57 '/ttcHjf/ower HOME OFFICE IN SEATTtE 962 OAK, EUGENE PH. 4-9444 Let Us CHAM Your Clothes for Homecoming 821 E. 13th Ph. 5 6321 : I Homecoming SIGNS George (Class of '37), and Bilf (Class of '43), have com plete stocks of the necessary materials tc buiid those attractive signs — Let us grads serve you! • LUMBER • KRAFT PAPER • PLYWOOD • BEAYER BOARD • WIRE NETTING • NAILS AND SCREWS • PAINTS “Sh-Boont-Hello, Hello Again" ScLr/j Twin Oaks Builders Supply Co. “For All Your Building Needs” 669 High Street Phene 4-3248 CLOSED - NOVEMBER 11th - ARMISTICE DAY